So, this is it. My first post as a blogger planning to share my experience as a divorced parent and ‘Bird Nesting’. For those of you lucky blokes that don’t know what that means, it is a newish idea for people who are divorced to basically give the house to the children and it becomes the ‘nest’ so to speak. As we all know, they are the real victims of this divorce after all. The walking wounded. So, my Ex, I’ll just call him Stanley, and I will shuffle and be latch key parents while the kids sleep in their beds every night, enjoy the family dog, and hopefully experience as little disruption as possible in their lives. Because really this isn’t their fault and we have agreed that we should be the ones inconvenienced.
Now, Stanley, doesn’t actually like to be inconvenienced so it may not last forever. But it is our attempt at the high road.To be perfectly honest I’m not always able to walk the high road and may call Stanley names, like Fuckhead, Beer Monkey or Slovenly pig, so I have decided to write anonymously at this time. Now it must be said that Stanley is not remotely observant and probably wouldn’t notice if I sent him the link, but just in case I wouldn’t want his little feelings to be hurt and him to go all stupid on me because it ain’t a far trip if you know what I mean.Tomorrow I will post details of our parenting plan and some more crazy goings-on in nest.
The Cuckoo Momma!
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