Whoever you are, whatever you’re dealing with, I want you to know that you are not alone. A lot of us have gone through this and have made it out of the madness alive, intact and happy. You will too.
Yeah, I’m not dwelling. But I remember wanting to talk to women who went through this interesting life experience and not really finding a whole lot out there on the subject. Sure, there are divorce sites, cheating hubby sites, all that flim-flam/angry chat board groupie thing. But most of those offered up the obvious stuff, and I wanted to know the subtle, little things about what to do when your husband leaves.
That’s why I wrote, What to Do Immediately When Your Husband Leaves You and then followed that up with this article. An article for those a bit further along in the process of surving being left behind.
Like when you’re pregnant, no one really tells you there’s a very good possibility that a room full of people will see you poop when you deliver. That’s not essential information, but personally, that’s good to know.
I made a shit-load of errors. I did a lot of things that I shouldn’t have, and it would have been really cool to have had someone there to give me a heads-up when I was going about it the wrong way. So here is my little list of information on how to survive the trauma of divorce.
Here’s What To Do When Your Husband Leaves You…by someone who has lived through it.
1. Breathe.
Duh, right? But remind yourself to do it, do it deeply and often. When we start to freak out we get that panic-stricken breathing thing going on, and that’s not conducive to rational thinking. Which you will definitely need to be doing at this point.
2. Put your emotional sensor into hyper-drive.
You are going to have a million things running through your mind all at once. You are going to want to negotiate, maim, give up, maim some more, accept all blame, pass the buck, yada yada yada. That’s all well and good, as long as you KEEP IT IN YOUR HEAD. Don’t say anything, write anything, text anything or email anything before you carefully, thoroughly decide if it’s appropriate. Or true. Or self-destructive.
I turned to the written word when I was left to twist in the wind. I wrote pitiful, awful letters to my wayward husband, wherein I took all the blame for everything bad that had happened in our marriage. I blamed it on wine, on the Internet, on my fat upper arms…I guess in my damaged state of mind I figured that maybe, just maybe if I took this one for the team he’d reconsider.
In hindsight, I should have ripped these up instead of handing them over. He kept them, and not only kept them but shared them with the very person who was 1/3 responsible for the demise of our marriage. And that sucks. I still have a pretty pathetic, weepy email from him, sent after he and his girlfriend (his much younger co-worker) had started shacking up, that I printed out and saved. I think it would be…interesting to see the ripple-effect that thing would have if I shared it. But that’s irrelevant right now.
Lesson learned:
Don’t let your heart hit send before your brain proofreads. This will be something that requires constant attention. And you will slip. Forgive yourself.
3. Open up your own checking account if you don’t already have one.
And an addendum to this one: close the joint one, asap. Even if you are one of the rare ones who does get that “fairy tale” ending, it’s never a bad idea to have your own bank account. If you do indeed end up divorced, it’s wise to get your name off of EVERYTHING that is joint. I am haunted, to this day, by things that we signed on to as a married couple. I’m not a lawyer nor am I a financial expert (I made myself LOL at this one) but I do think that things may have been a little bit brighter for me, financially, if I had dumped most of the co-sign things right at the start.
4. Brace yourself for the fact that if he’s left, chances are really, really good that he’s got someone else.
I denied this one until the proof was physically shoved into my face. When I think back on how desperately I tried to patch things up between my husband and I, and all the while he was slinking back to Suzy Homewrecker, I am filled with two things: anger at how stupid I was, and embarrassment. Especially when I consider the little family trips that I begged him to attend. He’d go, alright. He’d bless us with his presence. And we’d have our awkward sex again.
If I had known right from the start that he had found a secretary who did way more than order donuts for meetings and answer phones, I could have saved myself a whole lot of humiliation. And I could have started filling out my eHarmony questionnaire earlier (it takes days to complete. Months if you actually read the questions).
Anyhoo: Point is, prepare yourself for the worst. You may have already been replaced. Which leads me to my next What To Do (that is actually a what not to do)…
5. When you do find out he’s been screwing around, don’t obsess about her/him/it/them (the “other”). IT JUST DOESN’T MATTER.
Keep repeating this one, over and over until it’s burned into your cerebrum. I wasted non-refundable hours of my life wondering who this person was, what she looked like, what her story was, was she hot, was she young or old, did she have kids, what did she have that I didn’t??? Waste of time. Because, honestly, who cares a whit about her? All you need to know is that, in the long run, she has done you a favor. As poor betrayed Addison on Grey’s Anatomy once said, “I don’t want someone who doesn’t want me.” Why would you? Life is short. Don’t waste a precious second of it giving them another thought.
Of course, if kids are involved, you do need to know that they are safe when not in your care. I wasn’t thrilled to learn that the person who was now playing Mommy with my kids 4 days a month was a recently divorced smoker and likes her drinkies, but as far as I know I don’t have to worry about their safety (although the head shaving incident was spooky).
In my situation, once I did finally see this person face to face, I felt oddly let down. She wasn’t a stunner. She isn’t ugly, but she wasn’t the Jessica Rabbit I had pictured in my mind. As one of my friend’s husbands said, “She kind of looks like she was rode hard, and put away wet.” So all of that going ape-shit with curiosity was for naught. It was like waiting for some ominous test results (like the HIV test I took, literally the day after I found out about Secretary) and then finding out it’s nothing. Quite literally, nothing.
6. Heard about the Divorce Diet?
It’s real. Take advantage of it if you’re chubby. If you are a foodie, like me, this may very well be the one and only time in your life when you truly cannot eat. But you have to, so make sure you don’t starve. This was the time in my life when I really used my gym membership to its full capacity. There is no therapy in the world that can beat ears full of high-volume kick ass music and a treadmill. You forget your woes for an hour or so, and all those endorphins will, at the very least, keep you from crying on the way home from the club.
Trust me, though, the Divorce Diet isn’t known for its longevity. After a while, life settles down and you start to feel human again, and your past comforts will do what they have always done best: comfort you. If you are smart, you will keep that gym membership or at the very least, do some sort of exercise several times a week. It will keep all of those feel-good hormones chugging through your system which can help out in many, many areas of day to day life. Like when you realize one of the other things that no one tells you….
7. Have some sex.
Sex after divorce is awesome. Really. When you have it, that is. Gone is the baggage that you and your now-former husband kept in the bedroom. There are no more feelings of guilt for not wanting it. When you’re single again, trust me. You want it. There is none of the pretending to be asleep when you feel that hand under the covers, or when you are 100% sure that’s not the remote you feel poking you in the back. With single sex, you most likely have a very limited window of time to do the deed, in addition to the dinner/movie/Segway tour that leads to the nookie (yes I said Segway tour. God Help Me. That was the craigslist victim. We’ll get to him soon).
You get to feel that rush of taking a big naughty leap again, and the rush is fun. And even if the sex is less than awesome, you get the freedom of NOT HAVING TO DO IT AGAIN. And again and again for 12 mind-numbing years…oops. Got off track. It’s kind of a sick thrill to get ready for a date and wonder what Bachelor #3 has in his bag of tricks. There really are other fish in the sea…some wonderful, fun fish who are not total assholes.
What I’m saying is this: There is good everywhere, even among the wreckage of a marriage that has gone off the tracks. Life will be completely different for you now, but when you think about it, maybe that isn’t a bad thing. Sometimes even something as devastating as being left behind can be a gift.
How to Move on When Your Husband Leaves You
Life will be different and, in time, you’ll adjust to that difference and learn that plan B is as good as Plan A was. There are 5 steps to moving on after a divorce you didn’t want.
- Choose happiness
- Allow yourself to mourn
- Accept that your marriage is over
- Let empathy be your guiding emotion
- Stay open to possibilities
Happiness really is a choice. You may not be happy that your husband left you BUT, that isn’t all there is to your life. You have the option of choosing to focus on the pain caused by his leaving or, focus on the areas of your life that bring you happiness. You will be better served if you don’t allow what has happened to you to detract from the other wonderful things in life.
Do some research on grief. Grieving the end of your marriage will be a process. Arm yourself with knowledge and allow yourself to flow freely through each step of the grieving process.
Acceptance is key to your ability to move on when your husband leaves you. You can’t control his decision, you can’t control whether or not your marriage will be restored. Fighting against the reality of him being gone, keeps you stuck in a painful place of wishing and hoping instead of moving you to a place of looking forward to what life has to offer. Accept that it’s over! You accepting that your marriage is ending won’t keep him from coming home again if he decides that’s what he wants. Acceptance allows you to focus on you and your life!
He has left, torn your world upside down and shattered your heart. Most people respond to such actions by other people with anger. Anger turns to resentment and resentment turns into bitterness. You have a choice, you can attempt to understand why he has left, empathize with the choice he has made and move on with a lighter heart.
If he left for another woman, empathize with both of them because relationships built on the foundation of fidelity are a recipe for disaster. If he left because of an emotional crisis, empathize with him because he is in a fragile place and is allowing it to destroy his marriage. You’ll be better for it!
Staying open to possibilities, in a nutshell, means that, in most cases, divorce is an opportunity. You don’t want to miss the opportunities that come with divorce by closing yourself off to possibilities. This could mean a new man and a better relationship. It could mean a new job in a new city. It could mean learning the fulfillment of taking care of yourself financially after years of being dependent on him. Don’t overlook the good that will come your way because all you can focus on is the pain you’re in.
FAQs about a Husband Leaving:
Has my husband found someone else if he’s leaving?
If your husband is leaving you, it may be for the other woman. Make sure you understand why your husband is leaving you because you may find yourself laboring in vain to make him stay if he intends to be with his affair partner.
Should I find out who my husband is cheating me with?
It’s not worth your time to go look for the woman your husband is cheating you with. Life is too precious to be wasted in such a way. You can blame your husband’s affair partner, but do understand the fact that she has also done you a favor by exposing a cheater.
Should I go on a divorce diet?
Divorce diet isn’t known for its longevity. You can, however, opt for divorce diet if you want to shed some extra fat.
How soon should I have sex after divorce?
There is no reason for you to hold back sex after divorce. With no legal or moral strings attached, women find sex after divorce to be an awesome experience.
How to move on when your husband leaves you?
Depending on the length and nature of your relationship, you can yourself choose a path to move on when your husband leaves you. It could involve therapy, coaching or support groups. However, there are a few things that you can try yourself to move on. These include choosing happiness, accepting divorce, mourning the loss of your marriage, being empathetic towards your own self, and exploring new possibilities.
My husband walked out of me and our sons in September 2013, I couldn’t stop crying and crying and wanted to just die and end the pain of it all. How could someone who you thought loved you, or even had fallen out of love for you-do this to another human being? It was very cruel indeed. Luckily me 2 sons who lived with me and our dog, loved the dickens out of me, and also reconnected with some long lost friends too to listen to me cry and mourn the death of our 33 year marriage to each other.
By December of 2013, I was slowly beginning to recover from the trauma and read the book by Dr. Vicki Stark called “Runaway Husbands” whos own husband walked out on her for another woman suddenly. Dr. Stark compiled the stories of over 400 women who had similar storeis to tell, and boy, they were stories of utter dismay, pain, anguish, depression, financial ruin, and many lost lots and lots of weight because they couldn’t even get any food down their trhoats I lost about 40 lbs myself, and already was a size 4 at 5’3″. On recent trip to the local grocery store , now 9 months after my husband left me, one of the customer service reps I talk to said that she noticed a smile and calmness in me, that I was coming out of the sadness and pain of it all.
The day he left, I trhew out all the bed linens we had, and bought brand new ones, I moved the bed to a different position in the room, put a lace dust ruffle on the bed, bought myself fresh flowers every day for my night stand, and feel that this is my new space that will never remind me of our life together, Every day I wake up, breath and take the time out for me, to look and feel my best, put my makeup on, do my hair, and know that I am a single woman again who doesn’t have to cater to “him”, or feel that I am not good enough for “him”.
