DivorceMagazine.com, the sister site of DivorcedMoms has won Best Family Blog Award for 2018 from, Family Living Today. We’re taking this opportunity to congratulate and celebrate the daily work they do to provide valuable information and advice to those who are dealing with divorce. We’re absolutely thrilled for DivorceMagazine and all those who’ve had their efforts acknowledged by this award. Congratulations!
Best Article on Children and Divorce
Winner: Divorce Magazine: The Effects of Divorce on Children
Many parents who are getting divorced wonder what the impact will be on their children. This article breaks it down for concerned parents and also offers tips on how you can boost your child’s odds of becoming a happy, healthy adult despite going through the potentially traumatic experience of a parental divorce.
Journal of Clinical and Medical Genomics: The Impact of Parental Separation and Divorce
Many studies show that divorce has a negative impact on children. But what are those effects, and, more importantly, what are the short- and long-term implications? This scientific article explores the physical, mental, social, and educational impacts that divorce has on kids and discusses appropriate management techniques.
Psychology Today: The Impact of Divorce on Young Children and Adolescents
If you are going through a divorce and have children of varying ages, it will come as no surprise that a parental breakup impacts young children and teenagers quite differently. This article talks about both age groups and how they are affected by divorce; it also offers some insight on how to handle these effects in both teens and toddlers.
Scientific American: Is Divorce Bad for Children?
It’s been almost a mantra of sorts: Divorce is bad for kids. But is that true? And how long does it take for children to get past the bad feelings and trauma that a parental divorce can elicit? These questions are answered in this article. It turns out that there is hope when it comes to how divorce impacts children of all ages
What organization presented your award? It would be nice to know.
It’s in the first sentence of the article, Judy. Family Living Today.