Women cheat because of a lack of physical intimacy in marriage, a need to seek revenge for being done wrong or a desire for a few giggles and grins. Are those reasons or, are they excuses? Excuses that should never be accepted!
Most women have been taught since childhood to be “good little girls”, “behave like a lady”, and “grin and bear it”. Remember hearing the saying “little girls are made of sugar and spice, and all things nice”?
Fast forward to the 21st century, where women are now allowed to be tough, to say NO, to speak their mind, to become CEO’s and to enjoy sex. Women have become more assertive and in tune to their needs, wants and desires.
Some men like the fact that women are able to “talk the talk” and “walk the walk” while others feel intimidated by it. Without a doubt, this change has had a great impact on relationships between men and women, specifically the actions and behaviors of women.
According to 2012 statistics from the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 14% of married women have cheated compared to 22% of married men. Although women are not exceeding men in cheating, women are having emotional affairs and sex behind their man’s back. However, when a woman cheats, she is usually cheating for emotional intimacy while a man usually cheats for physical pleasure.
Women are still emotionally invested in their relationships. Women want to feel desired, wanted and irresistible. It’s quite phenomenal how far women have come in this world, from women’s lib, entering the workforce, becoming professionals, breadwinners of the family, and now getting their needs met; even if it means cheating. Now get ready to see what I reveal about why women cheat and some eventually divorce.
Reasons Women Cheat:
Reason 1. Lack of attention and intimacy:
How long can you go without receiving love and attention before you look somewhere else? Some can go for only days or weeks, and others can go for years. However, in general, women need and desire intimacy, physical touch, and mental and emotional attention.
If you are not receiving this from your husband or boyfriend, it will only be a matter of time and you may seek it from another i.e. a caring guy friend, the attentive guy who feeds your emotional needs at your workplace, or the hot trainer at the gym. Women deprived of attention, compliments, and compassion; usually, have emotional affairs. That doesn’t mean it won’t lead to sex, but initially, they crave the attention and compassion that has been absent from their relationship.
Reason 2. Revenge:
Being cheated on is a very difficult act to forgive. For those of you who have been cheated on, you know how awful it feels. You feel deceived, hurt, angry, sad, numb and even violated. It also affects your self-esteem. At the moment, you find out your man cheated, your whole body begins to shake, you begin to sweat, your stomach drops, and you feel nauseated.
Clearly, it negatively affects your relationship, your mood, behavior, and your ability to trust the cheater ever again. When you have been cheated on, some of you may want to get revenge by making them feel the way you felt. This can lead you, to do the cheating next. The biggest truth is that cheating never solves a relationship problem. Communication, assertiveness and increasing passion and romance in your relationship are a much better solution.
Reason 3. Bad sex:
Women need to feel desired and experience REAL orgasms during sex. If women are getting bad sex, not enough sex, non-emotional sex, or “wham-bam-thank-you-mam” sex, you may eventually lose interest in the relationship and look elsewhere for GOOD sex! This creates a temptation to seek sexual or emotional satisfaction elsewhere. In my opinion, it’s best to communicate your needs to your man with the hopes that he will step it up a notch. You can do this on your own or with the help of a sex therapist.
Reason 4. Weight loss/plastic surgery:
Male attention increases quickly after a boob job, a butt implant or weight loss, and so does your self-confidence. With all this male attention, your temptation to cheat rises, and it takes more self-control to resist some of those male offers. Once you realize other guys want you, your desire to act on it may have you feeling euphoric. However, be careful, act wisely and make your pros and cons list.
Reason 5. Financial independence:
When you feel financially dependent on your husband or boyfriend, it’s more difficult to speak up in arguments or leave the relationship. The fear of being alone and financially unstable keeps you in a one-down position. Now that women make their own money, enjoy working, and are good at it, the need to stay in an unhappy relationship is not necessary. That feeling of power and independence can be like seeing the red carpet laid out for you; all the way to those other fish in the sea.
Reason 6. Low self-esteem:
When you feel insecure about yourself, you have a need to seek validation from others. This can be in the form of sexual, emotional, or intellectual attention. When you don’t love or value yourself, you may project that onto the person you are in a relationship with and believe they don’t love or value you. Even if your husband or boyfriend loves you greatly, you still may cheat because you find it hard to accept their unconditional love. I suggest reading one of the many self-help books out there on building your self-esteem or get some counseling to help improve self-confidence.
Reason 7. Feeling under-appreciated:
When you are in a relationship, you like to please your man. Cooking a romantic dinner, buying sexy lingerie, and listening with your heart, are just a few ways you may show your love and appreciation. So what happens when you don’t hear “thank you, please or I love you.” Holidays and birthdays come and you don’t receive anything meaningful, nothing at all, not even a verbal acknowledgment. We all have thresholds, and once yours is reached, you may decide to act on a “thank you, please, or I love you” coming from another direction. Let your man know he may lose you if he continues to take you for granted.
Reason 8. Bored:
He doesn’t spray on that good smelling cologne anymore, his clothing is wrinkled, stained or way out-of-date. When he comes home from work (assuming he has a job), it’s the same old thing; “what’s for dinner”? When the weekend comes, he says he’s tired and just wants to relax at home or go out to the same sports bar you go every weekend.
The routine is the same over and over again. You are no longer on the same page. You barely have anything in common. You are feeling emotionally distant from him. You find yourself looking at other prospects and fantasize about being with someone else. You begin to feel excited (something you haven’t felt in “forever”) just thinking about it.
There are many ways to spice up an old, tired relationship. Boredom is something that can be resolved with a little, or sometimes a moderate amount of effort. It requires both of you introducing new ideas and behaviors, and some spontaneity. Be sure of what you want.
For more information about infidelity, self-esteem, and ways to cope, I recommend reading To Stay or Not To Stay? A self-help workbook for people considering divorce or staying in their relationship.
FAQs on Why Women Cheat:
Have women become more assertive than before?
Women have not only become more assertive but more aware of their rights and desires. They have cast aside old notions that women should act in a peculiar manner, enduring odds at all cost. They have earned the right to be tough, independent, and leaders in any competitive field.
Is there a difference between why men and women cheat?
Men cheat in pursuit of physical pleasure whereas women cheat because they want emotional intimacy. The Journal of Marital and Family Therapy revealed in 2012 that 14 percent of married women have confessed to cheating their partners as compared to 22 percent of married men.
Can a woman live without sex?
For both men and women intimacy and sex is an essential part of their lives. Different woman show different behaviors when it comes to having sex: some women can go without sex for years, others could only go without sex for days.
Do women cheat because of lack of attention and compassion?
