I hope everyone had a happy 4th! I did get out and see hospital patients, they were stuck after all, and I drove for the first time and creeped around holding my tummy but I did ok. I was exhausted afterward for sure.I got some feedback requesting that I put more of our day to day nesting stuff on the blog. I can certainly do that and I am aware that this sort of morphed away from that. Really the reasons are:
1. the day to day nesting stuff is pretty uneventful, it is going well.
2. I am way to ADHD to stick to one topic.
First of all, I think that the new girlfriend is out of town because Stanley has been super sweet again. Very attentive and nice to me. I am being mutually respectful of him and really do want him to have a nice apartment and have his needs met as well. Why? Because if that is what it takes to get him to settle down and nest longer for the children then I will do whatever. Also, I was married to him for 14 years, I want him to be happy. But I am thinking the new girl is a bad influence. Probably what I mean there is I think she has a lot of influence.
I hate to say it but I think she is like me in some ways.
She is more outgoing than he is and very verbal
I also think she doesn’t like him spending so much
time with his ex-wife.
There have been some definite perks of nesting this week though.
I asked Stanley on Sunday if I could stay in my room when I was off this week because I wasn’t able to drive back and forth. He agreed and I think it has been good for the kids. They were worried about me and didn’t quite understand the surgery thing but because I have been here, they have been able to see me and also take care of me a bit. For sure it helped diffuse some of their anxiety. When I was in my room, they brought me drinks and checked on me, giving me lots of snuggles and hugs. When Stanley was off, I came down and made my bed on the sofa so I could watch them.
On Tuesday night, Stanley was on and I was in my room, door shut. He came and tapped and said that he felt sick. Stanley NEVER does that. He is never sick. I sent him to his room and was able to take over putting the kids to bed.
Yesterday some family friends came over for the holiday to swim. Stanley was here with them in the afternoon swimming, he was on for the day, and then when I came on at 5 (after resting for most of the afternoon), I took over and he left. We did burgers (they brought all the stuff, bless them, I wasn’t able) on the grill and they swam and the kids played until 9 p.m. Because of the nest, we can still do some social things like that on holidays.
For instance this past Christmas. Stanley and I agreed in mediation that we wanted to spent part of Christmas Day with the kids together and because of nesting it is easy. We opened presents and made Christmas dinner together and then another family (friends of ours for many many years) came and ate with us. Was it tense? A little. I’m hoping that the tenseness will wear off and we can just be friends. This week it has felt like that.
Tomorrow, FBE (First Boyfriend Ever) is coming in for the weekend. I am off and can’t wait to see him. I told Stanley that I was bringing him here from the airport for the afternoon because I have the kids until 5. Stanley is going to text me when he is leaving work and I will clear FBE out. I don’t guess they are ready to cross paths.
Ooo La La
It won’t exactly be a hot and sexy sort of weekend with me all bloated and clutching my abdomen and stuff. But he knows what he is getting and wanted to come and rub my back and fetch me drinks.
Plus the eye candy ain’t bad.
Don’t be a hater.
I hope this gave some insight into nesting perks and I will try to give more of those details.
I appreciate all of my readers.
I hope you are feeling up to snuff soon, girl. Congrats on FBE. 😉
Even a little oo-la-la, or the thought of oo-la-la, can be very nice…
Sounds like things are calm for now. Calm is G.O.O.D.
Thanks for reporting the more “mundane” aspects of nesting. Very helpful, and gives me more hope for the future.