My lovah arrived yesterday at 2 pm. He walked to the curb from the Arrivals door and smiled as I pulled up. He was all cute and what not. He even had the nerve to make his eyes twinkle.
I mean, what the hell?
But I kept my resolve. I was all
I told him I didn’t have time for kissing. We held hands some in the car and I looked at him out of the corner of my eyes until we picked up the kids. We went to 2 schools collecting children and he was a great help getting Merlot in the car then in the house. Which isn’t a fun thing. Once he got her settled, he got out the longest ladder we have and climbed up to the roof to see if he could determine where the leak is coming from. He got hot and took off his shirt. Mmmm hmmmm. He pulled out all the stops. He was trying to chip away my reserve. He said he was hot. Well, he was hot all right. Nothing turns me on more than a man trying to stop my roof from leaking.
I was all
He helped me get kids settled and helped Merlot find games to take for today, which was the last day of school. The 5 of us went to dinner early and he again hauled Merlot and scooter to the car and into the restaurant then back to the car and into the house. That sounds like nothing but it is something, she is still not weight bearing and it is a handful to get her in and out. We had been back home awhile and he helped me get Merlot upstairs so I could help her in the bath, and then down again. It was about that time that Jumping Bean told me that she fogot to tell me she needed to bring items today for their party at school. No items, no participation in the party. She couldn’t tell me this before 8:30 the night before? At that point Merlot started bawling because she knew she couldn’t help me go buy food because it was bedtime plus she was exhausted from the day. I was trying to console her, she was all, “I hate this, I hate I hurt myself, I can’t do anything and I’m so mad I did this to myself.” I was loving her when Al came over and said, “Can I help?”
She nodded and went
He picked her up, she rested her head on his shoulder and he almost.died.from. his. own. sap.
She decided she wanted him to stay with her so Jumping Bean and I ran to Target for her party food. Lord have mercy, I was fighting irritation because again, she pulled this on me the night before, but I was eaten up with the sweet that I had witnessed between Al and Merlot so I went easy on her. We got home and he and Merlot were all loved up on the sofa. She was exhausted so I went to tuck her in and when I came back in he was in deep conversation with Jumping Bean who appeared to need some of his special attention since Merlot had been so deeply comforted by his special brand of sweet. She was tearful and telling him how “hard it is to be 12 and have braces and uggh, my life is so hard….”
and he was saying, “Do you trust me? You are doing fine. It’s going to be fine.”
I said out loud, “THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT HE SAYS TO ME! And it works!”
Finally, they went to bed. I thought that would never happen. So, Al and I sat on the sofa and talked a bit and he told me his plan is to move here within the next year and there is no scenario in his mind for his future that does not have me in it. I bought it hook, line and sinker.
So, we started making out on the sofa like we did in 1982. It was awesome. I was afraid the kids were going to come in and kept listening for footsteps and gasps of horror, because nothing is worse to kids than seeing 50 year-old people writhing and grinding on each other.
He says, “Laundry room?”
Oh hell yes we did. On the washer, on the dryer, and on the floor with the dog scratching to get in. It was awesome.
He just came over and caressed my face and said,
“You are just as pretty now as you were the first day I saw you.”
Lying dog but I’ll take it. So, apparently I am worth pee.
I knew he’d figure it out.