Women are mostly forced to cheat when they are deprived of attention, compassion and understanding in a relationship. Mostly, women go for emotional intimacy when they are ignored but that doesn’t mean that their new relationship would not turn into a sexual one. It’s only natural to look for emotional intimacy elsewhere when you don’t find it in your relationship.
Do women cheat because their husbands or boyfriends cheat?
Yes, women do cheat when they find out their husbands or boyfriends have been having sex behind their back. They do this because they feel hurt, deceived and violated by their husbands. They want men to feel how they felt when they were cheated on.
Do women cheat because of bad sex?
Bad sex leave women unwanted and frustrated, a feeling that compels them to look for emotional intimacy and real orgasms. You can call it cheating but it really comes out of bad sex—one of the biggest reasons why women lose interest in their relationships and seek it elsewhere.
Will I attract more men if I get a boob job or a butt implant?
You definitely attract more men when you lose weight, get a boob job or a butt implant. Be warned that the temptation to cheat goes up several notches when male attention increases because of these changes. You feel euphoric with the luring attention.
Can financial independence make women cheat?
Financial independence may not make a woman cheat as much as it would make her leave a bad relationship. Financial independence rids a woman of the fear of being single and financially unstable. They find no need to stay in a bad relationship when they make their own money to sustain themselves.
Do women with low self-esteem cheat?
Women with low self-esteem cheat because they are unable to believe that their husbands or boyfriends love them for who they are. Women with low self-esteem satisfy themselves by seeking sexual, emotional or intellectual attention. Such women can either improve their self-esteem by reading self-help books or counseling.
Do women get bored and cheat?
Women do cheat when they get bored in a relationship, but not without making their partners realize the fact that they need to put in more effort to improve it. When they are ignored, they look for the missing excitement and sexual attention elsewhere.
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please…typical slut thinking
Women mostly cheat for one primary reason TEMPTATION!, meaning that women are in some occasions tempted by other men even if they are already married or seriously engaged. The problem of temptation is when she is not strongly involved or commited in her current relationship and is easily tempted to cheat with another person she likes. If a relationship is very strong with love and passion flowing freely, a woman should not get tempted to another man. www.seducelove.com
A great book to read in depth about this topic is Why Women Cheat – Confessions of a Pickup Artist by Daniel Gray which is available on Amazon. Excellent read! www.danielgray.co
people cheat because they WANT to. All these “reasons” are cop outs. lol. There is no valid reason to do it.
Yes I agree with u . These r just excuses . I’m dealing with this now and it hurts because I didn’t see it coming
Yes hi. I just wanted tosay that I am going through the same thing. My girlfriend cheated on my for no reason and it is hurting me so bad i don’t know what to do. I said that i forgive she but deep down inside i don’t.
My girlfriend cheated on me, tried to justify it and then left me for the guy she cheated with. She went from one day being all loving and all over me to nothing at all. It’s not like I didn’t show her affection or appreciate her. She left me for a guy she told me (throughout the end of the relationship) was just a friend and that there was nothing between them. That hurt a lot. Though friends have told me she not worth my time. So I’m with you Dave. She abandoned your trust, and she was unfaithful and not loyal. I guess it hurts more because you know her true colours. I’m sorry for what happened to you man, but it does get better eventually. Though if you’re still with her I’d be open and honest about how you’re feeling.
It may hurt a bit. Good thing is, she is out of your life and you are not wasting any more time on that whore. And if you are like me – a person that takes great pleasure in others suffering (even more so those who have harmed me directly) then you can just sit down and feel happy, because even though she think she is happy, a day will come when she is old, ugly, and useless when no man want her for her body she will die a lonely death.
My advice to cheaters everywhere is…don’t do it! Don’t fall for that cotton mouth and sweaty forefingers! My relationship with my wife wasn’t always so up and down. For a while things weren’t in fact so erratic and, believe it or not, we actually LIKED each other. Then we get into that whole money issue thing and I’ve just rocked another boat like Christmas rocks a cat’s pajama, but it’s not like it was out of the ordinary for us – two highly passionate people with emotional flares and plenty of baggage, let me assure you. I’m not sure she was my wife though, and what I mean to say is, she wasn’t actually my betrothed…in retrospect I’m not even sure she was a girlfriend. But we kept on keeping on, as the good book says, and what do you know, it didn’t end after all. Come to think of it, I haven’t had a relationship with a woman my whole life.
Exactly, so if you do cheat then you are just a selfish scumb of human being, be an adult and just end the relationship.
There is another reason. Some women are without morals and are just sluts
yes,we men are in trouble.most women cheat for no reason.i’m swiming in that pool at this moment.the problem here is i haven’t catch her with that boyfriend.what i did i switched on a tape recorder the time i leave the house and guess what,the friend came in and they started discusing their outside affairs.i was shocked to hear that she is had that boyfriend since 2009 till today.i’m speechless and i don’t know what to do.any one advise please,i’m hurting guys.worse i don’t do cheating to start with.help guyz please.
i am told some women cheat and lie because of their childhood and sexual abuse.
Women who Cheat are such Losers.
my 1 cheated once and i just cant seem to trust him where ever he goes i always have negative thought about him and i also end up arguing and throuwing that in his face.
What a crock. If a woman OR a man wants to have an affair they should end their marriage first. Those who choose to have an affair want the security of a spouse and the romance and excitement of an illicit affair. Their husband (or wife) is a safety net. The lover doesn’t discuss problems with the kids, home repairs or mortgage payments. It’s all excitement and romance. Their current spouse would be just as exciting to someone else if THEY were the ones cheating.
Not that simple Joe. I havent cheted on my husband because I love him but cant say thoght never crossed my mind or the temtation wasnt strong because of many of thess reasons. Mostly a self confadence thing and lake of ego stroking on his part. when u put yourself out there for the person you love to recieve nothing back you feel ignored, under appreciated, insecure and many other things. when you come across that person that gives you what you feel you are missing its a rush of endorfins and excitment. You know that you dont love that person but for the time being its what you want and need.
But dont get me wrong some people chet for sport. Also, Men and Women cheat for different reasons. a sexual cheat by a man is often compleatly different than a woman. the emotional thing is usualy the same. thats the one that will hurt anyone the most.
That being said sorry for all the spelling issues and my husband better never cheat on me.
Lisa: he will never, in his heart of hearts, EVER forgive you for what you’ve done. He may come back, but he will never feel the same way about you.
Lisa: he will never, in his heart of hearts, EVER forgive you for what you’ve done. He may come back, but he will never feel the same way about you.
Ashley Madison has the most women that cheat on this site.
I agree with the writer above at least four of the reasons stated above is the reason I cheated on my spouse. I love my husband and have been with him for 30 years. I told him before I even had the affair, he didn’t want to even ask me, WHY???
I was taken for granted, the sex was Wham Bam thank you ma’am . I felt as if something had died many years ago, neither of where innocent.
