Some men are intimidated by smart, strong, intelligent women. Pitiful I know but, a fact of life. So, what can you do to attract a man instead of intimidate him?
1. Own Your Personality:
This is the big one: own your own your personality. Prove to the world or to your partner that you’re not just a pretty face or professionally accomplished, but a strong, independent woman, capable of thinking and acting for herself. In reflecting on your strengths and assets, you will understand how to envisage your romantic encounters. Additionally, personal fulfillment makes you attractive and interesting. Whether it’s sports, an artistic activity or, professional training, take the time to always learn and grow.
2. Develop Better Communication Skills:
For woman either dating or in a couple, it can’t be repeated enough, communicate! If you feel your partner or potential partner has their doubts about you, get a conversation going. Explain the sincerity of your intentions and feelings. Let him know that he is the only man in your life and that no one else can ever interfere in your relationship. Take him to a party and show him the degree to which you are indifferent to other men. What’s essential here is to make sure you’re not coming across as cold or distant. Consider yourself from his male perspective.
3. Choose The Right Guy:
For single women, it is important that they are conscious of the deep personalities of the men they meet. In working towards valuing their interior, women will naturally attract men who see beyond physicality and pick up on their interior beauty, that is by the essence of her being. For more on picking the right men, check out What makes someone compatible?
4. Find The Right Style:
Try out different fashion styles, trying to find the perfect medium between seductive and discreet. Sometimes certain items of clothing can give off the wrong signals. Find your own way of dressing that allows you to express who you really are deep down, and not the kind of person others consider you to be. Sometimes women’s magazines can lead us a bit astray, advising us on the latest style even though it might not really suit us. Take a step back and ask yourself the question, what do I love to wear? You will see, in listening to your instinct that you will get positive results!
5. Open Yourself to Others:
Sometimes, without realizing it, some women end up being put on a pedestal that closes off certain people who don’t correspond with the image of what she is looking for. Others enjoy having men going all out to seduce them, and won’t accept anything less. But we must understand that to love is to let yourself be surprised by a personality. So you need to have a state of mind that is open and curious about the personality of the other. Maybe it is the man who refuses to give you such blind admiration who is made for you! You need a man who is interested in you, for you and definitely a man who isn’t afraid of you! Someone who will tease you about a new haircut but who always wants to know your opinion.
6. Is He Too Shy to Approach You?
Don’t forget that certain men are just too shy to come up to you. Beauty or success can scare men who think you’re out of their league. So, don’t hesitate to give them a push. Sometimes a little signal is enough to get a conversation going (a pretty smile, a wink). Be clear – but don’t rush it. Show him your interest subtly and softly.
Florence Escaravage is the no one love coach in France and Europe and creator of Love Intelligence, a 5 key Method to find love.
All really good advice. For me, I’m not intimidated by smart, strong, intelligent women, but you do actually have to like men and not coming off like a jerk at the start is really helpful. I get it, you have big struggles to get respect/ equal pay in the workplace, and someone is always at the ready to talk over or mansplain things to you. But not by me. We don’t know each other yet. I’ll be surprisingly sympathetic to your struggles. I’ve got a few of my own. I’ll expect the same consideration.
Regarding #6. Another way to look at is that while it may seem that men are impervious to rejection, we aren’t. Some just have thicker skin than others. If it’s someone that you think you want to get to know, put out a “yes” vibe. If you get asked but can’t for some reason, make sure that you say that you want to see them but just can this time and suggest an alternate time of activity (and if necessary follow up with a request of your own).