The best part of my story takes place just 5 months after he left-on January 20th 2014, when I received a phone call from my brother, David in NY telling me to sit down he had something to tell me. I sat and listened to Dave tell me he was cleaning out my father’s apartment, because he was now living in a nursing home, and dave found—my adoption papers. What???? I was adopted and never knew, and neither did my brother, Our parents never told either one of us. I am on a major journey without my husband, to connect the dots of my new life, and maybe find my birth mother if still alive, I have taken a DNA test and am finding relatives I didn’t know existed, I was born to a French woman in Baumholder, Germany,named a different name than the one I have now,
What an amazing chapter has opened up since my husband left me–not for another woman (that I am positive of, he lives in a big rig truck) I am still married to this man, but soon will be filing for divorce, He is still financially supporting me, and that is a great thing as I have read nightmarish stories of women who have had the money rug pulled out from under them,
The best advice I can give anyone who has had this trauma done to them is to keep repeating over and over again “It was him, and not you”, I sincerely believe that what goes around does come back and bit them on the butt, because their behavior isn’t normal at all, and isn’t something new, they were born this way–socially and emotionally stunted in their human growth, who aren’t capable of saying they are sorry or apologize either, These men feel that they are the “victims” and feel that if they ever do apologize to anyone for their actions, it will be an attack on their character as a person or a sign of weakness in them,
So, walk outside, hold your heads up,and smile, because YOU did NOTHING wrong!
Deborah, thanks so much for your posting. My husband of 24 years left me and our 2 sons (21 and 23, both home and in college) on September 16. He said he wanted to be alone and is renting a room. He has had very little contact with any of us, including ignoring our son’s 21st birthday! It has been devastating but I am coming to the conclusion that he is stunted emotionally and socially and both my sons have expressed the same feeling. I know my husband blames me for not making him happy!!! He thinks of himself as a “victim.” I am seeing a therapist who told me he has a lot of issues that have absolutely nothing to do with me and I was so glad to read where you said the same thing…”it was him, not you.” I know that in my head but it is still hard because it still hurts a lot. I think I am getting there, though, and already feeling less stressed without him here. I will make it because I am strong, have lots of friends and family and a full, active life. All the things he doesn’t have! So I am holding my head up and smiling and getting through the bad days. Thanks again for your post.
I’m out of D day 19 months now I’m getting stronger but it’s been pure hell! Both his affairs have taken place in our family home, our first marital bed and my children live under the roof. He’s a psychopath but I’m determined to move forward and my lawyer is now looking at spousal support! His latest tramp knew full well he was married.
It just happened to me July 6, 2018, my husband abandoned me and my children. Just after 10ur marriage anniversary, I was stunned. I would have never thought this family man would have up and left us. My life has been turned upside down, me and 3 kids. I know now it isnt me, its him. He has alot of issues and I can’t help him, only God can. I want to be a testimony to others. Im 4months out and Ive been praying to God every day and humbling myself to his word. Its very hard! I lost my mom a month ago, in the midst of all this. I’m in a storm. I was hoping to have my husband support, empathy! Nope, nothing! His mom-in law, for 10yrs.
Everything I read says it will get better, Im waiting.
I filed for divorce! Some people say I should wait, he didn’t!…I pray to God to restore my marriage and if he does, great if not, I have to protect me and my children. After all, he abandoned us.
I wish I had an answer, til this day, I know nothing. But I know God got me. Pray ladies if rhis happens to you, know its not you, God will heal you. You will be stronger and blessings will come. You deserve better!❤
I’m going through the same thing and is so hard. And I no im not the problem. He tried to make me feel that way. To the point I was stressed out didn’t no what I have done. He always was in and out of are marriage for 24 years. And I always stayed faithful.
I love this is something I needed. For my situation
Thank you for this article as it is awesome advice, I especially like the part about Sex-and my girl friend just told me that “the best way to get over someone is to get under them” LOL. I haven’t yet met anyone nor am I even looking yet, but one day, I hope to. Since it’s only been 9 months since he left, and even tried 4 online dating sites, but hate them, I don’t trust men yet. I actually find them at my age–around 55 pretty disgusting, rude, disrespectful of women, out of physical shape and not up to my standards. NOt sure when i will be ready, but for now just enjoying leaving my toilet seat down, dressing like I want to (always neatly) going where I want to, eating what I want to (some nights, I just eat ice cream with hot chocolate sauce on it for dinner–because I can) etc.
Thanks again, and best always:-)
On Friday night just gone, my husband left me. Things had been weird for about three weeks. He works away, but was home on weekends, and when he was home it was fine, but when he was away he wouldn’t answer texts or answer his phone. When he came home, he sat down, told me he wanted to seperate, and left in tears.. About two or three weeks ago also, his brother added a girl on facebook.. I saw my husbands phone logs, and this same girls number is all over them. I don’t know anything about her, but it’s strange that his brother added her, and now her number is coming up everywhere.
I don’t know if he left me for her, but it says he spoke to her the day after he left me. Maybe she is just his support, maybe a counsilor, maybe a new friend, maybe the new girl.. I have seen a photo of her and she looks to old and not who he would go for anyway.. We’ve been together 11 years. I have cried for 5 days straight. I’ve thought about suicide, I’ve thought constantly about what is going on between them.
I am so lost and have no one.
Hi Sarah, I’m sorry he has left you to deal with the pain of his betrayal. Whether he is having a relationship with this woman or not you need to take care of yourself emotionally and physically. Hard to do I know but imperative. He isn’t being kind to you at the moment, you have to be kind to yourself.
And, suicide is not an option. You are not alone! If you have friends or family close by please reach out to them and surround yourself with people who love and care about you. I promise, you will be OK.
I’m alone and not feeling well about being abandoned. Not eating or sleeping. This is a nightmare that I wake up and go to sleep with daily. WTH is going on.
Whyvonny I hope you are feeling more in control and less burdened than you were when you wrote this. 2 years ago today my husband told me he was leaving for someone else. I wrote a diary during that time, where there were days that I cried because I’d woken up; and I read it yesterday.
It was an awful time, the very worst I’ve experienced, but today I am a strong, happy woman, managing 2 children, 3 dogs and a job as a children’s nurse.
I am a better person for my experiences, have far more self-awareness and belief.
Believe things will get better, do the best to look after yourself, surround yourself with positive people, make yourself do things even when you don’t want to and love yourself. His leaving you will teach you things about yourself that will help you grow, don’t allow them to diminish you.
You can’t always see it, but this time doesn’t mean you’ll never be happy again, but that you’ll enjoy the happiness all the more for having experienced the pain.
Good luck and take care,
Daisy thank you I’m still alone and continue to lose weight n sleep. I just pray the pain ends quickly I still cry I still miss him. It’s a nightmare that I need to wake up from pleasetell me again it gets better
Hello Whyvonny, I just read your article and I hope you are doing better. I hope you are no longer alone and you have found peace in you heart. My husband just let me after ten years and I feel heartbroken and sadden but I’m trying to move forward.
My husband cheated on me 3 years ago. We reconcilled and purchased a new home to renovate and start fresh, our children are all grown and on their own. Everyday for the last 3 years my husband would help me to try to focuss on the new but every now and then I always felt like he was still cheating. The endless nights of checking his phone, pant pockets etc always came back to nothing and I was always hard on myself that he was actually not doing anything and that I needed to get over the past. I was so scared to let my guard down in fear of it happening again. We recently had a very bad weekend and I couldn’t help but feel that there was definately something going on. After asking him for once and for all to tell me the truth he insisted that we really need to get past this an focuss on each other. Two days later he came home while I was at work and left me a letter stating that he was leaving due to the fact he knew how much damage he had caused and knew that he needed to be the one to save me by leaving. He took he’s clothes and said we would work everything out later and not to worry about the finances at this time. I found out the next day that he actually had still been seeing the same girl for the 3 years and she had finally given him an ultimatum – leave me or leave her- after 20 years together my marriage was over just like that. I realize that my gut feelings for the past years must have been right and that he is an extremely sick, sick person to have done this not only to me but our children as well. I can’t sleep, eat or work. I did attempt to go to sleep one morning and thank god I was found before it was too late, but the thoughts keep coming back to me to try it again. I know that I shouldn’t let him win but I just can’t seem to get past the humiliation that he has caused me not to mention the state of financials with our home. His suggestion is to sell the house but why do I have to lose? He has walked from our home right into a ready made home with out missing a beat. There should be a criminal charge that I could put against him for all the years of his manipulation. I know everyone says she did me the favour and in time things will be better but I’m so scared that I won’t make it through this. I have tons of support but at the moment it just doesn’t seem to matter to me.
Same exact thing here lori I hope you still up here but I would like to know how your doing now its been 23 years with my situation. Thanks.
me too Tina. Its week five since he left. Im really struggling.
3 weeks for me after 30 years
It’s been 7 months and feels like yesterday. It’s been a year since we adopted a kid, bought a 350,000 house, and I quit my job of 18 years. He thought those things would make him happy but nope. So he quit his job of 13 years, and moved an hour away from us, all four kids. I hate that I miss him!
We were married for 25 years and together for 30
Daniel and I have 3 kids, 14,13 and 7. We have been married for 14 years.
We had been stressed over a falling apart home, money issues, health problems, etc. But July we got a new apartment and things where looking up!
Just that the neighbors were really needy, dawn and Blake.. They smoked pot, and were constantly at our door asking for stuff.. Advice, rides, my husband to fix things.
On sept 8th ( our daughters birthday) he and neighbor lady started an affair. I knew the moment it started. For two weeks I watched him, asked questions, I begged him to stop, but he denied it. Til Tuesday sept 23rd. She tried to “kill herself” so he immidiated decided to leave us.
However, our daughter texted him, and caused him to feel guilty, so he came back. But kept talking to her.. Friday he told the kids to come out crying for him as he tried to end it with her. He came inside and announced that it was over and we would be OK.
The next two days he secretly whisked her to work with him while I tried to get sleep for the first time in three weeks. Monday we went to work together, she kept calling and texting. I had it. He didn’t end it with her, he lied to me and the kids. He hurt us.
Now he lives there, he has been controlling us, making me comply with what he’s doing. I had to move our girls into my room because they can hear them have sex… They know and don’t care.
Tonight he had sex with her then immediately came over to hug the kids, he smelled so bad that the kids said something to him. He didn’t care.
He flaunts this in front of all of us. We are going crazy. He constantly reminds me of how he has all the money and I have none.
Its been 5 weeks that they have lived together. She has a ring on her finger, and took out her nuvaring. They bought a new truck together (he has terrible credit, can’t pay bills, but I’ll let that be a surprise)
What is going on?!
This is the third time he cheated, he doesn’t even care that our daughter has another infection after having a kidney removed last year, he doesn’t care, as long as we stay right here and be controlled.
I hate him, I hate her. I want this nightmare to stop now. This is insane. He’s torturing us, he said the kids don’t need therapy, they are going crazy, he only comes over once or twice to hug them that’s it.
No one has even started getting a divorce!
OMG!! This is certainly a shocking and a genuine Testimony..I visited a forum here on the internet on the 20TH OF JUNE 2014, And i saw a marvelous testimony of this powerful and great spell caster called PRIEST AZIBA on the forum..I never believed it, because i never heard nor learnt anything about magic before.. Not a soul would have been able to influence me about magical spells, not until PRIEST AZIBA did it for me and restored my marriage of 8 years back to me and brought my spouse back to me in the same 24 hours just as i read on the internet..i was truly astonished and shocked when my husband knelt down begging for forgiveness and for me to accept him back.. I am really short of expressions, and i don’t know how much to convey my appreciation to you PRIEST AZIBA you are a God sent to me and my entire family.. And now i am a joyful woman once again.. here is his website: http:// priestazibasolutioncenter. webs.com Email: priestazibasolutioncenter@
I am single male from a small island in the south pacific. I read all the comments left by divorce women regarding the article and am moved by it.