We have not lived together fot the last seven months and are now working on our marriage. We really do love each other. I really hope this opened up both of our lines of communication to really work on our marriage now.
For you people that are out there to judge, you never know what you’re going to do or how you are going to deal, or handle something until you walk in someone else’s shoes. Don’t be so quick to judge, you don’t know I never thought this would happen to us.
You’re a cheating slut. Period.
Now hes out bustn him some, trust me!!…thats why you haven’t lived together for those 7 months! Lol…all u women think its just you that gets bored with the same crap…think again, Your same old sex gets lame too, thats why you get wham bam go to sleep sex lol…if you stepped out on him, behind his back, you dont friggn love him…quit fooling yourself Lisa!
What you said is true, but usually that’s always the case, cheating or not, the wham bam go to sleep sex. The guys usually only care about their pleasure and not the woman’s. They may if it was a relationship, but in hook-ups, they’re just rude and demanding. If they don’t care about giving the woman more orgasms, why should she care about pleasuring him? They can be like this in relationships as well. Basically, in general.
Funny how most of the reasons given place the blame on everything other than the cheating slut herself. Typical female behavior; blame everyone else and assume the victim role. Bravo!
I cheated because my boyfriend was always on social media and I caught him texting other girls that they were beautiful.. I confronted him once I caught him but he continually kept doing it and he thought he was being sneaky.. Every time he was home he would be on his phone all day, we go to restraunts and phone all the time.. I felt that I wasn’t enough for him.. Men if you really love her make her always feel sexy, make her feel like you desire her! Try to put your selfs in their shoes!!
yeah, I understand why you wanted to cheat on your bf. if he wants to date you and and do things, he should give you attention. I guess he wants to have a girl to do his work while he uses his phone too much. i have known guys that want a girlfriend just to have a “person” to be with at such times. but mainly for them to do their house work.
I feel the same way my wife is on social media all day I feel the love is fading.. she say everything is fine but the love I have for her is going away, let social media love you.
Why is she on social media all day? What is missing in her life thay she has to turn to social media? It sounds like both of you are needing something from the other that you aren’t getting. If she were happy and felt connected to you, she wouldn’t be on social media.
So the poor guy is to blame for the woman being on social media. Now something is missing. …let me just stop here
Marital problems don’t happen in a vacuum. It takes two to make a marriage and two to break a marriage so, yes, the “poor guy” is playing a role in the problems in the marriage. People who feel connected to their spouse don’t spend all day on social media. He can examine his role in the problems in the marriage and hopefully work with his wife to save the marriage or, he can blame the wife and end up in divorce court. As adults, it pays to take responsibility.
Time to walk away. Take 50% of the assets and walk out the door. You will find that life without women can be serene, happy and peaceful.
By being pathetic.
I am a woman who left her boyfriend after 5 yrs because of lack of attention, compliments and never feeling beautiful. I really loved this man and was totally in love with him. Believe me, lack of attention can KILL a woman. To this day he thinks it was about sex. NO – THE LOOK OF DESIRE AND TENDERNESS AND BEING TOLD I’M BEAUTIFUL WAS LIKE AN ORGASM IN MY SOUL, even though my ex boyfriend was better and bigger in bed! I often wished my ex would have said the things and gave me the looks that the rebound man did. However you are correct about the integrity…cheating is immoral. I told my boyfriend at the time I was interested in another man FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 5 YEARS. I left him. However he took me back. Anyways….yes….women DEFINITELY cheat for lack of attention.
She didn’t cheat because you didn’t pay attention to her. She cheated because she lacks integrity and moral strength and made the DECISION to cheat. Forget her. I’ve learned that there are many fish in the sea. You may think you found your soulmate and there’s nobody else for you. But that’s not true. There are always other people out there that would be a good fit.
No need to shoot her. Just walk out the door, after taking 50% of the assets, and do not look back. Women are just not worth the trouble they bring to a man’s life.
I had the same thing but my wife cheated on me cause she said I didn’t pay any attention her. Although it was her that was on the phone all the time. I also worked a lot in order to support our family but I raised two kids that weren’t mine. When I found the guy she cheated with I confronted him and her and next thing I know I was kicked out of my house basically told when I could home to see my daughter and was the biggest piece of crap and I still don’t know why! What did I do wrong and why would she cheat on me with man who is much uglier than me?
Or you could have just ended the relationship like a mature adult should.
again playing the victim… you want to see a real victim? try these shoes on. ME>> broken back and neck total of 7 places. I raised HER kids for 18 years as they were my own. put her through school, built her a house and finally was able to take her on a vacation. get back and not even a month later she hands me divorce papers and tells me I “never did anything for her”.. STOP thinking about yourselves for once and look at the WHOLE picture women!! LIFE ISN”T a fairytale… suck up the bad as well as the good and WORK on your dang marriages.. you made a promise so why don’t you all start following through and not just expect the guys to all the time.
You stupid MORON!!! You should LEAVE THE FING RELATIONSHIP THEN!! Instead you chose to be a dishonest piece of SHYT justifies this in her own mind. FCK YOU and your ilk. If your not mature enough to say goodbye when unhappy with someone DONT GET INTO A FCKNG RELATIONSHIP!!!!
you were right that man lose the attention to you
Dear beautiful, Don’t you belive that you are in the same possition like those whom he is having in the social media? if men have to make all ways you sexy then you all ways have to go to one after the another. you may can not find respactful husband. Please try not to spoil the flowers before it gives its real smells, and keep let it becom a fruit. So you can have a wonderfull smell and deliciouse tast from it!
If you are willing to buy diamond or gold juwelary, do you will go to fish market to by it? or on the road those who is selling things on the pawment?
ye there are dumb A.s , he has problems with his mother and the role model of his dad nay soo good , this may not help but you had a fling hope you enjoyed it , its called growing up my advice get a pre nup when you get married
I found out my wife cheated on me years ago and I forgave her and if I ever find out she is cheating again I will without a doubt shoot her.
i am 34 yrs old, single, male. never been married or even dated. but i do noticed when i am at the stores, subway trains, etc, women with kids, 85% of them usually married, they usually respond back to me when i say hello to them. the single women, usually younger than me, just kinda look at me or not even noticed. bringing this up, when i read this article, the main focal point why women cheat?? Attention, and boredom. i guess they dont get enough attention at home, so when someone like me show up somewhere and acknowlege them, i think the appreciate that. the ones i know that are married and i know details about them, somehow they like that. their hubbys dont remember stuff in what they say to them. younger single women, they dont know what marriage is like. they think it will be all paradise, when in reality, it usually isnt.
Many women do have a serious problem just staying with only one man.
