As a divorced or single mom, you may find yourself the sole caretaker of your children – at least most of the time. Whether single parenting was a long time coming or took you by surprise, the care of your children is always a priority.
Traditionally, after divorce the non-custodial parent receives every other weekend visitation with their child and, maybe one dinner night a week. Have you ever heard people remark about how great it is that single mothers “have every other weekend off”? We single mothers chuckle at such comments. We do 100% of the parenting the other 27 days of the month, and use those “free” weekends running errands, taking care of housework, and all the other things necessary to keep the house and family running smoothly. Not to mention that we may have to go back to work, or increase our work hours, to support our families.
Add in the guilt we feel raising our kids in a single-parent home and trying to make up for the absence of the other parent – and where does this leave us as parents and women? Tired, isolated and burned out. Have you ever stopped and realized that it is 3 pm and you are still in your pjs? That you didn’t have time to get your hair colored and so tried to do it yourself and now look like a skunk? Or are so tired that you wore two different shoes to a school conference? You are not alone! We are so focused on making our kids a priority that we forget that it is ok – even essential – to get help and take a little time for ourselves.
It may be time to reassess your priorities and take advantage of the benefits a babysitter can provide. Whether it is to grocery shop without a kid in the cart (honestly a luxury) or, spend an evening with girlfriends (or maybe a date!) without worry of what is going on at home, the right babysitter will enhance both your life and those of your children. And there is no better way to connect with the right caregiver than through a service like Sittercity.
Still not convinced? Here are the top three reasons why many single moms don’t use sitters more often, and why they should!
1. You want to be a part of all the special moments in your kids’ lives, especially when they are young. The first steps, the first words, learning to read and run and all those amazing times. The thought of some stranger experiencing those moments instead of you? No way!
The fact is that you cannot ever predict when those special moments will occur, and you cannot live your life with your phone camera ready just waiting for something to happen. If you do, you certainly will lose out on experiencing so many other opportunities that will expand your horizons. So what happens if you are out when a meaningful event occurs? The right sitter will capture those moments – and the everyday ones, too – and share them with you.
2. The fear your children will injure themselves and you won’t be there to soothe them is often the number 1 reason single moms shy away from sitters. Kissing boo boos and wiping away tears is mom’s job, not that of a stranger!
You are not alone if you are convinced that the moment you leave the house SOMETHING will happen. The reality is that kids will fall down and get scrapes and bumps and bruises. That’s part of being a kid. It is healthy for them to know that people other than mom are loving and reliable and can make them feel better. Set guidelines with your sitter about when to call should an accident occur. You will find that that this fear, in all reality, is unfounded.
3. You love your children and don’t want a random stranger in your home caring for them. We single mothers are picky, picky, picky – and we should be! Are they responsible? Do they have references? Do they know CPR?
Let’s face it, for your typical single mother the list of qualified sitters is short. You are uncomfortable with the teenager down the street and you don’t have relatives to step in. Using a service like Sittercity takes the “trouble” out of finding a babysitter. And if you do most of the parenting singlehandedly easy is exactly what you need.
Take advantage of the in-depth sitter profiles, parent reviews, and the hands-on tips for identifying potential candidates, conducting phone and in-person interviews and running background checks. With all of these resources at your fingertips, there is no guesswork in choosing the right sitter for your family. Whether you are looking for once in a while care, a few hours a week, or daily care, you will find the help you need.
Single moms are powerhouses. We do it all – but we don’t have to. Not only is it ok to get help, it is essential for your well-being – and that of your kids – to have someone else you can rely on.
Did you know that you can start your search for a sitter or post a job listing on Sittercity for free? Plus, as a valued reader, Sittercity is offering you huge savings of 35% off of a three month membership. Just use the code DIVORCEDMOMS35 (expires 3/31/15).
Get started today for FREE and find the sitter that is perfect for your family!
This article is sponsored by Sittercity.
Most, at the very least, true single mom’s don’t have the luxury of being able to afford a sitter. True single mom’s literally do it all financially. A divorced mom has some help coming in from the ex. For single moms, such as myself, I work 40 hours a week and that, when I’m lucky pays the mortgage (a luxury to own a house as a single parent) & the bills.
Sitter city has some great people on there. I’m one of them. But it isn’t cheap. For a responsible single mom it is too expensive. A night out can cost easily $100 by the time you consider dinner, activity and sitter.