I was crazy busy this week and had no time to blog. Between patients and kids and a little surgery that my dad had, it was ‘balls to the wall’ as Al says. (He has a way with words.)
He is lying here nekkid beside me so excuse me if I sound distracted.
I was very excited for him to come because I needed a hug. I was majorly looking forward to holding, and all of his sweet love words, and all the other stuff that he does that is spectacular.
Then, Stanley threw me a curve ball and told me a few days ago that he had ‘beer events’ he had forgotten and that he needed to change weekends.
umm, no.
My lovah is coming and he bought a plane ticket and we have to have a little private time or else we get squirrely.
As we learned during our week after Christmas, other people are overrated and we function best with lots of holding nekkid time.
So, I told Stanley that I would fill in for him when he had things to do but that I couldn’t do all weekend. I had to set a limit with that bitch.
So, Al gets in yesterday at 2. I ran around like a crazy person, seeing patients, trying to raise 10K for emergency concrete for our outdoor PE pavillion for the PTA at the elementary school, went to Target for emergency supplies, airport, hugs in the airport parking lot, then we had kids and carpool. We had a little bit of kid time before Stanley showed. OH….
Stanley and Al actually met for the first time during the holiday week 2 weeks ago.
Stanely was perfectly pleasant to him. Al said he was small and had small hands.
(excuse me, I’m being mighty distracted again right now.)
Arrgh, he is making this so difficult.
So, last night I leave with Al and I get a text from Merlot at bedtime saying,
“Night, night Mommy. Daddy’s girlfriend came and stayed with us while he went out to do beer.”
Say what??
Well. Okay then.
We are going back in a few hours and stay until Stanley is done tonight.
Then we will have tomorrow alone until his flight leaves at 4.
As Shakespeare might have said, “Stanley sucketh.”
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