Lots going on here in the nest.
The house now belongs to Al and I. Stanley paid his amount in this month for ‘rent’ since he isn’t moving into his house until 5/26. There are boxes everywhere. It kind of surprises me that he is packing at all.
Generally our moves went like this: He packed his computers and I packed everything else.
Apparently, per the kids, he closes on 5/21, paints next weekend and then moves on 5/26. Also per Merlot, his girlfriend isn’t ‘buying the house with Daddy’, because he said, “if they ‘break up’, he never wants to have to go through this again”.
I think if I was her I’d be packing my shit to put in my own house, but that’s just me. I mean, that would hurt my feelings y’all.
He still hasn’t signed the form where we negotiated our 60/40 deal and child support. I have no idea what he is thinking, as usual. I’ll ask him this week. He got his 10K check for his house equity, he didn’t pay for the pool, I paid it out of his house ‘rent’ which means, I really paid it. All of this to say, I’m sick of him and he needs to take his beer shit and go. I sat next to him at Merlot’s music program on Thursday morning at the school and my eye twitched the whole time.
After the performance, Merlot cried sick and needed to come home.
Y’all remember this from 10 days ago?
Whoever has the kids when they are sick takes them to the Dr. If the kids are sick during school hours, it will be the responsibility of the parent that has them to pick them up. I have taken plenty of days off to sit home with them this past year and taken them to Drs and Dentist apointments. If they have regular Dr appointments, I will expect you to let me know when and I will take them if they are with me at that time. Again, this is a normal part of divorce.
Well, it was his day and he looked right at me…
and said, “Can you take her? I need to work.”
Srsly, you can’t make this shit up.
(BTW, I told him no.)
Then, later that day, I found this in my inbox.
From: Stanley
To: Cuckoo Momma
Subject: Dividing Stuff From Marriage
So the next thing for us to decide is what I’ll take with me on moving out, and what you’ll keep. I’m presenting this as a first draft for negotiation/discussion. We can go over this tonight if you like, or take some time to think about it. I do have to pack soon though!
Obviously, anything acquired during the marriage should be split 50/50. But I’m OK with you having the majority of big ticket items like the furniture etc.
I’ve tried not to include stuff you already had – your bed, kids beds etc. Things that were gifts from your parents I have put on your side. Your bed, the big entertainment center and some other things I know you had before the marriage, so you keep.
Stuff I take
Stuff you keep
Wedgewood China (as it came from England)
Gold rimmed glasses from wedding
Stand Mixer
Various silver platters etc from wedding
Wedding Silverware (was from my Mum specially)
Denby crockery, white pasta bowls
Beer Fridge (in garage)
Cups, glasses, regular silverware etc
Chest Freezer (in garage)
Pots and pans, other kitchen stuff
All of my Beer Stuff
Washer and Dryer
Kitchen Fridge, stove
Tools and yard equipment (e.g. weed whacker, ladder, table saw)
TVs in kids’ rooms; main TV in family room; TV in your bedroom; TV sound system in your room; DVD players etc
My clothes
Family room couches, ottoman
Dresser in my room (I had before marriage)
Sitting room couches (reupholstered)
Patio and pool Furniture
Dining Room table, chairs
Buffet (from Kevin and Teresa)
Hutch in dining room
Baker’s racks
Corner computer hutch (the one in my room)
Your clothes
Stuff I purchased after divorce
Futon (Boy is OK with me moving this)
My bed, mattress, duvet
My closet organizer
Weight set
TV in my room
I can dismantle my fermentation chamber in the garage, or leave it as a work bench. I do want the A/C unit from it though. Thoughts?
Why yes, I have some thoughts. Thanks for letting me keep my clothes.
Haha. It was fine, I got all the big things (only because he didn’t want the worn out stuff and so much was mine prior to marriage). I expected him to take the family room furniture and patio table at the very least. So, I was actually fine with it. And yes, please take the fermentation chambah and your beer shit, Sparky.
Almost done.
Yay! Almost done!