You find you are questioning yourself, asking, “can you love someone you’ve never met? Yet despite all of this, you can’t get him out of your head, you know he is genuine and you know how you feel.
Someone once asked me is it possible to fall in love with someone you have met in person, My response was, “of course, I’m in love with Bradley Cooper and already planning the wedding,” however once we laughed that fantasy of mine away, my honest answer was, it depends on the circumstances. I mean you can’t just look at a photograph have a few texts or emails and fall in love. Can you?
Well through my research and girlie conversations, I have found that this is one of those ” Marmite topics ” where there seems to be no middle ground, people’s opinion is, you either can, or you can’t end of story.
Then one day, I braved the world of online dating and found myself being asked the same question, only this time, it was me asking myself the exact same question.
Can you love someone you’ve never met?
And without a moment of hesitation, my answer was…….YES!!!
Yes, you may think I’m crazy, but falling in love with someone isn’t a superficial thing, lust is superficial and once you get past the initial external canvas, everything else is exactly the same.
Falling in love with someone starts with getting to know them and having deep conversations with one another. Does it really matter if these conversations are by email, on the telephone, and via Skype? No…
The conversations make you laugh and smile and you soon begin to open up and share your thoughts and feelings, your likes and dislikes, your dreams and expectations, your secrets and insecurities, you feel like you can talk to him about absolutely anything and you feel comfortable expressing yourself and being yourself with him. You have many things in common and everything feels natural and you feel at ease when talking to him.
You will find yourself thinking about him, despite trying not to! You are checking your phone constantly, waiting for his name to pop up to alert you of a text message and when it comes, your heart skips a beat with excitement, it will drive you crazy that this person is consuming your thoughts, it is torturous that this person isn’t just 5 minutes away and you feel a longing and desire to be with him.
You begin to ask yourself ” What If ” and dream about meeting him. You start to envision the possibility of a future together, making plans to meet, talking about absolutely everything, nothing has any boundaries, you even feel comfortable enough to discuss sex.
Then after months or even weeks of talking…… You realize you care for him deeply and have started to fall in love with him, even though you haven’t physically met. You begin to discuss him with your friends and they may tell you, you are just in love with the ” idea ” of him, telling you to wake up and smell the coffee, it’s a fantasy, he isn’t real, you haven’t met yet and it couldn’t be love.
You find you are questioning yourself, asking, is it really possible to fall in love with someone you have yet to meet? Yet despite all of this, you can’t get him out of your head, you know he is genuine and you know how you feel.
You spent the time getting to know one another on a deeper level before meeting, you genuinely have a connection, you may have already seen each other on Skype or face time so you know what they look like and you genuinely know in your heart of hearts that you are falling in love with him and not just the ” idea ” of an ideal person.
Yes, I agree there are other important factors that also need to be considered like sex, do you even like the way he smells, the way he eats, the way he does lots of other things, but most of these things can be addressed with a little direction and a change in Cologne.
I’m of the opinion that this world has a population of 7.4 billion people, so why should we restrict ourselves to trying to find love in a certain mile radius, modern technology is a wonderful thing and airplanes can take us from A to B.
Love is never the same, it comes in many different forms and in different circumstances. Love is about taking chances, and as long as you are aware of the circumstances and are brave enough to face them anything can happen.
So the answer to my own question is yes!!! ABSOLUTELY!!
Well I liked this much well myself Sonu. m looking for a relationship with any age female m came in this but when I saw many blog I found many …. I but I want share some experience and other
I just met someone online been texting yet I have all the symptoms you describe I feel I am falling in love with this guy we haven’t met yet but he’s in my head 24/7 I fell asleep while texting so now he probably thinks I am not interested
Thats Lust Darlin x
Hi I’m 26 single mom and I just met this guy online he asked me to be his girlfriend and he talks a lot about moving in together, someday get married he says he wiling to move to Africa from London but I’m scared what if its all just talk and I’m starting to fall for someone I never met help. Im Cofused
i feel the same as you .. im falling in love with someone far away and we talked everyday facetime but i notived that he talks about sex more i asked my self is it because im always sharing sexy pic on my profile or is it because he likes me that much and after talking for many month he suddenly said he will be busy with work and i have to wait and by the way he is so busy to send me a message but he is not busy to reply my message when i sent asking about himself !! its been 3 month now .. what do you think about this ??