Their is a hunger in women(white western) a hole where the humanity was see any social media, cheating is a way to abuse your: dumb slow middle aged mate..mentally you rejoice in the pain you will cause.
The new generation of boys are becoming men without mom’s dads an females just things using them and claiming they are ones alone who destroyed the world, so with no respect for men see :Men if you really love her make her always feel sexy, make her feel like you desire her! Try to put your selfs in their shoes!!….and what of men? look at the world, women are tuning men into hate filled creatures tired of being bashed by how things were by women…if you marry get prenupp, she will always cheat and lie, society says she is better than you: women first in any crsis situation..see marriage-bored cheat,money cheat, bad hair day cheat. sooner or later it is gonna get nasty.I told him before I even had the affair, he didn’t want to even ask me, WHY???- your evil please die.
Yes I would like to meet up with you am at the laquinta inn
Women who cheat are such Losers.
According to the writer of this article, #4 is high confidence (from body changes) and #6 is low self-esteem. Since this covers the universe of all confidence levels, everyone has an excuse to cheat.
The real reasons are: poor judgement, dishonesty, and disloyalty.
I read this to try and understand women a bit better, but honestly I finally realized how self fish they are. Cheat cause your man is working all day to support you and you feel distant? Haha well I’m glad I don’t have respect for women cause they don’t deserve it. Good thing I’m not married or any kids cause I’ll be stuck like some of these punks lol
Human was never post to be with one person…. Male our female…
How about they do it because they like sex or are oversexed, Duh!
This doesn’t surprise me at all that women do Cheat much more since so many women that have their Careers today really think that they’re God’s gift to men which many women over the years are now so very high maintenance, independent, selfish, spoiled, greedy, picky, and very money hungry which certainly has a lot to do with it.
so women use these excuses to validate themselves being a complete whore? Women needs to be more classy.
People cheat because they choose to. That’s it.
No, they cheat because their worthless pieces of crap that have no morals, integrity or respect for themselves or others. its that simple. just like the pieces of crap that cheat with them. ever notice the cheater always has to turn around on the person they cheated on as if they were the victims?… just shows how pathetic they BOTH are..
You cheated and now you’re justifying it. That’s what all cheaters do. There’s nothing special about the author of the article. Typical cheater.
SO let me get this right, as i was recently cheated on and divorced, you are now coming up with excuses for woman to cheat with? which in turn will allow them to claim to be the “victim”. this is plain and simple BULL.. face facts, if you cheated its because your not worth the skin you wear. you have NO moral fiber, no respect for the other person NOR yourself. and you certainly have NO honor or integrity! my ex after beign together for 18 years laid just about every reason on me (just excuses) and tried to turn it around on me as my fault. meanwhile, i was raising HER kids, building her a house, put her through school and working my butt off so she could have everything she had. then i get told that i’m always working on the house, YET she’s the one that torn the living room ceiling down and left it for me to fix while she was “at work”. Now all i hear are blatant lies about me all around town.. and the only one i really want to hurt is the POS she cheated with. AND TO TOP IT ALL OFF, i knew who the a-hole was before the divorce even started and told her. Now they live a block and a half away from me … yeah and HER kids still live with me.. but i’m the bad guy..?? get a life! i’m so sick and tired of it always being the guys fault, take some damn blame, you opened your legs for any guy out there except for the one you were married to. your a liar and cant face the simple fact of what you do and feel the need to push blame on everyone else because you want it all to make it feel OK for you. guess what its not ok and most don’t know this but adultery os a felony in most states and i got that straight from the local DA… have both their butts arrested and thrown into jail.
I have cheated on my man before. We were almost done for but I insisted on couples therapy and it changed our entire life. Because of this, I am working on a new tv project to help others who have cheated or are getting cheated on to work on issues in their relationship. Free therapy from one of the best infidelity therapists and compensation for those who make it on the show. for more info email freecoupletherapyhelpatgmaildotcom everything kept confidential and no judgement.
I have cheated on my man before. We were almost done for but I insisted on couples therapy and it changed our entire life. Because of this, I am working on a new tv project to help others who have cheated or are getting cheated on to work on issues in their relationship. Free therapy from one of the best infidelity therapists and compensation for those who make it on the show. for more info email freecoupletherapyhelpatgmaildotcom everything kept confidential and no judgement.
Why do women feel the need to justify cheating?
You cheated. End of story.
It doesn’t matter what your reasons were. Cheating is wrong. If you’re unhappy with the relationship, then end it. Don’t go around being a slut and then trying to justify it with petty reasons because you’re guilty about it. Admit it. You liked the thrill of going behind your SO’s back and someone. It creates that adrenaline and excitement of trying not to get caught. It’s like playing hide and seek. The suspense gives you that rush. You’re a scumbag because of it.
Again, cheating is cheating. It don’t matter how much you try to spin it around and it doesn’t matter how much you sugarcoat it. What you did is a scumbag move and you’re a scumbag because of it. If you’re unhappy with the relationship, just leave. I don’t care about your reasons why you had sex with X person. Just leave.
Husband cheats. Society says he’s an a**hole, a scumbag, worthless, should have his tires slashed, lose his kids, etc.
Wife cheats. She was “bored” or “just needed to go find herself” or “didn’t feel in love”
Guess what? Feelings don’t matter, a commitment is a commitment. And a person who cheats is responsible for their actions, it’s not their spouse’s fault.
If you have cheated in marriage, know that God still loves you. However, you’ve done a very serious wrong. The only appropriate response is to get on your knees and beg God for forgiveness. You have absolutely no idea how painful it is for the victim, it’s soul crushing and will hurt them for life.
I know, but men cheat just as much as women and they whore around with other women when they do. They even blame the women for their mistakes and try to justify it. Unfortunately, the ‘other woman’ is blamed in this case instead of the cheater though he CHOSE to chase the other woman. But hey, I don’t see them being slut shamed. But yeah, what you said was true.
I cheated on my husband in Feb. I had been chasing him for love and affection for 3yrs he would constantly reject me. I lost weight tried everything. I asked for a divorce twice hoping it would make him realise. I told him before Xmas I couldn’t take anymore and that if he truly wanted me he would come to me. He did nothing, I was so lonely and at times I considered taking my own life. I felt ugly rejected and worthless.I was at a point so low that I new I had to leave. His mum was then diagnosed with Cancer, I new I couldn’t leave with that over him. I couldn’t cope with being so lonely so I had an affair not for sex just to be wanted. He found out after 4 weeks and His mum was cured of cancer thankfully very quickly managed to get it all out in a matter of weeks.
My husband left understandably and I gave live with the guilt everyday. I would never cheat again and hate that I caused so much pain to my husband family and myself at a moment of weakness.
What state you in sweety? You need a shoulder I am here….hit me up!