I am leaving my email address: [email protected]; should anyone of them wish to contact me.
I am not rich but i am willing to do anything that could make them forget the memory of their ex-husband and move on.
My husband told me 3 months ago he is leaving me and going back to the USA. We have been married for 8 years and the first 5 were wonderful except for the fact he has an eye for the ladies and spent more time on the PC looking at them than spending time with his wife that was missing him and craving some attention. At the sixth year I started going through menopause and my libido diminished. I tried tablets, antidepressants to help but nothing worked. I’m sitting here now watching my husband pack the last of his bags to head off on Thursday back home. I live in Australia. I have tried talking to him but he is a very stubborn man and once he has something in his head that’s it, no changing his mind. I’m trying to tell myself I’m better off without him. If he can leave me just because of us going through a rough patch and me having menopause then he probably isn’t the right man for me. I have been a good wife, cleaned, cooked, worked full time, gave him sex when he wanted it, well at least for the first 5 years all for him to leave me when it got a little hard. I did bring up with him the fact that I didn’t like him looking a women all the time. It wasn’t just a glance here and there, that wouldn’t have worried me, it was constant staring to the point where he would forget I was there. I would walk away and he wouldn’t even notice. He would lean against something, cross his legs and give the women he was looking at the “james bond” look. It was that obvious. Porno’s, naked photos on his PC. It’s not as if he wasn’t gettting what he wanted from me so I don’t understand. Can someone shed some light on this and give me some advise. I feel like I’m going crazy at the moment. Everything we had planned for our future is gone, he left me the house which is worth nothing so I’m stuck with a mortgage I can’t afford and no husband. I feel used…..can someone help me….
I can feel your pain Sarah & Deborah,
I’m hoping your experience can help me. I met my husband on the Internet. He lived in America and I in Australia. He was very charming and we spoke for several months on skype before deciding to meet in person. I flew to meet him first which was a huge risk for me. I have never done anything like this before in my life, but it was exciting. Anyway, we ended up getting married, he moved to Australia and we have been married now for 8 years. Right from the start I noticed he had an eye for the ladies and not just a glance every now and then, he would stare to the point where I could walk away and he wouldn’t even notice I was missing for quite some time. I tried to ignore it but it became evident there was something not quite right with this man.
He told me later in our relationship that he had been born out of rape, his uncle sexually abused him and had been fostered into several different families from a young age. He joined the Marines when he was in his 20’s and rose to Seagent in a couple of years. He is very strong willed, doesn’t tolerate any nonsense at all, very regimented. I began to become suspicious because he was on his PC all the time so I peeped at this emails and noticed he had been emailing his ex fiance and saving all her emails, he also emailed an ex girlfiriend and asked to come and visit him in Australia. I eventually confronted him about all this and his staring at women, watching porn and looking at naked photos on his PC, I told him it isn’t respectful to women or me. First he told me if I see his tounge hanging out to just tell him and he’d stop – so he acknowleded he was doing it – but then in a second breath he said he wasn’t doing anything wrong and wasn’t looking at anything on his PC. He became annoyed with me.
One day I was walking past is office window and glanced in and guess what? he had naked women on his screen, he told me he was doing his tax. I approached him again and asked why he lied. He became really angry at me and said he wasn’t a child and he could do what he wanted. I don’t know, is it just me? am I too insecure? I don’t look at other men, I don’t go on the PC so I think he should at least give me the same respect. Can someone tell me if I’m wrong?
Our sex life was really good so I wasn’t depriving him of anything, I cleaned, cooked, did everything for him. I thought men only looked when not happy. So, over the coming years I’d catch him here and there still looking and it made me feel insecure. Maybe I’m just old fashion but I think once a man is married he shouldn’t do that out of respect for his wife. I wasn’t a crazy stalker jealous wife. I only looked at his emails that one time and never again. I didn’t follow him or do anything crazy like that, I would just express my disapointment when I thought he was looking.
I asked him if we could spend more time together, like eat dinner at the table and talk rather than him in front of the TV or PC. He became quite aggitated at that idea and hammered me with questions about what we would possibly talk about. I said it would depend at the time, what happened that day at work, I couldn’t tell you now what we would talk about. He just kept hammering me until I just said don’t worry about it, I just thought it would be nice. He did not want to give up is PC.
Long story short, he is leaving me in a weeks time. He told me 3 months ago he was going back home as the friction between us has gotten too much for him. I tried to talk to him but he had already booked his one way ticket, shipped home all his personal belongings and resigned from work. He was really unhappy in his job. He needs to be constantly told how wonderful he is and I think work got sick of him and ended up shoving him in a corner to shut him up. I feel bad for that, he just likes things to be done right but they saw it as annoying and said he was too much a perfectionist.
Am I in the wrong? He has taken no responsibility for anything and hasn’t apologised. He wants to be close to me and when I get close he pushes me away, I’m getting mixed messages and it is doing my head in. I can’t stop crying, I’m scared because in a week I’m going to be alone. I lost all my friends while we were married because nobody liked him, they said he is controlling, he moved me away to a place I didn’t want to buy in and now i’m stuck here paying the mortgage. The house hasn’t gone up in value in 6 years so I can’t sell, I’d lose money. I’m absolutely terrified about my future. I’m not unattractive, I used to be a happy person with a social life and now I have nothing. I’m trying to mend the bridges with my friends but it is really hard. I feel like I’m having a nervous break down, can’t stop crying, shaky all the time, he has definately knocked my confidence around and now just walking out on me. I think he wants his cake and eat it too….
I’m 51 but get told I only look in my late 30’s but I feel so old and unattractive at the moment and I think that is half the problem. I’m really lacking in self confidence at the moment. Can someone let me know if it is me that is the problem?
Trudy, men are visual creatures, they all look. Him looking at other women and porn occasionally was not a reflection on how he felt about you. Or, that is my opinion. My parents were married for 54 years. My father adored my mother. That didn’t keep him from looking at a pretty woman and after he died I found quite a bit of evidence on his computer that he had looked at porn. He was 80 years old! It’s what most men do, it’s a man thing.
That being said, if his computer activity and television watching was interfering with your need for more time with him, then it becomes a problem. There is always something to talk about with your spouse!
I don’t know why your husband is choosing to leave. Only he knows the answer to that and it probably has little to do with “friction.” A husband who loves his wife works through the “friction” they don’t run away. What I find most concerning about your comment is the fact that you’ve known for 3 months that he is leaving and you’ve not protected yourself financially. He is leaving you holding the bag financially and you’ve not hired an attorney and filed for a divorce. Why are you not more concerned about protecting yourself financially?
Continue to reach out to your friends. Get into therapy, get an attorney and start focusing on taking care of yourself and let go of worrying over why he is leaving.
Cathy, Men who really love and adore their wives and vice versa… and have respect for them do not look at porn. How could anyone be “ok” with someone they love looking at pictures or video’s of naked women. Believe it or not…when this is started…it triggers a pleasure center in the brain than can turn addictive…where more and more is needed to feel this. Truthfully…you hope that your husband or wife turns to you for the intimate part of your lives. That is what is real. The touch, the sharing, the bond between to people who have promised to love and honor each other. To share yourself like this with someone else is not ok.
Lisa, how is watching porn or looking at nudies “sharing yourself” with someone else? I’ve looked at porn, purchased playgirl magazine and it didn’t trigger a pleasure cent in my brain and turn me into an addict. It also didn’t cause me to love and adore my spouse any less. Your skewed belief system is allowing you to assign feelings and character traits to other who do what you feel is wrong. That is worse than watching porn periodically. Your beliefs are stringent and controlling and it sets you up for heartbreak because men look at other women. They look at women who are walking down the street with their clothes on and have lustful thoughts about them. I look at men walking down the street and if I find them attractive I have lustful thoughts. It’s human nature and when you try to use your beliefs to kill human nature in another person, it doesn’t end well.
Do you do this in front of others…your spouse? Could you share this with anyone… I don’t plan on arguing with you on human nature…because it could be argued that human nature or our feelings are all good. That’s not true. We learn as children that we control our feelings…of anger, lust, jealously.. just because you experience a feeling doesn’t mean you need to react to it. As adults you understand that. Just like you wouldn’t stand there and berate him or her to anyone or physically hurt them. Its not just hands or words that hurt those we love…but our actions as well.
Can I share it with anyone? I just shared it with you online. Do I do it in front of others? Yes, I have. I did it with my husband on occasion. I’ve done it with girlfriends. It isn’t something I’m ashamed of, it isn’t something I do often but, it is something I have done and, at no time, did it belittle the feelings and desire I had for my spouse. My feelings and what I know to be true based on my experience trump your beliefs. As a child, I was taught how to police my actions. I wasn’t taught how to deny my feelings. That is what you are arguing, a denial of feelings. There is a big difference between NEVER do it and, do it in moderation. Oh and, viewing porn has no relation to berating someone or physically hurting them. If you have a spouse who periodically (not every day) watches porn and you find it hurtful and unacceptable, that is a problem with you and not your spouse. It’s an insecurity in how you feel about yourself and that isn’t something your spouse should be expected to define their actions by. That is something for you to fix.
My husband and I have been together more than 11 years with 2 beautiful children ages 6 and 8. Our bond was strong his love for his children was unconditional. Our relationship started to fade as our financial problems began to increase. I worked hard he worked all the time but managed to get himself involved in a relationship with another women with out amy sign to me. I thought he was working all the time and overtime because of our finances. I did not realize my marriage was in trouble . I noticed my husband began to distant himself from me . I thought it was stress not because he found him self someone else . Until one day he came to me and told me he wanted a divorce and he told me he no longer loved me and he was not happy. He brke the news to me as if I was an employee and was firing me . No emotion no feeling no nothing just the excuse that I was never going to change . I thought to myself how can you just stop loving me just like that. What about our family our kids that adore you. Our daughter Sofia and our son Nico will be distroyed by this distrunction. How can you walk away from us our beautiful home just like that. i could not understand it . I was crushed hurt beyond belief. I cried for weeks blaming myself . The man I loved did not live me anymore. I never imagined he would ever leave us just like that. Until one day going through his emails I founf a receipt for a mattress . Wow I said he is really leaving he must be getting an apartment ready . But that left me unsure where did this mattress delivered never came to my home . I called the company and had them send me a copy of the receipt . Bingo the alternate address was there. I googled the address 15 minutes from my home . Google also showed me the list of people living at this address. Surprise a girl with my same age lives at that address . I facebooked the name and found her. She was ok nothing to write home about . A school teacher with no kids. I could not stop there I needed solid evedince . I went through all his credit card statements and again bingo. He had just went on a trip to Dallas that he said he went with friends from work to see the Dallas game. That was a lie . He purchased something for her inflight and the exact name was on his statement . My heart startes pounding with anger . I went back to her Facebook page and sure enough all images of her alone at all the same places he was including another trip to California that she had gone as well . I was angry hurt and distroyed mentally . How can this man to this to me and the kids . Of course he wanted a divorce so quickly and out of the relationship . He already made plans to live with her . I called our local furniture store and bingo again he ordered furniture as well to be delivered to his new girlfriends house. Wow who is this monster where did my husband go ? How will I explsin this to my children that there father is a creep without words. 2 vacations with her . I let him go on this vacations being the living wife thinking her husband needed a break from his family . Hoping he return missing and living us more . But he was on his own lustful vacation with this women . My life did a ninety degree turn in 24 hours . It was not me after all this time it was him living a double life . I hate him I can’t stand the site of him. The story gets worse. I approached him about his infifedility he had no words for me not even one. I wanted to know why and he could not look at me and give me the answer. The only thing he did say was don’t bother her. For Gods sake he even had the nerve to protect her. I then immediately hired a divorce attorney and had him served . Days went on my anger continued to build he still has not left the house and my children have no clue but do sense something is wrong. He began to start recording our conversations to make it look like I was a delusional women to use it against me in court. This ruthless evil fool who has lost his mind and became my worst enemy . Days have past and now it was my sons birthday . I took my children to my moms to celebrate nicos 8 th birthday with people I new who loved us . He dropped off my Son and we engaged in a conversation where my anger begame to build again every time I see him . He again was recording me through his cell phone and I discovered it . I grabbed his cell phone to brake it and we begame to shuffle for it . I begane to release all my anger and I started to hit him and scratch him . All my pain and suffering was coming all out . I then stopped and realized he is no longer worth my pain. This monster called the police and had me arrested for assault . The mother of his children he treated me like a stranger . Luckily my children did not witness there hurtful mother was taken away in cuffs and spent the night in jail. The holidays have now past and the hurt and pain still follows me . I have not went home in 2 weeks and been staying with my mom with the kids . I pray no one ever experience the pain and destruction that I feel from my once soul mate I once called my husband .
