Healing from divorce is about treating the emotional wounds from both your marriage and your divorce. It’s not an easy or a quick process. What works for some people, won’t work for others. Your healing may come from reading sites like DivorcedMoms, from the support of your friends, or from professional consultations. And when you think you’re healed, suddenly you’ll uncover another wound that needs attention. But as frustrating and painful as the process can be, it’s an investment that has huge potential payoffs bringing self-acceptance, confidence and contentment. Open your mind and be prepared to start see life from a completely different perspective.
About the Author

Mandy Walker, Divorce Coach, Mediator, CDFA®
Mandy Walker is a divorce coach, mediator and Certified Divorce Financial Analyst®. She is the founder of Since My Divorce … a divorce support blog where she shares advice and insights into every aspect of ending a marriage.
As a coach, Mandy works with men and women throughout the U.S. and beyond to help guide them through the logistics and practicalities... Read More
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