You shouldn’t feel guilty. Sure you may have went about trying to get his attention the wrong way. But you tried and he rejected you! If he truly loved you, he would have been there for you. But now you have a chance to find some one you loves you; someone who will be there for you; to show you love and you can be happy.
You should feel guilty, you did a terrible thing. Hopefully nonself respecting human being, malenor female, will ecer guve you the time of day ever again. I guarantee if this was the other way around, that a man had cheated, nobody would be saying that he shouldn’t feel guilty. But, women these days validate each other to death and make each other feel like they can do no wrong so they go through life acting like whores and believing they deserve some sort of prize for it.
a bad lady advisor,..she shouldn’t feel guilty u say..let her feel it ok…its a very bad thing she did… u are heartless for the fact that u dnt care…leave her alone with ur words..
If he had loved you right you would not have cheated. BOTTOM LINE.
Don’t feel bad sweetie.
Sorry…in my above post meant to address Louise…jm
Please don’t become a robber your self after being robbed some one from you.
If you belived that you can not live with him, so depart respctively. Please not ruin your diginity.
Leave it to a woman to tell another she shouldn’t feel guilty for using you husbands mothers cancer as a window to cheat. Only a woman could justify that. Unbelievable.
Open and honest communication cures many issues. Often times people don’t feel they can communicate their true feelings because of their partners expected reaction. This could be that they won’t understand or they will be minimized or judged for their feelings. It’s only when we value each others feelings that it matters. And that means understanding WHY they feel that way. It doesn’t mean we have to agree with why they feel that way, but when we understand the ‘why’ better, we can dialogue about that issue. It takes two people who aren’t afraid of being honest and open. Too often people are put down for expressing themselves and we know constant verbal abuse leads to the abused person systematically shutting down.
Louiose your whore whorewhore
My wife cheated for years. I suspected it but did not know for sure. When I finally confronted her she said she was “sexually addicted”, what the hell is that suppose to mean? Sounds like a cop out to me … Kind of like the Tiger Woods …. Excuse or a real mental problem … What do you think?
It doesn’t matter what she says anymore. Exclusivity and forsaking all others is what defines a marriage. She broke that covenant. Nothing else matters, I would drop her because things can never be the same again.
I had this happen to me as well which i just went for the Divorce since she Cheated on me quite a few times.
south African idiot,go mastabate
Please help me out :
Im john 30 year old. Im married 6 months ago. now i know a girl she is married and have 3 kids, she is 32. she tells me that she loves me and she wants only love from me and like to have sex with me. What Should i do? have sexual relationship with her?
A woman or man cheats for one reason and one reason alone: they have poor moral character, a lack of integrity, and are a liar. Wives especially love to roll out a million excuses. It is NEVER the victim’s fault. You chose to cheat, nobody made you do it. You. Alone. Are. To. Blame.
It appears that my comment is deleted. Was there a glitch or something or is this site actually censoring certain comments??
Anyway, I’ll say it again. If you cheated it’s your fault. Period. Nobody made you do it, and there are no excuses for it. It’s wrong. If you cheated, know that God still loves you. However, the only appropriate response for you is to get on your knees and beg Him for forgiveness. Adultery is very serious, and you have no idea how painful it is to get cheated on. I know from experience and it’s devastating. You don’t get it.
I agree, but if the guy cheated and the woman did it for revenge, he got what was coming to him. She doesn’t have to beg on her knees for him then when she can quit the relationship once he gets a taste of his own medicine.
if you can stay away her it is the best to do. but if can not than forgive her and stay with her.
if you have children than forgive her and stay with her, becouse now you have to sacrify you imotions to make healthy grow your children.
But the danger will be with her at any time, becouse of being blackmailed, or having more fun with her dog. the illicit partner will make her more drive using any mean to rock her in sex relation ships. but if you are with her you will take care for her at all means. anothe thing is when you are having sexual contanct with her, her dream will run immidiatly to her partner and evil will feel in her mind that her partner did this and that it was more fun or orgsm to her. the best way is to make her faithfull to Almighty God in all means. and she shoul learn that she should has to answer to the day of Jadgement, and she will be punished for what she did bad if He will.
Well since Most women Cheat more than men that doesn’t surprise me at all since they are without a doubt the world’s biggest Cheaters which really speaks for itself.
Well most women these days are Really the biggest Cheaters of them all Unfortunately which is Fact.
my wife cheated on me and says that it was because she was drunk and that she thought that I was cheating too so what the heck. but supposedly the guy video taped it and used it to get her to be with him pretty much anytime he wanted afterwards. so that is the reason she gave me for not ending it or telling me about it she says it was blackmail and the fear of being out on the street the only reason I think she finally told me I think was she thought he was going to tell me and she’d have a better chance of being forgiven if she came clean before he or anyone else told me what do you think and what do you think I should do
That is a stupid question. It is obvious she is a terrible person. Run from her as fast as you can and take as much as you can with you.
Kick her to the curb.
Don’t stand for it, if the roles were reversed, she’d be doing the same. Better off without a dishonest person.
Move on man, it’s not worth it.. I’m already sleeping in a spare room and insist she does not approach me. I made it clear she’s not the oxygen I breath.. Shes scared to move on but I’ve got a surprise for her on her birthday when the families will be around. That will be the end.
I cheated on my husband because I chose to. No excuses. No rationalizations. No blame. I cheated. That’s it. We had been together for 21 years. I hurt everyone I love because of a selfish decision…and it is a decision…not an accident. I came clean to everyone that matters. Because lies ruin everything. I learned that the hard way…which seemed like an easy way at the time. My advice to someone who is thinking about cheating…don’t. My advice to someone who is cheating now…stop. There isn’t enough excitement in the world that is worth the devestation this act causes. I have forgiven myself because that’s all I can control. I am living with the consequences everyday and I will for the rest of my days. The only positive thing I can get out of this is to be able to give advice from someone who has been there to whomever may need it…and maybe change their minds. I will say that the statemnet “Once a cheater, always a cheater.” is not always true…because I would never choose to do this again. Be blessed…
Good for you Jeanette. I just discovered my wife of 17 years had been cheating for the last 3.5 years. We have 3 kids. I am working through this with her…but only if she changes her ways (and I am changing mine too…better listener, more present, etc). But, she is still not owning it (3mo from d-day). I wish she would talk like you have…..she is stubborn…and I can see that she will learn (maybe too later after i leave). So, I hope she wises up now…..if nothing else for her own personal mental health….