I went through a very similar divorce. Your emotions were very similar to mine.
I’m so sorry you had to go through this but you are not taking responsibility for assaulting your husband. Every time you mention it you talk about “their hurtful mother was taken away in handcuffs” or that all of your anger came out as you physically assaulted him.
You need to take responsibility for that. You are a victim of having a bad husband but you’re not a victim that gives you a pass to hurt someone. Please seek help for anger management.
WOW! Are you freaking kidding me Sam? She don’t need anger Management she just needed a Real man in her life and not this Coward, Worthless person called a human.
I really needed this. Thank you.
Lol thank you. Just thank you.
Thank you so much for posting this I really did need to read this. My husband and I have not been married for even a year when we seperated but we were together for 3 years before we got married. After his brother unexpected death my husband left me and I thought it was just because he was grieving and then come to find out he was cheating on me with his baby mama. I didn’t find out until January after we just came home from El Salvador and he met all of my family. I was devestated and I didn’t know what to do. I am still struggle of the crazy thoughts going through my mind and I am trying desperately to get over him, it is just so hard because I still love and care about him. Can someone give me some advice into where I can stop thinking about him. I desperately just want to get over him.
My husband of ten years just up and left me and our 3 add/adhd children. Oldest son 10 is devastated. He tries to call and text him but nothing. Im a sahm, no car,no job history for ten years, and he left us in his step fathers house (they just own house) , hes bought groceries -under $100 worth and gave me $140 in past 3 weeks. He was mentally and physically abusive. My other two children dont even seem to motice. When he was home just slept and yelled. Im grateful, except for my son, but now maybe i can direct him in right direction! Thank you so muxh for this. Ive been doing good so far but each one of those steps have crossed my mine or am doing/going through. And so much toi do! My heads spinning! But blessing! Im book marking this to read in my bad times:)
[email protected]
i have been married for fifteen years now and i am blessed with two beautiful girls. two years after 11 years if my marriage to mu husband, Tom, he changed drastically. he started coming late from work, giving me lots of excuses,changed the password on his phone.he goes to the bathroom with his phone and many other things.deep in my heart i knew something was wrong but wrong but i was scared to confront him.i lived with heavy burden in my heart for two years.during those two years my kids were my source of joy.i prayed and cried to God for things to change.one day he called me told me he wanted a divorce. he said he was no longer happy with me and the he has found some one else. i knew all along but hearing him say it shattered my heart.the next day he moved out.it was during that time a Christian friend of mine introduced me to my father in the Lord,Prophet Issac. he started counseling me and praying with me and within three months, my husband came asking for forgiveness.to be really honest it was difficult but with the help of my prophet i was able to forgive him.we renewed our vow that same year and my marriage is filled with happiness again all thanks to my prophet Issac.you can contact via his mail [email protected]. He can help you too
Getting my Ex back my name is Janice. I’ve known Kerrick for 6years, When we finally got together things were kind of weird so we broke up which was in February of 2011 In June of 2012 he and I recently got back together and we were together until march of 2013 which he told me he was not interested in relationship again During that time I changed completely, I wasn’t eating,I was sleeping a lot, I wasn’t talking to anybody, I cried a lot,I’m so depressed and stressed out that I’m scared I’m going to end up in the hospital because of all the stress and depression until one day i search online on getting love tips because I Love & care about him deeply and I just want us to be together as a couple again and I want us to last forever, in my search i saw good review about [email protected] that he will solve my relationship problem then Lord Shema told me he will come back to me between 48hrs after he cast spell on him never believe it until my fiance called me on the phone and told me he want us to come back and live happy together forever , Am so happy now that Lord Shema, help me bring kerrick back to me. Thanks so much his email address is [email protected] or call him +1 209-730-3310
My husband of almost 5 years left me recently. I have a 2 year old, 11 month old, and I am currently pregnant (high risk). I never thought this would be happening to me since we have known each other for 16 years. So much of what you have put in part 1 and 2 are true. Wish i had seen this sooner as i have already made so many mistakes and I feel so stupid. I moved 14 hours from my home for him to a different state where I had no one because he was in the marine core and I have stayed at home the whole marriage because I was pregnant the good portion of the time. I’m lucky to have family who has been so helpful. They came and got us and are the only reason I am staying afloat right now. Since i was a resident of another state I have to wait 6 months to do anything here. No filing for divorce, no child support, no cusody hearing, nothing. I still have about 6 months of this pregnancy left but Im still so baffled by everything. I just now started to accept the fact I can’t make him change his mind because there was someone else and I didn’t want to completely believe it until the proof was in front of my face. Which he still denies anything ever went on. I hate to hear that others are going thru the same thing because this is just terrible that anyone could do something like this to someone they are suppose to love but at the same time I am strangely comforted by the fact I am not alone. Thank you for caring enough to post not only one but two articles.
What do you do after he leaves and 10 months later is begging to come back?
My husband unfaithfulness was not new to me, i knew he had affairs other ladies but he always came back to me no matter what he always did. But this time it was himself and my sister. He wanted to leave me to be with her. But Obudun Magonata a enchanter helped me get him back just google his email and all you need to know about will will pop out spiritsofobudunmagonata “at” yahoo” dot” com rewrite to standard form. This is not forever one to read who ever reads this comment and relate to it fine but if you don’t well move on do not waste your time on it ok. Just saying to avoid misunderstanding
I have been married for 4years and i have a break up with my husband 3months ago and i was worried and so confuse because i love him so much. i was really going too depressed and a friend directed me to this spell caster (prophet olukorjesu) on his email (prophetolukorjesu@gmail. com) and i made all my problems known to him and he told me not to worry that he was going to make my husband to come back to me and in just 48hours i receive a call from my husband and he was appealing that i should come back to the house. I have never in my life believe in spell but now he has just helped me out to be a fulfill woman and i am now so happy. All Thanks to (prophet olukorjesu )and if you also want to have your Husband or wife back to yourself here !! his email again is PROPHETOLUKORJESU@GMAIL. COM i am so happy to testify of your work and kindness.. ..
My husband of 28 years came home on 21st March and said I love her she loves me….
I’ve been dealing with the fallout with my 3 kids and family ever since
He can walk away with A N other and not look back
I’m ready for my new life without the bald headed piece of rubbish that I now see him as
Betrayal a liar not a nice man
Good riddance to him
Your write up is fantastic and has made me smile
So poignant
Thank you
Thank you so much for writing this. It’s the first time I’ve smiled for days. After 14 strong happy years he now doesn’t love me like he did. He’s not left yet, I’m very sure he will but he says he’s scared of walking out the door & then realising he’s made the biggest mistake of his life. So in the meantime I’m only just coping with hardly any conversation, him turning his back on me in bed & not the normal goodnight & a kiss & no “morning beautiful” daily text messages, they stopped 2 weeks ago. This has been such a shock, I can’t eat, can’t sleep & can’t stop feeling my life’s over. My friends keep telling me to be strong but that’s easier said than done.
DR OGUMEN saying this man has helped he restore his life so i said let me also try as i have no other choice in getting back Jones . at first when i contacted he i thought nothing will work but it was like a dream and surprise when he told me go my child i have and wait for Jones can within the next 3 days and to my greatest surprise Jones actually called me and was pleading on the phone saying he was under a spell from the other lady so with all this great things DR OGUMEN of [email protected] has done for me i want you all to join me to say thank you to this man .or call +2348112060028 MARY KATHY_TEXAS
My husband left me 9 days ago. Just walked out with an overnight bag and said his reason was he thinks life would be easier on his own. He’s been staying with his parents. I feel abandoned and so alone. I didn’t see it coming after 13 years. I thought we had a great marriage and we’re best friends, although I know he said he feels drained after I’ve been trying to cope with the death of my mother’s illness and subsequent death 2 years ago. He hasn’t even contacted me since he left, although I know he’s still paying his share of the bills. I pay my share too, but I’m also thinking ahead and purchasing the necessary items on his credit card that I won’t be able to afford on my own when the money stops, like taking the pets to the vet and my spectacles which cost $1000.00, also I need it for groceries as my income is not enough. I’m scared and I’m alone. I thought he was the love of my life and my soulmate. I feel dumb and humiliated.
I love this piece. Made me laugh out loud, which I needed. Thank you.
I sat here and read this article.. trying not to believe that this is what my days to come will be like.. My husband of 5 years walked out lastnight.. left me and our 2 children ages 2 & 4.. times have been tough for quite sometime.. and i believed that things would get better.. i dont know what to think or feel.. a part of me is wanting to believe that there can be someone else, but also,i dont think he would ever do that to me.. as i would never do that to him.. i guess im feeling kind of numb!.. i dont know if he will be back, or how long he will be away for.. what will he do while hes away?.. i dont even know where he is, i dont think anyone even knows whats going on.. but here i am.. still putting on a smile, trying to be strong for my kids who need me..
This is just what I needed right now. I found out recently that my husband of over 20years had an affair that lasted at least 4 years. The other woman died suddenly a year ago, of what I’m still not sure. She was married as well. My thoughts are all over the place. And I can’t stop thinking that if she hadn’t died he would’ve ended up with her. They are both military and would’ve been in huge trouble had they been found out as it started when he was an officer and she was enlisted in his command. We have 2 children that are older but still live at home. I was so trusting and blind and his military career made it easy for him to come and go.
It’s so scary the thought of moving on and trying to make it in your 40s after all these years. Such and emotional roller coaster. The rage the crying the not eating or sleeping then not wanting to get out of bed to the F him I’m better off! He wants to reconcile but I think it’s more bull from him.
Anyway seeing this helped me out of my funk tonight!
Thank you!
