Do you seem to go from one toxic relationship to another?
Have you ever asked yourself, “Is there something wrong with me that makes me a target for narcissistic, toxic men?”
The answer is maybe and no!
There is NOTHING wrong with you but, you may have qualities and traits that make you attractive to narcissistic and toxic men. Like moths to a flame, these men flutter around you waiting for an opening.
These qualities and traits give the narcissist a foot in the door and leave you wide open for their manipulations.
5 Traits that Attract Narcissistic, Toxic Men
You’re trusting
You’re trusting with everyone from the get-go. People don’t have to earn your trust, you readily give it until proven it hasn’t been earned. Narcissists use this to their advantage.
You treat others with respect and expect the same in return
It is in your nature to treat others the way you wish to be treated. The narcissist returns this treatment during the love-bombing phase. They use it to reel you in and get you so emotionally invested that once the disrespect begins, you’re in too deep to extract yourself from the relationship.
You love unconditionally
You love unconditionally
In fact, you love to a fault! You may be in love with the idea of love.
Narcissists use this against you after the love bombing period. They know that no matter what they deprive you of in the relationship, you’re going to continue to love them.
You’re empathetic and compassionate
These traits make it easy for you to make excuses for the narc’s bad behavior. You make excuses for the narc based on his “victim” stories. He was molested by a priest, he was emotionally abandoned by his mother. And on and on. Being empathetic, instead of holding him accountable for bad behavior, you hold his mother or that priest accountable. You believe that love, your love, will heal those old wounds and he’ll become the person he was during the love-bombing phase again.
You have trouble setting boundaries
You fear setting boundaries because you fear abandonment. With family, friends, coworkers and romantic relationships, you allow people to take advantage of you. Due to this, you are easily manipulated by the narcissist, toxic man.
You know how you should be treated, you just fear vocalizing it.
I would say this one really nails it. “You love unconditionally You love unconditionally.” I’ve known a couple women that have been married to or dated a guy that is over the top narcissistic and those relationships stopped once that woman stood up for herself and her beliefs. Being yourself is incredibly important! Trying to please someone just so you can have a relationship is just not the way to go.