I have been married for 14 years and have been with this man for 18 years. I’m 33. That’s more than half of my life! For the most part he’s been a good husband and father. However, he is emotionally and mentally abusive. He has been for the entirety of our marriage. I was just to young and dumb to realize it. I have put up with, made excuses for him as to why he speaks to me like that in front of friends. Whom we have lost. We have no friends now because of him. He has recently become sick and Is awaiting a kidney transplant. This has made him increasingly cruel and cold. He won’t get help to deal with his anger. I am his door mat. We have four kids together. I have been a stay at home mom and wife. If I work he becomes so jealous that I eventually quit as to prevent embarrassment due to his accusations or rude comments in front of others. So my dilemma is should I reaquaint myself with my first love from high school which would most likely become intimate. We broke up because he went away to boot camp. I have shared the bad and the good things with “john” about my marriage and being a military man it disgusts him how I’m treated. I made vows to stand by my husband through sickness and health. But does that mean I have to take the abuse? I want to be loved not walked on. Should I have an affair and eventually leave my sick husband or continue to sacrifice my heart and soul.
What the hell does him being a military man have to do with a man being been disgusted? You sound like a bit wit
Sounds like you are desperate for a way out. And instead of of being an adult and walking out the door you are looking for a hero to rescue you. And who better than a man in uniform. I mean there’s no possible way he could just be trying to take advantage of your situation to score some easy sex right? Or maybe, like most women, you just want to be pounded by a military guy.
Those are excuses not reasons. The reason they cheat is because they are programmed to. Genetic diversity says so. The other reason is that their emotions rule their actions not their intellect. Example, your wife/girl will buy some crap on sale she doesn’t need, or want because it’s 50% off. She will buy an outfit and NEVER wear it. Women come up with emotional nonsense to explain every reason they act stupid and do irrational things. The reason is perfectly rational. The reason women do things they can’t explain is because their emotions rule their actions. Men go to psychiatrists to try to understand the irrational actions of their women. But they are just that irrational. So don’t waste the money because you cannot rationalize emotion it just is.
Unfortunately there are just too many Low Life Loser women these days more than ever.
For all you Cheating women out there which makes you very much a real Loser in the first place to begin with since you really need to read a good book on how to be Faithful to your man since many of us Good men out there had this happen to us already which Most of us i would say were very Faithful to our wife before this happened to us unfortunately. You women that have Cheated should’ve Never been married to begin with in the first place since you’re the real reason why Most marriages are Failing these days unfortunately.
It is very sad to read a lot of these comments that women have Cheated on their husbands and boyfriends which makes them real low life losers anyway.
It is fact that Most women are the biggest Cheaters today and us men will still Lose when we go to court.
THIS is why more and more men are TAKING THE RED PILL AND GOING MGTOW – women are only as loyal as their options and at the end of the day will always see men as a disposable utility that has a limited shelf life.
And what about many of us men that had our woman Cheat on us when we were very caring, loving, committed, and showed her a lot of attention which it still Wasn’t Good enough for her? What would you say about that one? It is a very losing battle for many of us Good men out there that were very much the Committed ones at that time.
Amen brother, it seems women always want a ‘good man, gentleman’ that type of thing but when they get one they just abuse it and cheat but when it’s time for us to leave the cheating coward, she’s quick to call us a-holes and throw all sorts of abuse our way. Apparently men cheat more, but just going by the comments on this page, it’s obvious that women seem to think it’s ok to cheat as long as one of these things apply to them. To hell with equality when one gender can get away with it more than the other.
James, it’s a losing battle for us good women too! Men cheat more often than women so, what does that tell you? It tells you that more good women are being cheated on that good men?
No! When women cheat it is more about emotions, even if sex is part of the ritual to express them. Men who cheat are more about their penises, it is more of their simple, basic instinct of getting satisfied sexually.
Therefore a woman who cheats to a caring man is by no means comparable to a man who cheats on his caring woman, although both to my morals and opinion are deplorable acts. The woman usually brings the emotional level to her sexual adventures.
No. It says that women are better at covering their tracks. The data that tracks cheating comes from volunteers. All that means is that more men volunteer to brag about their infidelity than women, who are much better at hiding it; until they WANT you to know.
Amanda, women are the worst of all when it comes to cheating since many of us men that are single now because of this, and we were the very faithful ones from the beginning right to the very end.
Women who cheat are Pathetic Low Life Losers anyway. Case closed. Been there done that.
my husbeen has been sick for years 15 and i have been cheating on him for 18 out of are marrige he a good man but a bad in bed. them i go out with are black men they are good i had my frist 4 sum and it was fantasic they controled me and i was having the time of my life. i feel bad i stay becouse i now he will go soon but why should i stay just for that. tell me
You’re a worthless whore….no, no not a whore. Whore’s get paid. You’re a useless slut who has a special place set aside in hell. A pile of dog crap has more value than you. You selfish, valueless slut.
As a man personally don’t have to worry about getting cheating on as I live a MGTOW lifestyle my life, mind, health,and bank account is amazing I don’t want ever be in a relationship or get married as the financial,emotional and mental ramifications are just not worth it ,so now I travel meet people and focus on just me…BUT if you’re lucky enough to find or have a ”unicorn” relationship hold on to each other for dear life and don’t let go…cause most of these posts make for quite a depressing read.
Marriage is tough. I’ve been married 26 years and the lack of attention started 2 years into our marriage. I was alone most of the time. He rejected every date I suggested…even today. I struggled so much I wanted to divorce and even considered cheating but didn’t. I realized he would never change because he never kept his promise. I turned my loneliness to devoting my time to my 4 children and remained the loving wife and mom I am today. Although I’m still unhappy I believe I chose to marry this man and if it’s God’s will I will be his until death do us part. I’m 49 years old and although I might sound dumb and naive, adultery is wrong plus sex isn’t everything in a human’s life. I’m not judging cheaters but I think you can find ways not to.
Women that are going to Cheat should never get married in the first place since these type of women are so very Clueless And Worthless to begin with. They just Don’t know how to be Faithful to just only one man since they have that desire to Cheat all the time which makes these women Pathetic Losers anyway. What makes it very sad that the man loses out in court most of the time over this especially if they have children since the court does protect these Low Life women most of the time. Been there and done that
It is a real shame that many women are a real Low Life nowadays unfortunately. Been there and done that.
Most of the time it is real fact that women cheat way more than men do which causes many divorces nowadays since they have Commitment Issues and just Can’t stay Faithful to just only one man anymore. Many women but Not all will sleep around with all different men all the time for the Trill of it. It is very sad that these women Don’t have a gilty concious at all when they do it since many families have been torn apart over this already.
Men and women shouldn’t get married at all in the first place to begin with since Both are at fault when they Cheat on each other. But if the man is very Faithful in the marriage and the woman Cheats then she is a real Whore.