Hubby left me and 2 children to live with another woman….Jesus helped me get through this situation….PLEASE CALL ON THE NAME OF JESUS RIGHT NOW if you are experiencing this heartbreak…no witchcraft in this world is more powerful than the BLOOD OF JESUS….TRY HIM TODAY!
my story is very similar to another lady’s on here. My husband of five years walked out yesterday, leaving me and his beautiful 13 month old baby boy. He’s done it before and obviously returned but this time I’m not sure I want him back. Maybe it’s too soon to make statements like that. I don’t know if he has someone else. He’s naturally very miserable so I doubt it. I’m feeling very pragmatic at the moment but I know in a day or two (maybe even an hr or two) that that will change. I really don’t like the uncertainty of it all. I’ll just keep reading articles like this. I feel supported after reading this. It’s great! I’m going to read the more serious one now xx
Thank you…
Thank you, thank you, thank you! My husband of nine years and partner for fifteen recently decided that he has never been happy in our marriage and that it would be best for us and our three kids to get a divorce. Blindsided doesn’t even begin to describe how I felt. Of course I didn’t realize that a younger female coworker had helped him decide this and they have developed strong feelings for one another. It certainly explained why he had been so exceptionally busy at work for the past few months. Out of all the “divorced mom, You-can-do-it” crap I’ve been finding on the Internet, this is the first thing I’ve read that really resonated. I appreciate your candor and humor.
My husband also had an emotional affair with a coworker and left at the end of May-we have two boys and he decided he wasn’t in love with me anymore and had nothing left to give. He’s said my reactions have led him to believe that he was right in deciding things wouldn’t work out between us. I’m not sure how long it takes to feel any better about the situation so am curious to see how you are doing?
It’s a thing of joy to have someone on earth who God almighty has sent to redeem and help those that are in captivity. My husband divorced me but Doctor Osemu Okpamen recently saved my broken marriage again. You can find more on my blog-post here ( http://wagnerjessi.blogspot.com ) about how my marriage was reunited. Wagner Jessi, UK, Hampshire.
Thank you, I needed this.
I needed to read this walked away from 20 years and with proof left behind it has helped to get moving with divorce and my life – FREEDOM DAY 6/20
Today my husband left me for his high school sweet heart. I am devastated yet I am strong. I refuse to let this be my story. I a couple of days ago when we were arguing I asked God to show me a sign. I got the message loud and clear. Of course I love him, of course I do not want to hurt. The damage is done, life goes on. As I stare out the window and see the beautiful moon I make a request to the universe. Please keep me strong
hes help is real, do contact him.
hes help is real, do contact him.
hes help is real, do contact him.
hes help is real, do contact him.
There is no doubt; a whole lot of people are still suffering from all manner of issues of life. What is that particular thing that bothers you? Sometimes, the problem is not the problem but the problem is the inability to identify those who have the solution. I am Donald Camsey from Edinburgh United Kingdom and I like to introduce you to Dr. David Ray a man who is come to rescue humanity from all issues of life. Ever since the day I had an encounter with him, that was the day my problem got terminated. When wisdom is blinking, it becomes a word for the wise. I would encourage you to relate whatsoever problem you are facing with Dr. David Ray and be rest assured that with God all things would work together for your good. You can contact Dr. David Ray via email… [email protected] I congratulate you as you do so, indeed you are the next testifier.
There is no doubt; a whole lot of people are still suffering from all manner of issues of life. What is that particular thing that bothers you? Sometimes, the problem is not the problem but the problem is the inability to identify those who have the solution. I am Donald Camsey from Edinburgh United Kingdom and I like to introduce you to Dr. David Ray a man who is come to rescue humanity from all issues of life. Ever since the day I had an encounter with him, that was the day my problem got terminated. When wisdom is blinking, it becomes a word for the wise. I would encourage you to relate whatsoever problem you are facing with Dr. David Ray and be rest assured that with God all things would work together for your good. You can contact Dr. David Ray via email… [email protected] I congratulate you as you do so, indeed you are the next testifier.
my whole life was turning apart and i didn’t know what to do..he moved out of the house and abandoned the kids.. so someone told me about trying spiritual means to get my husband back and introduced me to a prophet ?so i decided to try it reluctantly..although i didn’t believe in all those things? then when he did the special prayers , after 24 HOURS, my husband came back and was pleading..he had realized his mistakes..i just couldn’t believe it.. anyways we are back together now and we are happy..in case anyone needs this man, his email address prophetsalifu// at // g m a i l// dot // com OR
prophetsalifu// at// y a h o o // dot // com, his spells is for a better life.
Friends, Here is my story to the world on how i got my love back and saved my marriage. I really love James so much that i can not even do without. I was married for 7years with 2kids and we lived happily until things started getting ugly and we had fight and argument almost every time… it got worse at a point that he filed for divorce… I tried my best to make him change his mind & stay with me because i love him with all my heart and didn’t want to lose him but everything just proved abortive… He moved out of the house and still went ahead to file for divorce… I pleaded, cried and tried everything but still nothing worked. The breakthrough came when someone introduced me to this wonderful man who eventually helped me out with spell… I have never done things like this before but just decided to try reluctantly because I was desperate and left with no choice… He did special prayers and used herbs… Within two days james called me and was sorry for all the emotional trauma he had cost me, moved back to the house and we continue to live happily, the kids are happy too and we are expecting our third child. I have introduced him to a lot of couples with problems across the world and they have had good news… Just thought I should spread my experience cause I strongly believe someone out there needs it. You can email DR Thomas via (drthomasherbalhome21@gmail. com) Don’t give up just yet, the different between “Ordinary” & “Extra-Ordinary” is the “Extra” so make extra effort to save your marriage/relationship if it’s truly worth it.
Try him anytime, he is the answer to your problems. You can contact him and get your problems solved today! His direct cell number:+2348112060028 you can also add him in whatsapp:+23470
64358629 Email:[email protected]
Why calling men a*****es who leave their wives? Never saw any woman saying woman a w***e when she left her man and kids(either u saty quite of justify it as emotional and financial stress)and ratio is equal.
No wonder why some men treat women like w**r*s, pigs and goats cz some of u really are!
I’m still mind-numbingly shocked that my husband of 21 years, lover of 25, decided he was unhappy in the last year of our marriage and that the best person to tell, fall in love with and have an affair with was my best friend and maid-of-honor. Yes, that actually happens. I was completely blind-sided and although I knew something was up, asked him to go to therapy with me in the fall of 2014 – which he refused, because, as he described AFTER I found out about the affair – he was already “done” and “out of our marraige.” Except he didn’t tell me until the late fall of 2015. So, I’m still trying to figure out, what the eff happened. He moved on so quickly to a new woman this spring. I’m still reeling from the shock.
Try him anytime, he is the answer to your problems. You can contact him and get your problems solved today! His direct cell number:+2348112060028 you can also add him in whatsapp:+23470
64358629 Email:[email protected]
Try him anytime, he is the answer to your problems. You can contact him and get your problems solved today! His direct cell number:+2348112060028 you can also add him in whatsapp:+23470
64358629 Email:[email protected]
Try him anytime, he is the answer to your problems. You can contact him and get your problems solved today! His direct cell number:+2348112060028 you can also add him in whatsapp:+23470
64358629 Email:[email protected]
Thank you Dr anciant for helping me getting my ex back.
[email protected]
o one deserves to be left without an explanation, most relationships that do experience these outcomes only lead me to understand the act of cowardness and narcissist. There is no true reason to leave anyone without an explanation. But the great question comes in, do you really want to spend your life with a coward or someone who will most likely do it again.
I can tell you from first experience, I endured this experience not once, but twice, I was the bread winner of my home, when I met my husband, I knew that, however I accepted him as is and we moved forward in the relationship. We never had children, but we were together for 11 years. A relationship will have always have an issue when one person always has more feeling than the other. Either you learn to accept the relationship as is or simply move on. I constantly read about relationships that men or women walk away and left their home because they were depressed, experienced fights more than the norm, or their feelings changed.
In my case, he simply got burnt out, according to him, the house chores became greater than him, (cutting the lawn). When I heard this excuse, I was truly disappointed. I analyzed and asked myself, is this who I really want to be with? I personally had to change my thinking strategy, become stronger and take care of me first.
The first thing everyone needs to remember is, don’t chase the person who wants out. Let him/her leave. While this person has walked out of your life, do something positive with yours, work on
hi Teresa & Tina,
I’ve been going through it too since July.
20 years & 3 kids and he just walks out on us. Yes, there is a Suzy Home wrecker involved. Stay strong!
I suggest you can get a help from [email protected]
Just know whoever he’s with is not a happy situation. I went through this, and it’s them (the men), they need counseling and it will be a continued cycle, and know, one day he will come back with a real apology and probably want to come back, but that’s another discussion. Stay strong, get in the Word, take care of yourself, your kids and take it a day at a time. But the kicker, start forgiving him so you can really be free, he doesn’t need to take up anymore of your precious time in thought.
Me too. 20 years. 3 kids. No warning. And to justify himself he sends toxic emails basically blaming me of course. And yes there’s someone else. They moved in together in a $million plus rental within a few months because they were ‘considering my kids and finding a place big enough for them to stay over’ . Didn’t consult the kids though, two of which refuse to set foot there (my fault again!). He Bought a brand new car with personalised plates. New clothes and accessories from the best shops, no big W or Kmart for him. Holiday to
Japan with his new woman than cries ‘anxiety’ and hardship when I try to go away for a few days on my own. His parting words as he left just a couple of weeks before his son’s year 12 exams and a month before my 50th birthday. ‘I deserve to be happy. I needed more sex’. So as so many others I am left with no career as I gave it up to have kids, qualifications so old they don’t mean a thing, no self esteem, no family as we migrated,
no time to actually go on a date not that I ever want a man again. Think I might swap sides. Same story folks! Only now do I see how much I was controlled and that I was living with a narcissist all along.
have pass through sure before. but i was introduce to dr.uzaku by a friend of mine. dr.uzaku help me bring back my husband and even gave me a good job
Thank you so much for this. I enjoyed your honesty and humour. Same story, together since 17, numerous affairs and drug addiction. Decides (in the space of three days) that he doesn’t love me anymore and just left, without telling me. I resonated with the ‘realness’ of your writing so thank you for sharing this in a time of gross upheaval.
Hello My Son,
Your details have been gotten and you are so lucky that my oracle has accepted your spell to be casted and now, your details has been placed inside red calabash so that means the spell is ready to be casted. Okay. So my Son, everything has been placed in other I will cast a very powerful spell for you that will make your Ex Lover to love and cherish you again as you so desire in your heart. So Before then, there are some powerful and strong items that are require to cast the items,
1} a six red of deware
2} a cup of water from the spiritual udi? water
3}olive oil from burphu
4} twelve alligator peppers
5} ten red candles
6} a life dove
7} a 7 egg of a vulture
8]adagio spiritual pot
9]a complete back
10] aja divi stepininion water
11} jasaxa olive oil
this items needs to be bought from a specialize items seller of hunter and it will only cost 210 usd only. So once you make the fee reachable to me, I will cast the spell and I assure you that in the next 2days your ex love will call you and come back to you again as you so desire in your heart. Okay. Awaiting your immediate response so as to proceed with your help to bring back your Ex Lover for I found your work so
easy for me to solve compare to the others that I have solved before okay..
Look forward to hear from you soon.
I have similar problem. I am completely shattered by her actions. My wife is not even that remorseful about the relationship. she asked me to “let it go”. she is 41 and I cannot recognize her. It feels like she is a complete stranger to me. It has been 18 months since she left, she has never called me to ask how I’m doing. she texted the most impersonal messages. I’m in shock till i contacted a Spiritual doctor who work energetically with the visitors, coming from all over the world that are suffering from physical, spiritual, mental or emotional illness of all kinds cancer, muscular and bone diseases, AIDS, MS, ALS, heart, kidney, longs, liver diseases, Hashimoto, schizophrenia, depression, thyroid and autoimmune illness ,fertility problems, asthma, allergy’s, alcohol and drug abuse , Illness of the eyes, emotional/ Relationship problems or karmic pain.i text the doctor and explained my pain to him and he mailed me with some things im going to do and take. To my surprise she started calling and his always home every weekend with me and kids. you can text him or give him a call at: [email protected], call at +1 3125668267
My wish right now is that God should continue to bless Dr. ZEBULU for his good works towards the life of those people who are heart broken. My name is SARA and i am from France, it been a while since when my lover attitude changed from being the caring type he has been to not been caring at all. But not long, I later discovered that my lover was having an affair with someone else but just within 48 hours that i contacted Dr. ZEBULU through these detail [email protected] my lover returned back and broke up with the other girl he was having a relationship with.
