My mom called on Tuesday and asked if she could take the kids away with her for a few days. So, here I am alone. I had been gone for the long weekend, had one night with the little monsters dears and then they were packed and gone.
It’s just me and the dog.
It is amazing how even with my short times out of the nest it doesn’t seem this quiet. I guess it is the knowing that I am not going to see them for a few more days. It has been 13 years of NOISE.
How am I going to manage when they go to the beach with Stanley?
(that was a sob, for once I am not calling him names)
I’m starting to think that I need a boyfriend. I’m lonely. Stanley is for sure getting his groove on; and on and on and on. I counsel people that they need time after a divorce, to grieve and find themselves again. My divorce hasn’t been final for long. But my marriage has. Stanley and I made the decision to divorce and separated almost exactly 18 months ago. It had been exactly a year before that since we had been intimate together and started going to therapy . That has been a long time and I am thinking that 2.5 years is long enough for me to start dipping my dainty feet into the world of men again.
No online dating, I am too skeptical and don’t believe a word they say. Also, I have been told I am not easy for men. I think too much. I must say it is a sad state of affairs when ‘thinking’ is a bad thing. I also have had my fill of stupid men and heaven knows I will now be cracking down on lazy. Especially emotionally lazy.
The field here is getting narrower and narrower.
now take out stupid and lazy plus those that find a woman that thinks ‘scary’
and that leaves about 2 men out there.
This might be tougher than I thought and I already thought it was going to be impossible.
I may have to start being nice to those men on Facebook who got all flirty when I
changed my relationship status. You know who you are.
I am going to try to start opening myself up to the possibility. When a man smiles at me, I am going to try to smile back. Not quickly look away and roll my eyes.
Because the truth of the matter is that of course they don’t all suck. Most don’t.
I have just been surrounded by high levels of suckage.
Dyson levels of suckage.
I have suckage fatigue.
I should get it named as a disorder and added to the DSM.
***Happy Birthday EB!!!!!
You go girl! Do it! Do it!
And if there are precisely two men left after the no-way men are eliminated, then that’s one for you, one for me. Perfect!
Suckage fatigue….snicker….yes, that’s it.
So glad you’re getting a little break, but so sorry it comes with loneliness. Come out to the west coast and play with me – I’m off duty this weekend, too! 😉
I understand the situation of which you speak… And contrary to popular belief, it is possible to go a number of years without one’s dainties in the man pool, as it were… But that doesn’t mean you won’t understand why women of yesteryear (of the spinsterly sort) went mad. Or were considered mad. Or were hidden away in convents so no one would know they were mad.
Yes, there is a lot of suckage, so to speak. It tends to make us wary. But there are good men. Very good men. There’s just a helluva lot of groping in the dark before you get, well, lucky. And you happen to find each other.
The loneliness is hard.
Awaiting your updates. Please post! 🙂