Every lasst excuse stated in thbis article boils down to one thing, it’s your husband/boy friend’s fault. What ever happened to feminisim? Aren’t today’s women supposed to take control of thier lives. Not only do these all have the same excuse, they also have the same method to resolve them. COMMUNICATION WITH YOUR SIGNIFICANT OTHER!!!!!!!!!!!! Women want us to talk more open up to them. Well ladoes, it works both ways. However, there is one thing you need to take to heart, YOU ARE NOT ALWAYS RIGHT!! Enough said.
Read the article, MORON. You either didn’t read the article or you have the reading comprehension of a 3-year-old. The majority of the reasons in the article had NOTHING to do with the husband. Which makes your opinion of the article inconsequential. You’ve shared an opinion that is worthless based on the content of the article. Go away little boy!
Actually more than half the reasons involve their husband not doing his job. Learn to read you incompetent little weasel.
To Amanda, well you’re the one that started this topic MORON.
what a load of tosh peopel cheat because its there nature , this is not a soap opera, life is tuff , we learn and grow, cheatng is to be expected, pre nups a must do , and its natural , the only reason peopel do not cheat is lack of opertunity , right time right place right person , i love the idea of love and would love to find someone who would not cheat but it will never happen I am a very loving person and have felt love and expressed love , but like evry thing else it becomes routine and emotionaly your are lucky that the partner can still stimulate you after a period of time , there are many different personality types and routes but its on the cards probably peaks out bottoms out or what ever again like every thing else , but disney is disney make believe , i never read the artical i thought how i feel and live and wrote , I adapt each day improvise no set rules except do the right thing for the right thing to happen , cause and effect , peopel want attention and will do any thing for attention even TRY and romance lustful cheating , my advice bring your pre nup out asap say adios , never try to sort it out or run after your X haha sit back and laugh and laugh it is a great feeling to mature , on the bright brighter Mr brightside , you could meet a mature partner , I can only talk for hetro man and woman relationships , i know nothing about other attention requirements excuse my spelling I am laughing and always refuse to edit
This is like copy pasted from peacefmonline.com
This girl is nut job.
My gut feelings tell me that my wife’s behaviour confirms that she may have cheated on me but she lies constantly and her action proves otherwise. She would not hear of divorce so I’m going to make her regret the day she was born that low class worthless bon bag. I’m one hell of a man that do not like second hand meat.. By the time she realises that sim done with her, no one will be looking her way.
Blame us men for her wrong doing.. Why not blame it on the original sin that you women have been cursed on???
Steve, my story is quite similar to yours. I’ve been a devoted husband looking after 3 children while my ex-wife now used to work evening shifts.. well well a close female friend of hers told me about it as she felt sorry for me. I caught her in the act and to this day, three years on, she’s still single and looking as ugly as.. her liver kicked her out and I got custody of my beautiful children. She’s praying we reconcile, he’ll if I do! She’s waste matter as far as I’m concerned.
Wheres your dignity, charm and charisma women? Going out and getting laid by another man does not make you anything better other than a gutter for men to drop their filth in..
Setves you right EX.. who’s having the last laugh now Pfttt!!
well, my wife cheated on me and I believe none of these factors where present. Like many men with sexual desires and high immature impulses, women can act in such way.
I sent flowers to her every day I was absent, I attended her pain and washed out her tears, I cooked for her, took her around the world, I was in sync with her hobbies and did my best to share them with her. We had wonderful sexual complicity and understanding, particularly just before I found out she was cheating on me, a time of my life and of our relationship in which I was trying hard to make her happy will all my efforts, which by the way where not insifnificant as (forgive my lack of modesty) I’m a person with means, both intellectual and economical.
Yet she cheated.
Why? I try to give a meaning to this act of treason, specially by the means of the fact that she has some mental issues such as borderline personality or bipolar disorder. But the truth is, as she is just another woman who has cheated on me because of being too good to her, that women cheat beacuse they can, in a much better an efficient way than men can. Add to that the fact that women are always looking for someone better than you, and if you are not dominant enough (that is, a man by old school standards, synonym of possesive) you will be not interesting anymore. Just be a model husband, or a model boyfriend, dedicated and caring, and you will have your reward in the form of a cheating woman. It has happened to me 100% of the times, might have some differences in other cultures but in the Western culture that is what I found out.
Secure women try to convert the alpha male they are with into a beta, to proof their manlyhood, by provoking the most unimaginable pain to him. Which would not work if it were a real alpha, as he would put her into place violently (and I don’t mean physically). But if she is able to convert the man into a beta or a omega, a man who loves her to bits and complies to all her desires, beware, she will cheat to look for some other man “stronger” who can challenge her.
Of course these are generalisations of the female gender regarding the world of relationships, but it is very true that it is in their nature to diminish their men to he extreme to prove their manhood. This comes from the stone age times, and it has been proven by psychiatrists, and therefore has a if not scientifical, at least logical explanation regarding the survival of the heard and the preservation of the humans.
It sounds like you smothered your wife to death. You were in sync with her hobbies and did your best to share them? You sent her flowers every day? You washed away her tears? I have a feeling what you call being “too good to her” was an attempt to control her. And, no one likes being controlled or smothered. It doesn’t sound like she has any mental health issues but I’d suggest you get yourself evaluated because you may possibly have some.
And this is how women who cheat rationalize their actions. “He was smothering me and I needed space, so I met a guy who understood that and one thing led to another…” If she needs space why is she screwing around? Why not just be single? She would have all the space she needed then.
Kabral, anyone who cheats, man or woman tries their best to rationalize their actions. I’d say men are more likely to use rationalizations since it is men who cheat more often than women. And, I should know, I’m a marital therapist. Men and women cheat for many reasons. Why not just be single? Because we all want a partner we can stand to be around and some people make the mistake of finding a new partner before leaving the old partner. It’s human nature.
Women who cheat are real whores anyway since you really can’t say anything good about them to begin with which makes it very sad for many of us good men that had this happened to us already even though many of us were the real faithful ones to begin with. I have seen quite a few other friends that i know that had their marriage destroyed by this as well which makes it a real shame altogether. That is the real good excellent reason why many marriages are failing these days since most of the women of today are the real cause of this in the first place unfortunately since so many women just can’t commit to just only one man anymore especially when he is a very good man just like many of us were that had this happened to us. In my case i was very lucky that i never had children but i always did want children since i always wanted to have a family that i never had which makes it very sad for many of us that are single all over again when we really shouldn’t be at all. It was very bad enough for me to go out all the time especially when i really hated it from the very beginning and i always thought that i was going to meet a good woman someday and have that family that i always wanted to have since so many of these very pathetic low life loser women are very good when it comes to destroying a good man’s life since they really don’t have any shame at all when they do it since they just don’t know how to keep their legs closed anymore. Many of these type of women that cheat are just not cabable to be in a relationship at all if this is going to be their intention since they’re just better off being all alone by themselves instead of hurting the next innocent man which would certainly save him a lot of pain and misery as well. They just showed a couple on TV that just celebrated their 81st year together since many people need to learn from them. Then again back in the old days which it was certainly a totally different story since most men and women in those days were very faithful right to the very end.
some men have a lot going for them, and some of us have nothing going for us. life is not fair.
result, we are not going to get a woman and if we do there is not much we have to keep her.