My husband of 19 years and partner of 25 years doesn’t want to be with me anymore and is saving up for his own place. We have 4 children from 9-20 also. I am beyond blindsided. .I am 100%financially dependent on him. He already has stopped his direct deposits from work and will only put in 50% of his pay into our bank. He expects me to pay my mortgage ,car payment and credit cards that are all in my name myself.He doesnt care if I lose the house or car or that I wont have money for Christmas. He stays out till 4:30 am every night and swears there is nobody else (ya right) says its just to be away from me. I have already begged ,pleaded and basically made a complete fool of myself in the process. This is honestly the most depressing process.If it wasnt for my kids and my small part time job I would stay in bed and cry for a month. Lesson learned everyone don’t drop out of college and make everyone else a bigger priority over you. Whats left if you do, a 41 year old woman with no career or self respect. I’m sure there is light at the end of the tunnel I realize people survive divorce every day. Some have support from family to make it easier and this is something I dont have. Reading this blog and the responses has really shown me that this happens to a lot of people.
Amy I know exactly how you fell. My husband of 24 year left recently. I am devastated. I’m so hurt I can barely function. It helps to know eventally I will be ok, but at the moment I feel like I’m going crazy. Like I won’t be able to get through this.
Amy, I know how you feel. My husband just left me about one month ago for some lady that he plays WOW an online game that lives in Florida and is married, he has never met her yet, we were together for almost 30 years. I am currently taking some high school courses to upgrade (I am 46 years old) so I can go to college and hopefully find a job in this bad economy. I am trying to get a credit card in my name. We have 2 children the oldest is 13 years old. I will be ok once I get through all these courses and find a job in the next couple of years. I am starting to think the hell with him and I don’t really want to be married to him anymore. I will see a lawyer soon.
Terrible advice btw! Horrible.
Thanks for the great article Jenny. You are funny and I am glad to know I’m not alone!! My childhood sweetheart who I adored left me after 8 years together (married for 1.5 years) for his business (so he says). He told me I would never come close to the excitement and passion he has for his businsss (?) but he loves me so much and hopes we can be friends. I am glad you made it through and even though it’s hard and the pain is intense at the moment I know I will too! Xx
Thanks! Great piece. Very real
My childhood sweetheart (from the age of 13) ended our 40 year relationship (33 years married) in May last year. He had found a 15 year younger work colleague who now lives in my 17th century cottage by the sea with my former husband. I worked full time from the age of 19, brought up two lovely children and then together 2 years ago semi retired to the cottage by the sea dream. Both 53 years old he wakes up one Saturday morning, calls me fat and a bag lady, becomes aggressive and unkind over a 4 week period and I end up taking an overdose as I am no-body and worth nothing without him. Finally after I fled back to my elderly parents he ‘reveals’ the love of his life and her 3 children. I did not know I could hurt that much. I was humiliated, embarrased and felt totally alone and lost.
10 months on…. I have a new full time job, am about to complete on a lovely little 2 bed house for me and my two loyal dogs and I am 6 stone lighter. He may, after 40 years, have decided I was a fat bag lady but after 40 years and 10 months I am now a confident, size 14 mother of two and grandma to 1 (with 2 more grandkids arriving this year) and the truth is the pain stays and pops up often but the desire to survive the cruelty and unfairness of his behaviour and actions is much stronger and more important than the pain. I refuse to let that arse hole end my life – and it nearly did. But I’m going to survive and eventually be happy. I am not sure I will ever meet or love any other man but never say never. Any woman going through this kind of pain….. keep your face to the sunshine and the mantra has to be ‘I WILL BE ALRIGHT, I WILL SURVIVE, I WILL LIVE AGAIN’
Thanks Helen. My situation is very similar, 40 years of love then nothing. Younger woman ( divorcee work colleague looking for a man with a good wage – she did well). I still love my husband and can’t imagine a time when I don’t, despite what he has put me through. Pathetic really, but maybe I will move on. We were so close for so long, my whole adult life. We went through so much together and now its like I don’t exist. Its a pretty dark place, but you have shown that things can turn around for some people. I am just 2 weeks in to my nightmare, so its very raw. I am going to take up your mantra. Thank you again.
My husband of 35 years just left me this morning. He swears there is no other woman, he just needs to get away from me. I’m making him “miserable”. I had no Idea he felt this way. Life was going on just as it had been. I’m in shock and can’t believe at age 63 I must go back into the working world. I’m terrified. Perhaps a quick end would be better than whatever years I have left, alone without him.
How are u doing. Going through a divorce after 30 years. He left for another women who is not really anything. It’s been 3 months starting to feel a little better. Hang tough!!
My Husband had an affair last summer. We have known this woman for years they were having the affair while her husband was in the hospital dying. We both attended his funeral i hugged her told her how deeply sorry for her loss. She performed quite well. It wasnt till a few months after did i find the texts on his phone . talking about how she just left the hospital , was home and couldnt wait to be with him. A millions showers could not erase my humilation. I thought we were working this out . As crushed as i was i could not bare to walk away from my thirty year marriage ( we never had kids ) . A few months ago he came home and said i have to have a relationship with her . She is not over her husband yet , but i have to try. WTF!!! He moved out into a rental that belongs to his buddy. He is still paying bills here. Comes back once a week takes care of a few things , then leaves. We are now almost into month 6. All of his belongings are here. Any time i try to ask what intentions are ( enough already). he just says dont start. He thinks he is doing me some kind of favor and is trying to be civil. He says i could have just stopped paying the bills. ( i pay bills also have worked full time for years , he makes more cant stay in my home on my own ).I could have stocked piled the money and just left . Is that what you want? He is waiting on her to make some kind of decision.Im confused and hurt . dont understand what his game is. He has always been a wonderful husband.
This was the first article I’ve read since my husband of 21 years walked out on my daughter and I a week ago. This article made me smile. I have been obsessing about the OW. I know she must be everything I’m not because my husband always said he would never leave unless it was for something better, and that wasn’t possible…yeh. Right. it’s only been a week and we have a long road to go and I just wish I could shout out on social media how much this hurts, how often I’ve cried, how hard it is to see our daughter confused about the devastation and how hard she’s taken this that she told me it has changed her trust in all men. It’s sad for everyone. Except him. Because all he realizes is that he is numb to us and is no longer in love because he has moved on.
My husband of 37 years just told me we were finished two weeks ago. He has, of course a younger woman. I KNOW how much you are hurting. I too have a devastated daughter ( we had her after 19 years married). One minute its cuddles and support, the next it is a cold fish I just don’t know. Yes, he has moved on, but seems not to notice the nightmare left behind. I have found climbing hills and screaming a bit of help. I am worried my constant tears etc are no good at all for my daughter, but I also know holding it all in is just about impossible. Sending you hugs and sisterly understanding.
Yes, Jen…I agree with what you said about ‘it’s sad for everyone. Except him.’ Boy this sounds all too familiar. My husband decided to up and leave after 26 years of marriage. His words ‘I’m not happy’, ‘I have to move on with my life’. REALLY??? Funny how he made it 26 years! Nothing I could say or do would make him change his mind. Now I’m thinking to myself “Shari, it looks like you’re begging him to come back to you…are you really that desperate!” Well, I won’t give him that satisfaction. Now he’s getting a little nervous…I reminded him that HE LEFT ME and that has consequences. I will be taking HALF of everything, and then some…it will be ON MY TERMS since he left me. Hey, bet’s he’s HAPPY now! Not about revenge…it’s about justice.
“I went to Dr. Todd with a heavy heart knowing my girlfriend would never come back. Four weeks and several hundred dollars later she DID come back due to his specialized work. This was after I had already thrown away six thousand dollars on fakes, email manifest spell [email protected] he the best”
Jerry Bernstein
My name is Loreal, I went to Dr. Grea about 2 weeks ago as I was desperate after my MAN of 4years, just left, no note, no text, no explanation, I was in pieces, I contacted Dr. Grea via http://reunifyexlove.webs.com and within a few minutes of talking to him I felt much better, I knew as soon as I started talking with him that he would and indeed could help me, I talked all my situation through with him and he began working for me. I have to say, hand on heart, the next morning when I woke up, I felt great, as if a great weight had been lifted off my shoulders, I told Dr. Grea and he said he wasn’t surprised as he had done a working that night, and something had “lifted” already from me, well, again, hand on heart, things in my life went from strength to strength after I spoke with Dr. Grea and I listened to his advise and he began work for me, it took a few days to bring him back, but it worked and I can’t thank him enough and now we are living together as one big happy family again.Thanks to you Dr. Grea http://reunifyexlove.webs.com I would have no hesitation to recommend him to anybody. If you choose to know more about him contact him http://reunifyexlove.webs.com
My name is Loreal, I went to Dr. Grea about 2 weeks ago as I was desperate after my MAN of 4years, just left, no note, no text, no explanation, I was in pieces, I contacted Dr. Grea via http://reunifyexlove.webs.com and within a few minutes of talking to him I felt much better, I knew as soon as I started talking with him that he would and indeed could help me, I talked all my situation through with him and he began working for me. I have to say, hand on heart, the next morning when I woke up, I felt great, as if a great weight had been lifted off my shoulders, I told Dr. Grea and he said he wasn’t surprised as he had done a working that night, and something had “lifted” already from me, well, again, hand on heart, things in my life went from strength to strength after I spoke with Dr. Grea and I listened to his advise and he began work for me, it took a few days to bring him back, but it worked and I can’t thank him enough and now we are living together as one big happy family again.Thanks to you Dr. Grea http://reunifyexlove.webs.com I would have no hesitation to recommend him to anybody. If you choose to know more about him contact him http://reunifyexlove.webs.com
I so needed this article and comments are great! I am going on week 3 of my husband being gone..after 18 years together! We got together young and we were hooked! I couldnt imagine life without him..we felt so lucky. He had been struggling the past 6 months over a death in his family and was depressed. He refused to seek treatment and i tried to help him everystep of the way, but he kept pulling away. While pulling away he told me he loved me more than anything and that he hoped i’d wait for him to get better. Then he changed the lock code on his phone and i started to wonder..it was so not like him. That same week i saw him texting non stop with a weird grin on his face one night while i was in the next room. I walked in and he set his phone down quickly acting like he was wathching tv. I grabbed his phone and ran into another room..I was in complete shock when i saw the messages. I could not breath and the room begin to spin. I threw him out and comepletely fell apart. After i threw up and pulled myself up off the floor… i looked up our phone bill. THOUSANDS of messages and videos exchanged between them for over 3 months! I went nuts and got all his clothes and belongings out so i didnt have to look at them (think angela besset in waiting to exhlale) but now im left in our home alone with all the sadness and confusion…and sooo many thoughts and questions..he doesnt even care or try to help me to understand. I’m so sad and angry.. I was trying to help and support him and he was getting comfort and an escape from a stranger! To say i am heartbroken is an understatement. I just want to wake up and it all be a bad dream. He’s not even trying to come back, he’s completely checked out of our life and doesnt even seem that sorry. I cant sleep, eat or function normally. I feel like such a fool. Always promised we’d never disrepect each other in such a way. How could the man i believed was the love of my life destroy me like this? We both work full time and didnt have kids yet but planned to…now im stuck picking up the pieces at 36. For us cheating was a deal breaker…so he knew this would end it if i ever found out, but it didnt stop him. And the way he lied for months sneaking around our home saying he was going to bed early..all so he could go text with her?!? How humiliating! He’s a total scum bag and a liar. I feel like i dont even know him. I just hope this pain goes away and that one day this will all make sense. I hate that he could hurt me this bad, but cant picture my life with anyone else. Its such a terrible lonely place to be…it helps to read these and know im not alone. I definitely dont want someone who doesnt want me..i deserve more than that! We all do! They’ll have to live with themselves the rest of their lives knowing they walked away from real love and hurt the one who would never hurt them. We wont! Karma will surely get them:)
Wow. I thought I was the only one to see their husband on the couch with that stupid look on his face while texting some other woman. Then telling me he is just “browsing” the internet on his phone. Yea right. Then yes going to bed early so he can text with her on his tablet. He went on Sunday bought a new car and left to his already set up apartment the next day and did not look back. After 9 years he said I was a bad wife? I did everything for him, often going without so he could have what he wanted. he never got me anything for my birthday or anniversary but then asked me to buy his mom a diamond necklace as a gift for her just out of the blue. WTF? It was probably not for his mom, and I just realized that as I am typing this. Oh and to top it all off, he left every gift I have ever given him in the closet stacked on top of a framed photograph of me turned face down at the bottom and only took what he wanted, leaving me to clean up the rest. What a guy.
