First let me say that I am not a fan of Donald Trump for so many reasons, but, for the most part, because I find him to act like an abusive bully. I believe he is a narcissist.
However, I believe that Trump is going to win the Presidential election. I don’t believe he should or will be a great president, but I think that he will be the president.
Here’s why I think Trump is going to win the election.
He has pulled together a few unlikely bedfellows of voters that I think will give him the edge he needs to beat Hillary Clinton;
- Older, white men who still cling to the idea that a woman’s place is standing behind her man, quietly doing her duty and not bragging about it;
- Young millennial who believe that Washington is the root of all evil, the cause of our economic disaster and the reason they now carry the highest personal debt of a generation;
- Republicans who vote the party line no matter what;
- And those who have suffered greatly by the Recession.
These people are fed up and do not believe that Hillary will make anything better. In fact, they believe she will make the country worse, so why not vote for Trump and let’s see how it falls out. He is different and saying all the right things to get their unique vote. To the racists, sexists, “basket of deplorables:” he tells them he wants to turn back the clock to a time when white men ruled the country. To the youngsters, he says “I didn’t cause and I am an outsider.” To the Republicans, he says, “I may not be smart or qualified, but at least I’m on your side.” And to those who have suffered economically, he says, “I’m going to give you back a chance to get rich.”
I simply can’t believe that millions of people believe that it is OK to vote for someone who calls women “fat pigs” or denigrates a grieving Gold Star mother for standing silently on a stage next to her husband. I can’t believe that millions of Americans believe that we should have a president more like a murderous dictator. Call me an idealist, but I can’t believe that the majority of Americans have decided that a reality TV star with no policy, government or service experience can effectively be our military’s commander in chief with the power to send soldiers into war or can push a Domesday button.
No, I don’t think our country has gone crazy. I think our country is fed up.
There are so many ills that affect so many voters and unfortunately, like the Brexit vote in England, our electorate is ready to jump off a cliff and hope for the best.
I can relate. For my entire life I wanted to be a mother and have a family. I wanted it more than any of my other many ambitions. But, as my 20s moved along, I wasn’t close to the type of relationship that led to such a thing. I didn’t consciously think “My biological clock is ticking and running out.” But, I knew it nevertheless. Biological clocks are by definition are subliminal.
When a man came into my life in my late 20s and promised me all that I had hoped, I listened to that one refrain. I ignored all the other messages he was sending, and the obvious red flags that showed where a union with him would head. Instead, I turned a deaf ear to common sense and I jumped off a cliff with a liar and a bully. And I paid a very big price. So did my children.
My life’s goal were distorted and ripped to pieces because I went “all-in” with a fake. There really is no substitute for quality. Never.
I believe Trump is going to win because too many people in our country are tired and afraid that we are never going to get what we want. Too many people in our country believe that the American Dream is a fat bank account and validation for everyone.
Too many people in our country believe the prize they are entitled has been unfairly kept away by conspiracies and insiders who game the system. And you know, I kind of think that too. But I learned the hard way that making one decision based in a “what the hell do you have to lose” attitude rarely ends well.
I won’t be jumping off another cliff. I did that once in my life and that was enough. I will turn instead to the boring, tried and true method, hard work, consistency and finding the good in that. It will guide my vote on election day. No quick fix. No bull here. Just the truth. We have complicated problems without simple solutions. I want the best head on the job and I will accept the outcome knowing that I made a sound decision in that moment. The rest isn’t in my control.
Julie Boyd Cole is a mother of two sons, a journalist, writer and business woman. She has written for the Miami Herald, the Fort Lauderdale Sun Sentinel, among many publications around the country. She is the author of “How to Co-Parent with An Abusive Ex and Keep Your Sanity” available on Amazon.
Currently, she is the chief executive administrator of a non-profit in North Florida. And Julie is a survivor of domestic violence at the hands of her ex-husband, an NFL sportswriter, and today is an advocate helping other victims sort through the trauma of domestic abuse.
Julie also writes for and @bruisedwoman on Twitter about the topic of domestic abuse, co-parenting with an abuser and the emotional damage caused by narcissists and personality disorders.
Surviving domestic violence wasn’t easy or the PTSD that followed, but Julie has found a path through the trauma and now encourages all women that they can too. Julie leads YANA support, speaks to church groups, community groups and women made homeless by abuse. She can be contacted at [email protected]
I am offended by your post. I am a white, educated female and I am a Donald Trump fan. You can think what you want about his personality but he is far better than the criminal who is running against him. And by the way, this isn’t a political forum. So please keep your political views to yourself because you will alienate 1/2 of your readers.
Thank you Lisa for your comment. I am sorry that you are offended and I wish you the best. I also want to thank you for sharing your opinions and exercising our right to free speech, something I hold dear. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts about my post here and it means something to me. Blessings to you.
Lisa, you aren’t in a position to demand what our bloggers blog about. This is her blog, it is her choice what she writes about. You have a right to come here and express your opinion. You don’t have a right to come here and make demands. Please keep that in mind!
Well perhaps your “bloggers” should write for a POLITICAL BLOG!!!! This one is about divorce. This is a very divided country right now but YOU KEEP IN MIND that 1/2 of your readers will be offended when you trash a candidate that they support, thus making them feel alienated which is precisely what your blogs SHOULD NOT do. So I will express my opinion any way I see fit.
Hey Lisa, this is my house! You keep that in mind. You come here disrespecting my house and I will shut you down. Trump trash like you isn’t welcome here. So, be warned, every time you leave a comment here that disrespects this blogger and the work we do here at DivorcedMoms, I will SHUT YOU DOWN.
Spoken like a true liberal. Freedom of speech only applies to what you deem appropriate. Trump trash! Wow. Careful…your true colors are showing. Maybe others that read this (before you remove me) will realize the liberal agenda b.s. you’re shoveling. Have a nice day.