Narcissists have a grandiose image of themselves and expect others to share this viewpoint. When they do not then retaliation often occurs. Marriage to a narcissist is challenging, but divorce can be even more so. Narcissists perceive others as support staff and fans, so they have difficulty with the give and take of divorce situations.
A strategy to avoid divorce complications with a narcissist is to fly under his radar. Keep your head down and get through the divorce proceedings as quickly as possible. My collaborative divorce attorney had her methods of letting my spouse have the spotlight and feel important so he would not hijack the proceedings. She made a big point of asking him questions about his latest trip, etc. and finally his own attorney would ask to get the session going. Massaging his ego worked well in divorce negotiations.
1. Narcissists are masters of manipulation. They will try to destroy your self-esteem and want you to feel incompetent. You may be emerging from an abusive marriage and are still vulnerable post-divorce. Getting professional help to deal with these feelings of inadequacy will go a long way in building up your confidence. When one feels empowered then they are not easily sucked into another’s toxic games. Accomplishing new goals and achievements is another way to gain strength so that the Narcissist’s tactics are less effective. Some have taken classes, such as pastry or computers, and embarked on new careers post-divorce.
2. Narcissists play the blame game. They are the victims and everyone else is to blame. It was a co-worker’s fault that he lost the promotion. It is your fault that that there are some financial woes. Some turn on those crocodile tears as quickly as a faucet. You may want to warn the Custody Evaluator and Interim Child Psychologist of this particular skill. He gives a performance worthy of an Oscar, tearing up that the kids are not close to him because of their mother. He may hint at Parental Alienation.
3. Narcissists trample on any boundaries. Stand your ground without turning it into a battle field. If he is violating visitation or returning children quite late, then speak up to your attorney. Do not have a confrontation yourself, but work through a third party. Avoiding any direct communication, especially verbal can diffuse many situations.
We had a mediator appointed to handle all communication between my ex-husband and me post-divorce. Our sons expressed concerns and problems to this mediator as well to avoid any confrontations with their father. Christie Brinkley and her ex, Peter Cook also hanr communication with each other go through a third party. Narcissists sometime forget vital information, and a third party intermediary has a record of communication and can send a reminder. This way you are not accused of taking the children out of state or other scenarios without the other parent being notified. Another filter or buffer between you and your Narcissistic ex is added protection.
4. Children are used as pawns. One way to get back at you is through the most important thing on the planet, your kids. If he is taking them to violent movies or stuffing them with junk food it is in retaliation to you. It is impossible to co-parent with a narcissist! One doctor paraded his kids around the hospital during visitation to play the good daddy role. After he got his praise, then the youngsters were dumped in the doctors’ lounge for hours. He may put down the mother or say nasty things about others who are important in his children’s lives. One prominent psychologist recommends supervised visitation for children with a Narcissistic parent to avoid being pawns in a power game. When the children feel safe and protected, that can actually enable them to have a stronger relationship with this parent.
5. Dealing with a Narcissistic ex is emotionally draining. One may not realize the amount of energy that it takes just being connected to him. It can be like walking on egg shells. One can be taken to court post-divorce for slander, supposedly disobeying visitation, and a myriad of other issues. It drains your bank account to pay extra legal expenses. During divorce, my attorney asked why my husband hated me so much. I replied “because I am getting away.”
Narcissists have trouble letting go of you and losing control. Seeing you happier and stronger is a blow to them. Build a support system and nurture yourself. Make sure that your well-being is a priority and then you have the strength to be there for your children.
FAQs About Divorcing A Narcissist:
What do narcissists think of themselves?
Narcissists think they are larger than life figures with great powers to do the impossible. Their attitude often turns hostile when others don’t share their delusion.
What do narcissists think of people around them?
Narcissists think people around them are subservient to them and would happily follow their agenda.
How to divorce a narcissist quickly?
If you want to divorce a narcissist quickly, you would need your lawyer’s help to rub his ego and accomplish the task without being too overt.
How to build your confidence after a divorce from a narcissist?
You will need professional help to regain your confidence after a divorce from a narcissist. Narcissists deliberately destroy your confidence and make you doubt your decisions in order to gain control over you. A professional will help you shake off feelings of self-doubt and regain your self-esteem.
How do I deal with a narcissist during custody proceedings?
Don’t hesitate one bit when dealing with a narcissist during custody proceedings because he may influence the judge with crocodile tears. He can tell the judge that you are alienating his children irrespective of the fact whether or not he wants custody. Warn the custody evaluator and the interim child psychologist of his trait.
How to talk to a narcissist after divorce?
You should not talk to a narcissist after divorce if he either doesn’t abide by the visitation schedule for children or troubles you otherwise. You should either talk to your attorney about it or communicate with him through a third party.
Will a narcissist stop troubling me after divorce?
A narcissist will seize upon any opportunity to make trouble for you after divorce. He would like to drag you to court over supposed violations or just violate the visitation schedule himself to keep troubling you. You run the risk of losing money quickly if he takes you to court.
Why do narcissists create trouble for their exes?
Narcissists create trouble for their exes because they can’t stand seeing their ‘prey’ escape their clutches, and grow happy and healthy. You should build a network of support for yourself to minimize chances of a narcissist troubling you after divorce.
photo credit: Ben Saren via photopin cc
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so what is the solution to not being able to co parent with my NPD ex wife? 3 kids 15 13 and 7
.. Build a support network for yourself . Hug and love each kid daily . Don’t let ex NPD manipulate those kids . Take her to family court if she trashes you to them !
Great comment. I gave my sons extra cuddles and attention. I had them volunteer and get focused on the welfare of others. I agree, you may have to go to court or at least talk with your lawyer.
Hi, support network would be great except no one believes me. My Ex has been gaslighting me for 4 years. I am on the way home from the hospital now because he is poisoning me. Yeah right, try to prove it! This is serious shit, I don’t know what to do please help!bb
You need legal counsel as to what steps to take next. Hope you are documenting what is going on. In most cities there is a crisis center which can give you support and guidance, plus they work with the police department. A woman’s shelter is another option to look into..