I’m going through the sane thing right now Sheila. I know exactly how you feel and it really hurts. This Wednesday will be two week since I found out about my husband’s affair. We reacted the same way. You must be strong like me but not feel so strong at the moment. My heart goes out to you. I’m happy to chat more if you need an ear!!! 🙂
I totally feel for you. All I can say is….my long time husband had two deaths in his family and started a secret affair, I eventually found out about it and made him leave. He never came back to me once he was gone and I eventually divorced him and though he went to live with the other woman, he got sick with cancer and died a couple years later. I think that the guilt of betraying me and loss of me was toxic and it killed him.
When a long time spouse cheats on you, it says more about them than you and your worth. They blew it.
Same story here. Father passed away and all of the sudden he withdrew and blamed it on long hours at work. He was really cheating with a younger coworker who understood him better than I did, apparently. He’s 42 and she is 27. They saved each other. Meanwhile he still carried on with me living a double life. I had no idea until I figured it out. 17 years together and instead of coming to me like a man, he went behind my back. Coward. Said he couldn’t live without her. I moved out. Am I upset, hell yes, my future is now in the balance, but I can’t be married to a liar and a cheat. He’s a real tool! I’m sorry you are going through this mess.
Hola, soy Mirta Quenzada, soy de chile, después de estar en una relación
Con Anderson por años, rompió conmigo, hice todo lo posible
Para traerlo de vuelta, pero todo en vano, yo lo quería de vuelta por lo de la El amor que tengo por él, le supliqué con todo, lo prometo, pero él Rechazado Le expliqué mi problema con mi amiga y me sugirió que
Primero debería ponerse en contacto con un lanzador de conjuros que podría ayudarme a Hechizo para traerlo de vuelta, pero yo soy el tipo que nunca creyó en la magia, yo No tenía más remedio que intentarlo, envía el lanzador de conjuros, y él me dijo que allí No fue ningún problema que todo estará bien antes de tres días que mi ex Vuelve a mí antes de tres días, lanzó el hechizo y, sorprendentemente, En el segundo día era sobre 4h. Mi ex me llamó, yo estaba tan sorprendido, Respondí a la llamada y todo lo que dijo fue que lo sentía mucho por Todo lo que pasó que él quería que volviera a él, él ama Yo tanto Yo estaba tan feliz y fue a él que cómo empezaron a Viven felices de nuevo juntos. Desde entonces, prometo que cualquiera que yo Saber tiene un problema de relación, yo sería de ayuda a tal persona, Refiriéndose a él o ella al único lanzador de hechizos reales y poderosos Que me ayudó con mi propio problema.you puede enviarle si usted necesita su Ayuda en su relación o cualquier otro caso.
1) Hechizos de Amor
2) hechizos amor perdido
3) hechizos de divorcio
4) Conjuros de Matrimonio
5) hechizos de enlace
6) Separación de hechizos
7) Desterrar a un amante pasado.
8.) ¿Quieres ser promocionado en su oficina
9) quiere conocer a su verdadero amante
10) Encanto de buena suerte.
Póngase en contacto con este gran hombre, si usted está teniendo algún problema para una duración solución.
EMAIL: [email protected]
DIRECT / NUMBER WhatsApp +2348111959371
SITIO WEB http://acubespiritualhome.wix.com/dr-tugala#! Instalaciones
Disponibles – Tratamientos / c1182
Dr. Todd,
Thanks for all of your hard work on my case and bringing John back in my life. I have never seen the results from a spell like the ones that I have seen from yours. You truly are the one person that I can count on in my life to be a friend. Mentioning friend, let me tell everyone reading my testimonial.. (manifestspellcast@gmail. com) is more than a friend, he is a person that takes person care of your case. I have been to many different sites (Egyptian sites, and several others) and I have been put off to counselors and several other different people have handled my case, to no avail. When I approached Dr. Todd with my situation I was stunned at the personal service and attention to detail that he gave to my case.
I will be back for more spells soon. Take care Dr. Todd and I will speak with you again soon.
– Kathy
My name is Loreal, I went to Dr. Grea about 2 weeks ago as I was desperate after my MAN of 4years, just left, no note, no text, no explanation, I was in pieces, I contacted Dr. Grea via http://reunifyexlove.webs.com and within a few minutes of talking to him I felt much better, I knew as soon as I started talking with him that he would and indeed could help me, I talked all my situation through with him and he began working for me. I have to say, hand on heart, the next morning when I woke up, I felt great, as if a great weight had been lifted off my shoulders, I told Dr. Grea and he said he wasn’t surprised as he had done a working that night, and something had “lifted” already from me, well, again, hand on heart, things in my life went from strength to strength after I spoke with Dr. Grea and I listened to his advise and he began work for me, it took a few days to bring him back, but it worked and I can’t thank him enough and now we are living together as one big happy family again.Thanks to you Dr. Grea http://reunifyexlove.webs.com I would have no hesitation to recommend him to anybody. If you choose to know more about him contact him http://reunifyexlove.webs.com
Jenny, for the first time in two weeks I have laughed aloud. I so needed to read this. I will be better off in the long run. I have allowed ridiculous behaviour for too long. I deserve better and even at my age, with two kids and not the best salary anymore, I will be ok.
My name is Loreal, I went to Dr. Grea about 2 weeks ago as I was desperate after my MAN of 4years, just left, no note, no text, no explanation, I was in pieces, I contacted Dr. Grea via http://reunifyexlove.webs.com and within a few minutes of talking to him I felt much better, I knew as soon as I started talking with him that he would and indeed could help me, I talked all my situation through with him and he began working for me. I have to say, hand on heart, the next morning when I woke up, I felt great, as if a great weight had been lifted off my shoulders, I told Dr. Grea and he said he wasn’t surprised as he had done a working that night, and something had “lifted” already from me, well, again, hand on heart, things in my life went from strength to strength after I spoke with Dr. Grea and I listened to his advise and he began work for me, it took a few days to bring him back, but it worked and I can’t thank him enough and now we are living together as one big happy family again.Thanks to you Dr. Grea http://reunifyexlove.webs.com I would have no hesitation to recommend him to anybody. If you choose to know more about him contact him http://reunifyexlove.webs.com
I enjoyed your article but feel I am about to explode.
My husband of 45 years left three weeks ago andI feel I could smash his face in with a brick.
I am so angry and upset I am stuck
My heart goes out to you. It is a terrible thing to happen at any age but at our time of life after a long marriage (mine was 47 years) you just question what your life was all about and what on earth the future can hold for you except pain. So many emotions – grief, fear, anger, rejection that it is difficult to cope at all at first. Use your friends, go to a counsellor if you think you are going mad, make sure you eat and sleep as best you can. Early on (mine has been gone 18 months by the way) I found a book called ‘Runaway Husbands’ by Vicki Stark. It’s a bit typical ‘self help’ but I found it immensely comforting to read about the experiences of so many women, how they had felt like me and what they found helpful to heal. The really hard thing to accept is that it really takes time and I just wanted the pain to stop. Well, for me, it has stopped. All I feel now is anger and I try not to waste time on that. Take each day as it comes. Hard as it is to believe, you will survive, you will get better and stronger. Personally, I think I have a big scar that I will always carry, but that doesn’t mean I can’t carry on and look for joy and fulfilment even though I’ve now turned 70. Be strong. You can do it (oh and keep on smashing his face. With me I was hammering in the chest with a stiletto shoe for some reason – oh and then pushing him off a cliff.) You did not deserve this but you will deal with it, believe me.
Thank you so much for the article. I am currently going through mediation towards a divorce after my husband of 22yrs (together 24yrs) decided to leave me for my closest friend of over 22yrs. No need to wonder about what the other woman looks like as we’ve had many years around each other. She was friends with my husband first so I guess she thought it was okay to screw around with him behind my back after she left her husband of 21yrs. There are days when I wake up and I can’t believe that I’m going through all this. I can honestly say that my biggest worry is being able to pay my bills because I was only working part time and I’ve been struggling to find a full time job with only a high school diploma. Most of the time I just want to throat punch him! And kick her in the va jay jay!
Sorry you are in the miserable situation. Does your husband work? Hope you get some financial support from him and mediation does you well!
So my husband told me its over tonight, with such finality. We have been having many arguments over such trivial things, he never wants to hear my opinion on anything & is quick to call me hateful names like stupid & or lazy in said arguments, we have been together for over 14 years & have a 10 and 12 year old. I have been recently diagnosed with an illness and it has affected my ability to do a lot of things, I am not the same person I used to be, I am in pain all the time, & my emotions are like a rollercoaster. Sex has become very painful for me, so I have noticed my husband has been withdrawn & not as “into me” over the last year as he used to be. It seems he doesn’t even care about sex, which is odd because I know he does, he bought a computer for the basement recently and spends most of his time down there now when he gets home from work, its password protected, I accidently touched the mouse one day while down there and he knew I was down there he kept asking me what I was doing on his PC like he had something to hide, like I want to know what he is doing on that, anyway, I feel like over the last few months his attitute has been that of a old highschool boyfriend you might have that wants to break it off but doesn’t want to be the one to do it, you know like treat her like crap get her to go crazy enough to break it off with you. Hateful, really short, uncaring, not nice. And now two arguments, one about me talking to him while he was on the phone w/ his dad about a kitchen project I thought we were planning together, he called me an f-ing retard when he got off the phone (we made up that night) and then 2 days later he comes home sees that I had bought 3 bags of mulch and more paving stones for my flower bed and goes mental and its all out war for 2 hours ending with him saying I can’t do this with you anymore…. me: you mean us? him: yeah, I’m out. Me: Well, I guess I can’t then either. But I litterally have nothing, don’t know what to do, what about the kids?….. and I am left with sinking the feeling the reason he has been coming home almost an hour later than usual the last month has nothing to do with putting in more time in at work and more to do with him putting something into something else…
You say you are sick, in pain all the time and can’t do a lot of things. If that is the case how can you put down pavers and spread mulch or, is that something you were expecting him to do? Maybe he is feeling overwhelmed? Some men don’t handle a wife with health problems very well, it frightens them. As for the lack of sex due to your pain, there are others ways to satisfy each other, other than intercourse. You need to sit him down and talk with him. I have a feeling you are both stressed out due to your illness and neither one is dealing with it productively. Oh and this is just opinion BUT if he had another woman he would surely be spending more than an almost hour with her. He may be working late to avoid the stress at home. A lot of anger and harsh words don’t necessarily mean an affair. It means his is feeling irritable, stressed out and I understand your fear. But, don’t jump the gun until you’ve turned over all stones.
