I read a blog today from a writer with a very terrible, bullish, narcissistic (aren’t they all these days?) ex and she made a comment that she wonders why couples who can co-parent so easily are even divorced. That is a valid question from someone who was in such an abusive relationship. But why did I get divorced?
90% of the time, Stanley and I get along just swell. Even when I hate his lazy ass, we still manage to co-parent in a civilized manner and can occasionally even share a joke.
(Just to be clear, he probably hates my overfunctioning ass, too.)
Those sort of statements or questions make me feel even more of a failure for getting divorced.
For about 5 minutes. Then I sit myself down and give myself a talking to.
No. To my knowledge, I wasn’t betrayed and he was not unfaithful. But he wasn’t faithful. He wasn’t interested in me or engaged with me. He is much more faithful to his beer hobby and he is a faithful father. He is there when he is supposed to be and does his best to be a good dad. His best isn’t always great but he is better than a whole lot of people. There are bloggers here on DivorcedMoms who have been betrayed and share their recovery from infidelity. TThey suffer. I acknowledge that I have not been hurt like that. My life wasn’t turned upside down in a single instant. I can’t imagine. My heart goes out to every one that has to live through it.
Nor is Stanley mentally ill. It seems now everyone has an ex that is a narcissist. Maybe they are. I didn’t marry a narcissist probably because I dated one so I learned my lesson early. (I then turned around and married an avoidant). I dated a narcissist when I was in graduate school for my MSW. I would sit in Psychopathology three times a week and cry.
There were only so many red flags I could ignore. Narcissists are mean. They make you doubt every little thing about yourself and you cry. You cry a lot.
Personality disorders are diagnosed when a person has so many of one type of characteristic or trait that it interferes with their daily functioning. We all have some degree of narcissism (Exhibit A- the selfie), or at times are avoidant (Stanley),
or histrionic (who me?)
We aren’t all mentally ill, but statistics show that nearly 10% of the population could be diagnosed with a personality disorder. Worse than that, treatment doesn’t usually work, not that they would go, nothing is ever their fault. So, nearly 10% of the population are pathological assholes that are going to stay pathological assholes.
Al’s ex fits into 4 disorders that I’ve recognized and I haven’t even met her yet.
So, what about people like me? I wasn’t betrayed nor emotionally abused.
I was merely, unloved.
He didn’t want to talk to me or care if I was upset, he wasn’t engaged, and he didn’t want to work on our relationship. I was taken for granted like a pair of old comfortable shoes.
I was like a Hushpuppy.
(but I’m kind of histrionic so I sparkle a lil bit. I’m the most comfortable shoe, like, ever.)
Successful (and even easy) co-parenting is awesome. I’m very grateful that there wasn’t a betrayal for either of us to have to recover from or mental illness that interferes with our co-parenting. But successfully co-parenting with someone isn’t like being successfully married.
I can think of a whole bunch of people that I could successfully co-parent with but couldn’t be married to. Srsly, a whole bunch. I can’t really think of anyone I want to marry but the obvious and we aren’t there yet.
Stanley and I weren’t cheaters or lunatics, but we weren’t partners, lovers or even friends.
That was not any sort of marriage for either of us.
I guess I will be the first member of the plain ole Unloved Club and be grateful he’s sane.
Cuckoo Momma,
while the dysfunction in my marriage involved mental illness it took me years to finally realize the doctors were right when they diagnosed him. I argued and argued because I thought I was simply unloved. When I finally journaled as they asked me too I realized he was unbalanced. Let me tell you, unloved was worse. My heart breaks for you. mental illness provides an explanation for TD’s behavior and inability to love me. When I had no reason I drove myself crazy trying to figure out what was wrong with me.
Some people just just aren’t supposed to be together. Nothing wrong with you or him necessarily, just not a good combination.
Hugs to you
Exactly, not a good combination. But I have experienced mental illness with that crazy boyfriend, and I have so much more emotional baggage from him. Aargh. Thanks for commenting.
I can so relate to this article! I also was unloved. My ex did not care what I did, did not care if I was home or not. He just did not care about me. It took me a year and a half to realise that is not love and that I deserve better. So I will become the 2nd member of the unloved club!
I can so relate to this article! I also was unloved. My ex did not care what I did, did not care if I was home or not. He just did not care about me. It took me a year and a half to realise that is not love and that I deserve better. So I will become the 2nd member of the unloved club!
I can so relate to this article! I also was unloved. My ex did not care what I did, did not care if I was home or not. He just did not care about me. It took me a year and a half to realise that is not love and that I deserve better. So I will become the 2nd member of the unloved club!
We can have snacks at our meetings. Liquid adult beverages!
Oh god. It wasn’t me was it? I don’t remember saying that, but you totally just described me I. That first sentence.
That’s a totally insensitive thing to say. If it was me, that’s not what I meant. And if it wasn’t me, that lady is needs a purse brick.
I totally get why you and Stanley are divorced, and totally admire you both (but you more) for putting your children first anyway.
Ha! Actually, it was a post on FB by another divorced friend, not a blogger, but you do have a crazy ex. Thanks for the admiration. It is easy what I do, because I do have a sane person to do it with, you and Pauline and the rest, crazzzzy.