My daughter and I have our own club.
My mood is precarious.
I’m having frequent angry outbursts.
Merlot even asked last night if I had gotten enough sleep the night before.
Which I think is code for, ” You are acting kind of insane, Mom.”
Maybe I’m hormonal.
Or maybe people shouldn’t piss me off so badly.
I have been terrible trashing Stanley with the girls.
Then I apologize and punish myself.
I’ve just been so mad at him!
I vow to do better today.
Jumping Bean is killing me.
11 year-old girls are not for sissies.
On Monday afternoon she had a total meltdown because
we didn’t have snacks she likes.
because she has ADHD she doesn’t eat much (and weighs 72lbs at 5’1)
I gave her a mini lecture about not communicating with me
(like her Daddy)
about what kind of snacks are her favorite because
of course I would have what she likes if only I knew.
We got in the car, just the two of us and went to the store
(which perked her up since she had my undivided attention),
got snacks, got back in the car after a sweet hug in the parking lot,
and she shut the car door on her hand.
It looked okay, it was red across the knuckles but I jammed it into
my cup of ice water that was in the car.
I got her home and decided within a few minutes that
I had to take her( even though I thought she was okay)
but clearly she needed a mental health x-ray.
So, off I go with her.
It was fine. Just a bruise but she got a lot of attention
so I guess it was worth it. Then I helped her with
her homework, her hand hurt after all, and gave her lots of love.
Was that enough?
Hell No.
Because when I woke her up the next morning she was awful again.
Grumpy and crying at the drop of the hat, not getting ready for school.
I had to yell again.
No. I’m kidding, it wasn’t that bad!
But seriously she may kill me.
I think it is unfortunate that both of our hormones are
changing at the very same time.
Bless our hearts.
Really, bless them.
I feel great empathy for you on this one. As you know, we’ve had our own share of hormone soup at my house, and it’s a wild experience. One moment, sweet as can be, and the next, freaking out. I’m going back to the books to figure it all out, and I’m getting a lot of help from Kastner’s “Wise Minded Parenting” – I don’t agree 100% with everything (she seems to put up with a lot more rudeness than I’m willing to, but I do think that my zero tolerance for rudeness might move in her direction in order to make it actually cease…) but it really feels like a lifesaver to me. Check it out:
But aside from that recommendation, please just know that you’re not alone. This is tough stuff, and I wish I knew how to manage it more gracefully! (And I’ve been in full blown menopause for over seven years. Sucks. Yes, that’s how I’d describe it.)