Same old tired BS. A man has to do everything absolutely perfect, or the woman will be tempted to cheat and it’s all his fault. Just say that. Women are easily bored and hard to satisfy. They will always be looking for that new thrill, a better provider or a bigger, better cock to sit on.
Most of the women unfortunately that are still single today just have trouble committing to just only one man since they just keep spreading their legs around for so many different kinds of men all the time which makes them very sad altogether now. And it is real fact that many married women are still sleeping around as well since they’re very much the reason why the divorce rate is very much out of control right now because of them too. Most of these women that are like this now are just much better off growing old all alone by themselves since they just don’t know how to be faithful anyway.
My wife has cheated on me several times. She came clean and told me that she was looking for someone to latch on to when we seperated. I have never suggested seperation. She has realized that they were using her duh. I believe she is cheating now the signs are there but no proof. If i ask her she becomes defensive. she constatntly accuses me of stuff i have never done. I believe it is guilt on her part. I try to show her affection and she constantly pushes me away. However when it comes to buying her stuff she isnt afraid to ask for money. No more cant do the fake marraige she is killing me more everyday. When is the right time to leave. Any input is appreciated.
Joseph, you should have left after the second time she cheated on you. One time is a mistake, two or more is a habit. Get out and find a decent woman who will love, respect and never consider cheating on you. Good luck!
Also: I would say just leave her on the spot. But this is 2017, and I’m aware we don’t all have a ‘conventional’ relationship (whatever that means), and since you have both remained together despite the cheating. It suggests that there is something you find worth fighting, and perhaps similar for her (unless the only benefit she sees is your financial support), Sugardaddy relationship? Do you have kids, property, business together? As this will make things far more complicated.
Joseph sounds more like you have a cuckold relationship. Nothing wrong there, some guys enjoy that sort of thing and really love their wives and vice versa. You’re aware your wife is having sex with other men but allow it to happen. Maybe part of you is happy that she is happy with this arrangement, that you know she enjoys it, yet still comes back to you. But I sense a significant part of you feels like you’re being used, and are getting the raw end of the deal (you finance her, while she gets her pleasure/affection/social life elsewhere. i.e. you’re just a financial sponsor, like a bank). I don’t know all the ins and outs of your situation to say to leave or not. But I would say you need to discuss with her what you need out of the relationship, and find out what she needs. Look at it like a business, if you’re supporting her, then she should reciprocate in kind otherwise in the long term it will fail. Even if the deal is you two live together, and both are free to see other people (open relationship), there MUST be something to balance whatever support financial or otherwise that you provide.
Do you need permission or obvious sign to leave? Seems already answered your own question when you said “I can’t fake marriage it’s killing me.” If a women suggests separation or space that usually means one of two things she has been cheating for awhile wants figure out will she move on with other guy or stay with you for temporarily now. Second she been plotting to cheat finally found somebody to fulfill her desires. There’s a phrase I heard before hurt people hurt others. Now cycle is coming around back to you she felt guys been using her now she using you for money.
Most women that do cheat are lacking attention when their partner don’t acknolege them at all since most women do need plenty of attention to keep them happy nowadays.
We are married 27 yrs, had pretty good sex lives and travel lots. We both held high corporate positions. 3 years ago I was comatosed (2 yrs) and 1 year of physiotheraphy to regain my independence. 40% physical recovery and 95% mental faculty. Noticed my wife looked better and told her that. She said I should workout more to get better.
She goes to the gym at 6 am and then off to office. Comes homes around midnight (Mon-Fri) saying she went clubbing with staff to motivate them. I get less than 15 mins of face time with her everyday. Once she came home on Friday night and I initiated love making session, she turned away saying “I have a tiring day.”
She is a totally different woman I married and was not happy I am getting better. Getting PI to check her clubbing activities. Once got evidence, I am out … together with my money.
Get in touch if you want to spy on your cheating spouse
Certainly, Cheating is a dirty word and when woman do it it becomes worse. But is it cheating in every case? THere may be needs or anything so before you judge read here at https://www.bonobology.com/shes-no-longer-happily-married-free/
Excuse after excuse for being a useless cheating slut. You wonder why men don’t want anything to do with you.
I think its difficult to peer into a mind of someone and predict why they did this or that. Temptation is one I agree with. There are also many other reasons from how things are at home to the intimacy levels between partners. But I think it’s wrong to tar everyone with the same brush.
Lack of attention might be the biggest reason a women cheats or looks for someone else. lack of attentions doesnt mean physical attention but also the attention of emotions,that most men fails to give.
But instead of cheating women should communicate with their partner ,becuase communication can solve a majority of problems
Women are communicators. You can bet that any woman who leaves a husband or cheats on a husband has communicated her needs or unhappiness to her husband. It usually falls on deaf ears.
Filthy whore women who cheat need the death penalty.
Sometimes living with them is more hellish than getting divorced. Besides, all women cheat eventually. So be smart fellas, cheat on her first so you won’t feel so bad when the inevitable happens.
My husband stopped to fill the divorce papers after i contacted you to help me stop the divorce , me and my husband now things are going much better now. As you said, all the process concerning the divorce have been cancelled and the evil woman that cause the problem in my marriage has be sent away by my husband and we are now happy together. I recommend dr.unity for anyone who is having troubles in their marriage/relationship.Here’s his contact Email him at: Unityspelltemple@gmail. com
Invest in your interests.
Put those interests foremost.
Never alter your pleasures to suit her.
You are unavailable whilst involved with the above.
Respect, communicate and make her kum with good phucking.
Avoid living together; if you can avoid living together.
Do not get married. That game is up.
Why? Because women are convincing early on and yet, somewhat fickle after settling. Especially after the man begins to feel comfortable and alters the above.
This can be avoided though, if she feels a reasonable amount of jealousy over you. Which she will if you do not alter the above.
And, lets face it. If you live apart together, at least you can turn your head when out shopping etc, to have a better look at that lovely walking past.
Noticed a georgeous woman at a theme park a few years ago. My woman (now ex) gave me ‘that stare’. Looking for the slightest twitch of interest from me. Can still recall the neck ache after playing pokerface.
after 13 years of marriage my husband is filling for divorce because of his new secretary whom was employed in October
Most of the women nowadays as it is are just dirty low life loser pigs that are only good for the streets in the first place. Been there.