I am a wreck. Wreck. The stress won.
I can’t sleep. I can’t go to sleep and when I finally do, a mouse fart will wake me up and that is it for the rest of the night.
I wish I didn’t need a lot of sleep, but I do. Like 8 hours, 9 preferable.
Last night I got about 3 hours and I don’t remember driving carpool this morning.
Danger Danger.
In addition to not sleeping, I also feel my heart racing. Anxious much?
Then, to rub salt into the wound, my stomach has gotten so bad with the stress that I am like a stomach acid factory.
I can’t keep anything down. Good for my diet, bad for everything else.
Today I broke down and went to the doctor. She asked naively, are you stressed?
Why yes, I do believe I am.
See, Doctor, I’m getting married in 6 weeks.
My fiance is moving here sometime (Do NOT under any circumstances ask ‘when’.)
We are buying a house together and I’m selling the same house with my Ex.
Closing dates unknown.
Al is having 2 surgeries prior to coming. They aren’t urgent or life threatening, just important and I won’t be there.
Financial hell, as usual.
She took pity on me and gave me lots of good stuff. My stomach feels better already.
Then Stanley Came in for nest exchange:
I showed him his list of things to happen this weekend and watched his eyes glaze over with stupidity…
1. Pick Boy up from Drivers Ed in an hour.
2. Tomorrow pick up Boy’s suit from tailor for Prom (I took Boy for fitting)
3. Pick up corsage for prom date (I ordered and paid for)
4. Find Boy’s shirt on hanger I ironed for him today.
5. Do NOT under any circumstances UNTIE the Bow tie (bought by me.) Slip around neck and fasten.
6. I will pick boy up and drop him and date’s dad will bring him home.
His response was to tell me about his new house inspection and pop open a beer.
Dude has to drive 5 kids in less than an hour from Drivers Ed and he opens a beer…
My stomach went…..
I know that some readers think I have it easy with Stanley. I do in a way.
He is high on the Suckometer for sins of Omission.
He’s passive aggressive, uncommunicative, quietly hostile, withholding of information, plus a total dumb head. Symptoms caused by an Ex with high levels of suck on the Omission Suckometer include:
a feeling of having sand in the bottom of your wet bathing suit
peptic ulcers
banging your head against the wall
quietly seething
mild insomnia
bitten and cracked lips from biting them.
because it takes a while to realize how wronged you’ve been. Quiet bastards.
Then there are Exes (Exhibit A, Al’s Ex) who have high levels of suck on the Commission Suckometer. They commit atrocities on a regular basis. These exes are mean fuckers, openly hostile, they go out of their way to be contrary on every issue, they put their agenda in front of the kid’s and will use them haphazardly to hurt you. Their sins are so OVERT that there is no way to overlook that you have been shat on and therefore you immediately react.
Symptoms caused by an Ex on the Commission Suckometer include:
Fits of rage
high blood pressure
Skull fucker headaches
twitchy eyes
Tourette like bouts of swearing
and a chronic need to punch someone.
Either Suckometer dweller calls for momma’s little friend,
Plus occasional medication swallowed by vino. I’m about sick of it. Plus, there is still custody and child support to discuss.
A www…so sorry you have to go through this…hugs momma. I have my purse brick on standby. #pursebrickmafiarules
My soon-to-be ex, after he walked out of our 34 year marriage to me, without a clue that he wasn’t happy, and nothing was ever said, is a “nothing” to me, and both our sons never want his name mentioned in my house again.
When I got a text message last year from “him”, telling me to tell our son of 23 years old Happy Birithday, all I could do is shake may head in disbelief.
Then in June 2014, my son, who is mentally disabled, wanted to die, and marched out of my house, because he couldn’t cope with his severe depression, anxiety, and tremendous sweats all over his body, and landed up being picked up by the local police after I called 911, and taken to the hospital for eveluation, and treatment, which he was commited to for his protection. But…. do you think this man, the father of our son, could even call the hosiptal to see how he was doing? Or even talk to him when he was there?. What kind-of sub-human did I marry for so many decades?
Truly astounding, and am so very happy now, that he left, and gave me, and our sons, our lives back. My thoughts are with all of you.
To add to my comment, I loved the power take-back I had recently, when this SOB husband of mine called me 2 weeks ago, to tell me I was only entitled to half him pension because he retired in the Navy, and I was married to him for the entire duration of it-plus many more years.
When I told him that our son, his son, is now on social security, and I need to stay home and watch him, I lef him know that I also get “spousal mainentance” or alimony, because I gave up my life in support of his life, dreams and aspirations, from his military, to his corporate, to his bachelors and masters degrees, to his handyman franchise, and his real estate brokerage- which I worked along side him too.
I could picture ‘steam” coming out of this man’s arrogant and narcisssistic ears. The joy of once I hire an attorney, I will nail this man to the wall, and it will be most deserved too, because he treated me like I was a “roommate with benefits” like a pet he kept around, and he knew I didn’t have money or a career of my own, so he treated me like crap.
I get so ramped up in the late evening just thinking about what he did, and how he treated me during our long-term marriage, but as they say it will bite him in the ass later on”, because you cannot treat people or your family like shit, and get away with it. The force in my voice, which I didn’t have while married to him all of a sudden came out, with force, because I know what I deserve.
The term: FUBAR comes to mind right now.
I’m so sorry you had to go through that S#i+!!! I have an overtly cantankerous and obstructive ex, who is subversive with his influence and manipulations with the children. I’m not sure where he sits on the meter, but definitely is cause for many of these symptoms. which made me laugh out loud, in this certain time of stress (he filed for CS modification and hearing is next month, based on ??? still trying to figure that one out).
so THANK YOU for making me laugh out loud!!! <3