Ladies, this Valentine’s Day, whether you have that special love or you’re still waiting for the right one, remember you will always be the missing piece to the fullness of the love that you desire. Love is an amazing thing and it only gets better when you share it with the right person. However, one thing that never changes is that it always begins with the woman in the mirror!
While February 14th is set aside as a day of “all things L-O-V-E,” the reality is, love is constant and should be felt every day by those who value you… including you. Love is ultimately one of those things that starts within. You can’t give or receive more love than you have for yourself. What is your perception of love? How much do you value you? How much time do you spend on yourself? How YOU treat you, trains others how to treat you.
During this season leading up to Valentine’s Day, consider letting this be a time of self-assessment. Regardless of your relationship status, this helps to be sure that before allowing others to make love withdrawals, that you have received enough love deposits. You don’t want to be guilty of writing bad love checks.
I would like to offer 3 unique ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day 2017:
1. If you are rolling solo: Make a love list (favorite food or restaurants, movie, wine) Choose options that you are least likely to cancel. Set up an actual date for yourself and put this in your phone calendar as a reminder. Whether you are planning to be home in your pj’s by 7:00 pm with pizza and a movie or making reservations for your favorite restaurant, DO NOT CANCEL. You owe it to yourself to be loved and valued and deserve to have this “me time.” Let me just add that a special dessert ALWAYS make these moments that much sweeter.
2. If you are rolling duo: Still arrange some alone time. Try a different hairstyle, bolder nail color, whatever makes you feel special. Before you try to anticipate what someone else will do for you, make yourself feel good. This also helps in case your gift from someone else is wack! Spoil yourself.
3. If you are just ready to roll: Take my daughter’s suggestion and plan a Gal-entine’s Day! Yes, you read that right—GALENTINE’S DAY. Gather your closest gals (friends, sisters, or any gals that know how to enjoy life) and plan some time together. Whether it be barhopping, bowling, or watching a chick flick with appetizers, come together and do something fun. This could also become an annual event just to make sure you are getting in some much needed time and fun with those that help keep you going. Girl time, well in this case “Gal” time, always has the potential to become an unpredictable adventure.
I hope these suggestions were helpful. If not for you, maybe you can pass them along to someone you know could use them. I plan to try something from the list this year too.
Don’t fall into the trap of asking yourself “who loves me?”. As we approach Valentine’s Day this year, remember to love and value yourself more than ever. This is the key that will unlock all of the love you desire to give and receive. Don’t ever let YOU be the missing piece that keeps love from overflowing in your life. You will only get out of it what you are willing to put in, and you can only put in what you have within. Make it your mission to love YOU and this will teach you how to accept nothing less than what you deserve.
Happy Love Day Y’all!
Wow!! What a great article!! Who loves me? Who loves me not? Who cares? It was filled with so many great suggestions and encouragement! Great job Tiffany Rone.
Thank you!
AWESOME!!!! Great advice from a great lady!!!!
This is a must read article for every women, whether single or married. Well written!!!
GREAT READ! A little nugget for everyone! I will definitely be carving out more ME time!