Be very wary if talking to someone from another country. They could be just using you to come to your country and become a citizen. Especially if theyre another religion etc. Dont do it.
Yes …im in love with guy in two and half years..but we did not meet yet..he is in london .im in srilanka .he is studying in there ..and i dont have money to go there ..i wish every night and i try so many time to find a way to see his face.but still not lucky ..god knows where is this story will end.but i still love him.and he is sad about me and he.this is not easy ..finally i deside to write here because i need help.
Trust is the most important thing. Distance doesnt matter at all.
hi im Tyler im 18, ive recently been talking to this girl and i know this is a moms page but i think its helped. ive never felt like this before. weve spoke for around a week now and never met but i cant get her out of my head so im thinking about her 24/7. ive even had dreams about her and just anxiously wait for her to message me. am i falling i love? when do i tell her? do i tell her?
Hi, Tyler, no, I don’t think you are falling in love. True love happens when you spend time with a person and get to know their likes, dislikes, and values. What you are feeling is infatuation and it’s normal to have the feelings you are having. If you want to tell her something, tell her you are deeply infatuated with her and can’t wait to meet her face-to-face. If you’re lucky, your infatuation will turn into true love and she will reciprocate. Good luck!
Hi I am 43 disabled female can walk I am chatting to a man who also disabled we plan to meet 22nd so looking forward much. We haven’t met yet but shared many things personal etc and have similar interests . We have feelings for each other I trust him a little and care for him a lot . I think about him throughout the day and look forward to his texts. I have questioned whether I am falling in love him as feel happy when we text there is love between us . So really want us to meet make it real
I have been talking non stop with a guy i met online for hours a day every day for the last 38 days straight. We have talked for at least 3-4 hrs a day and are so connected. we are meeting up finally in 2 weeks. i know it is crazy but after hours of Facetime and phone conversations we both feel like we are falling in love. Im so nervous.
What happened? Did you meet?
I am in the same situation. What happened??
Go with what your heart is telling you
I’m 26 and I met this guy on Snapchat. I actually added him and liked him but didn’t persue anything but 2 years later after on and off messages that never went pass hey how are you I finally gave him my number and we instantly connected. We talk about everything. He says he has fallen in love with me, wants to start a family, marriage, and move in together. Deep down I wanted to express to him how much I had fallen for him but didn’t want to seem clingy but the feelings are mutual only issue is… a month in I have yet to see him ni have made 3 attempts and they all have failed. The only positive about not seeing him is getting to know him on a different level n no sex or anything be involved but I would like to see him especially if he feels this way. It has me wondering if he is serious or telling me what I want to hear
Ive been talking to this guy for two months and we get along great and text and leave funny messages almost everyday, he flirts with me a lot and we make a really good pair. I’ve been developing feelings the more and more we talk and he is starting to call me names such as sweetie or cutie. He opens up to me and we talk about each other’s feelings quite often. I get extremely happy when I see he’s texted me and he makes me feel good. But he is far away and I’m not sure if I can meet with him or not. Am I falling in love? Is two months too short to start having feelings for someone you’ve never met? Is it possible for me to love him?
No, you aren’t falling in love. You’re infatuated with him and the idea of him. You may be in deep like with him but never label it love until you’ve spent time with him and gotten to know him on a personal, face-to-face level.
I love this story and the authors opinion…I just sent this to someone whom I have fallen in love with, that I have met online…she is scared because of how we met…and doesn’t seem how it could be possible…shes never heard of this before and thinks it could be crazy as well as scary…that its never been done before…I hope after reading this is will give her some new insight on all of this…AND THAT IS IS POSSIBLE…anything is possible if two people want it bad enough…just gotta jump into the fire
I have had a crush since high school and I would pass him in the hallways but never had the confidence to tell him. But we ended up getting each others number, this was 2010. Things happened and we lost touch but he recently got in touch with me a few years back, 2017, and it turned out, we were planning on going to New Zealand at the same time in 2018! I blocked him, idk why, but a few months later I managed to get his number again and try to talk to him again. Neither of us went to New Zealand that summer. We started talking, but then I moved to Colorado, which is funny because he was planning on going to Colorado the spring of 2019. He ended up moving to West Virginia, and ironically I ended up in Maryland. Now we talk every few weeks or so but we still haven’t met in person after 10 years and we’re still talking. But I’m so crazy about him, we have so much in common. It’s crazy. Am I crazy for this?