While I’m sure you meant to be helpful in your response, I just would implore you to take a different approach with someone who is in a fragile state.
Without knowing these people, you automatically ‘shamed and blamed’ this woman who is hurting. Please be careful with your words. They are incredibly powerful and can hurt more than you might realize.
Thank you. Oh – and if I misunderstood your response, I’m sorry.
I understand having illnesses and a husband (or a lot of people for that matter) not understanding them. It’s so sad and I’m sorry you have to struggle alone. I’ve had 2 different cancers and about 10 different major health issues right now, but if you were to look at me, you’d think I was perfectly healthy!
My situation mirrors much of yours… it’s all been within the last 7 months or so. One thing I knew was important is to let myself mourn the loss of my 16 year marriage. I actually spent months feeling EVERY emotion possible… which, I think, helped me to finally put it all to rest without a ton of anger or bitterness (which I certainly had plenty of reason for it).
His new girlfriend is 26 (he’s 47), MARRIED, with a little girl, and he used to be her boss for years! Ugh. He’s already cheated on her once.
My point is this: you CAN do it!
I’m left with nothing financially (I stayed home with the kids) and have now started a part time job that I love. We are in the process of all our divorce proceedings now.
Oh – and to top it all off, my (ex)husband is now having horrible PTSD and unexplained seizures (been healthy his whole life). Personally, I think it’s a physical manifestation of the guilt he has.
Be strong. Take one day at a time, one moment if you need to. Breathe deeply. Find something you enjoy doing. And if you have a faith, rely on Jesus throughout the entire process. He is my Rock.
xox Lisa
I wish I could just hit reply and thank Jenny for the advice and sisterhood of all the posts. 30 years together, 25 years married, 4 beautiful amazing children…, 8 months separated and 30+ years to go in my new life one day at a time!
Thanks for this post.
I’m 6 months pregnant and My husband (10 years together, Married 5 of those years) left 2 weeks ago after a disagreement between him & my mom where I sided with my mom. over the last two weeks he has lied about where he was living..stopped answering my phone calls & texts at night time. Stopped touching me or trying to have sex..stopped saying he loved me. When he would call me things seemed normal because we would have conversations like normal and he would pretend that he wanted to see me and our 4 year old on weekends. He also lied & said that he had been seeing a counselor & she made him think about all of the abusive bad things hes done to me.. & how he feels so ashamed of that… Basically saying that maybe we should not be together.
FAST FORWARD to 3 days ago.. I found his location on the find my iphone app.. Drove to the location & BAM. found him and his new girlfriend. He had been living with the girl ever since he left me. He hopped in the car and drove away when he saw it was me. He has lied about the fact that hes cheating on me.He says he is still in love with me.. & i told him we could try to move and work this thing out but he has to leave her home right away. He could not agree to leaving her. It hurts me so badly because he will not admit that he is in love with the girl.
he also blames me for him leaving.says that I think i know everything & I overheard him telling someone that hes tired of trying to fix stuff & would rather just split.
it hurts so bad right now. this guy is the first and only guy ive ever had sex with.. ny everything. &he cant look past my flaws the way i look past his. & now he has a new woman.
idk what im going to do. Part of me wants to ask God to convict him and bring him back to me.. the other part of me does not want a man who would do this to me. We were FINE. we were in love & our relationship was fine even though we needed to work on things. I never in a million years wouldve thought he’d do this to me. I dont know how I can move on.
call this number 2348085138055 and he will help you to resolved your problems ..
wow prophet was the only one that get my husband back after he dumped me and my three kids while i was pregnant and ran with another woman for seven years.email him via prophetluba95@gmail if you need any help and solution
I used to think magic was bogus but after Martin left me I felt open-minded to try it. Maybe I was desperate too. But this is real! You restored the love we had for each other. And now he proposed as you promised he would! I am your friend forever and very grateful for all of this. I will come back again, very soon contact priest ogidiga via email: [email protected] or call his cell phone on +23481882260982.stella from las vegas
Seeking for help on how to fix up your marriage? manifest spell cast @g mail.com is certainly the best, and his result is 100% garantee.
I have been married for seven years, on a very beautiful day like any other, my wife told me that she doesn’t feel loved anymore that she wants a divorce, i was devastated, broken i begged her to listen to me that we can work it out like we always do, but she didn’t listen, she told me that she met someone that loves and understands her, i begged her to consider our kids but she’s did listen.
She left and i was frustrated, i began searching for help and answers, then i heard about a man that can Cast a spell to remind her of all the things we have been through together, at first I was scared then i decided to give it a try, and like magic my wife came back, apology and begging for forgiveness, thanks to this man, I’m posting this to help people with similar issues.
You can contact him for help too.
His whatsapp number: +1 856-475-4478 or his gmail: [email protected].
My partner and I have been trying for a baby for over seven years, Finally i am now a mother now Anyone with this problem should please do contact doctor muna now he will help you too I will only advice every other woman TRYING TO GET PREGNANT or have Fallopian tube issues, pcos and other infertility problem too do their research and don’t base your option only on anyone’s advise, I did and it resulted in waste of money and time. contact Dr muna on his whatsapp number. +2348071660388 because I have discover Dr Muna long time ago and I would have been pregnant earlier if I follow my heart and buy the herbal herbs but I disregard it because of my doctor’s advice and I am annoyed at myself but at the same time I am happy that I made the wise decision by going back to Dr MUNA, for his herbal herbs. Now I am a strong believer of this herbal herbs natural medicine. Thank You.contact Dr muna for bringing this joy into my home am so happy at last am now a mother of twins am the happiest woman on earth thank god i came back for your herbal herbs i no so many marriages out there finding it difficult to conceive i will surely encourage them to have fate and contact you
My husband left me n he didn’t contct me from months i am totally broken i want him back i pray every time i cry everytime plz help what should i do.. Sorry for poor english 🙁
My husband changed dramatically towards me, doesn’t communicate anymore. He disrespects me and accuses me falsely of infidelity because of wicked gossip …but I’m simply AMAZED at the results of this spell Dr Mack performed for me. Everything is going so well and EXACTLY how he said it would be. Even though it took 5 days to fully progress, it was so worth it because things are just about at perfection! How he took my situation and completely turned it around to give me exactly what I wanted is beyond me, but something I will never question and just be completely grateful, God Bless Dr Mack for helping so many people get what their lover back. Dr Mack truly gifted! . you can also contact him for help as well [email protected] …
Get your computer checked to make sure he isn’t hacking into it! Mine did that-was able to quote emails I sent verbatim to a buddy of his. Yes- emails to friends and even my attorney. Find vehicle titles-make copies for yourself. Check insurance-mine cancelled auto and homeowner policies right after we walked out. Yes, I’m going thru divorce from Hell. He’s 73-girlfriend that he left me for is 44….unbelievable.
I need my ex back or you need help to fix your broken marriage,email Dr Sambo now because he is the only one that can truly help you. He help me to get my ex husband back. Dr Sambo is the one person you can count on if truly you need help in your broken relationship. Email Him now divinespellhome @gmail. com
I visited so many website seeking for help, it looked hopeless, until I came in contact with Dr Trust the real man, who helped me to restore my broken marriage. If you’re having similar problem in your marriage, you want your husband or wife to love you again, you have someone you love and you want him or her to love you in return, you are having any challenge in your relationship. Dr Trust SPELL TEMPLE is the solution and answer to your problem, contact him today via Email. Ultimatespellcast@gmail. com or Ultimatespellcast@yahoo. com
How I Got My Ex Husband Back….With the help of (DR.PATRICK)
I was in total despair when I found Dr. Todd. My life was going terrible and I didn’t know if I was coming or going. I had just gone through a rough divorce, wasn’t making enough money to sustain me and my children, and my 17 year old son had just gone to jail for the first time. When I talked to him, I immediately found a sense of peace. He was very honest with me and I could feel that. He also told me that everything would be okay. After my work began, things began to change. My bills were all caught up, the relationship I was in became much stronger, I was never FLAT broke, and my son was released from jail earlier than we expected!! I also completely got over the failed marriage and began to move on. And, received a better position at my job which will cause an $800 per month increase!! I felt completely comfortable with the work that was being done because I was always encouraged by Dr. Todd. manifest spell cast AT gmail. com is the BEST!!!!
I feel bless to be the one to spread this wonderful gospel, i am very grateful to this man Dr PAULSON for helping me get back my husband’ after he abandoned me with two children and went away with another woman for 8 months with pains and tears in my heart I suffered to a point I almost committed suicide. Before the breakup, he stopped eating my food, he even brings the other woman food to my house store in the refrigerator and eat, he abuses even infront of the kids n visitors, he belittles me and see me as good for nothing and anything i do he get mad, i felt as if i was cursed. my friends advised me to let go but i couldn’t because of the love i have for him which was so strong and could even move ten mountains in a speed of light.So i had to seek for help and i saw so many good testimonies about this man Dr paulson and i decide to contact him and explain my problem to him and he assured me of solution. After 4days of my contact with Dr paulson my husband came back with apologies and love that he had never show me before. right now he doesn’t miss breakfast even ensures I give him launch pack, he worships me as his GOD now, bought me a new car and takes the family on vacation frequently, he sings the praises of my beauty on a daily basis.. .Today i am also sharing my testimonies and experience about Dr Paulson which is so amazing and i will never stop testifying his goodworks because that is the much I can do for dr. Paulson…so that whoever that is going through breakup and problem in their relationship should also contact him so he can also help and be a blessing to them .Once again Dr Paulson i am extremely grateful to you and your GOD. Contact::: [email protected]
dr_mack@ yahoo. com…… restored my relationship, my boyfriend came back to me, i took him back and I am now settled with my him ..
If the relationship is really over, learning to let go is important. If you spend months hankering for what has been lost, you may find yourself frozen, unable to move forwards or backward. Try listing all the positive things about your new situation. At first, you may find hardly anything to celebrate. Don’t worry. Concentrate on these and add to your list over time. Gradually you will find that you are more positive about the future as a ‘single again’ than you thought would ever be possible.
When it’s over When you split up, you may find it very hard to let go of your ex-partner. This often happens when one partner is keener to end a relationship than the other. If the relationship is really over, learning to let go is important.
I was hurt my boyfriend whom i love so much left me , i was totally heartbroken until i came across [email protected] who helped me cast a love spell that bring back my ex boyfriend that left me for another…
Please everyone must read this: Dr. Todd is a rare person. He is very kind, and always answered my questions. That’s why I decided to cast a spell with him. When other casters just show interest in getting my money, Dr. Todd listened to my problem. I felt very confident with him, and put a lot of trust in his work. I know if I had no faith, my spell wouldn’t have worked, and not so fast! If you contact TODD, I am sure you will understand what I mean. He is the kindest and the results of his spells are terrific! My story is that I was in love with my boss since I have this job. It’s been almost 3 year. I tried a lot of spells to attract him, make him love me, have an affair etc? A few sex spells worked but love spells didn’t until I found Dr. Todd When I read his first I knew he was different from normal casters who don’t take time to answer. That’s why I decided to ask him to cast a permanent love spell and a marriage spell. 34 days after the spell was cast, my boss sent me an email and invited me to the restaurant to announce me something important! The feeling I had when I opened his message was kinda weird. A mix between happiness, anxiety, and I was shocked by the power of that spell. At the same time, I thought it could be a promotion or a salary boost. Anyway, the dinner was fantastic. Food was great, it was French I think. Before dessert came, he asked me to be his wife!!! This moment was crazy! I felt adrenalin rising and my heart could have explode I think! It was the best day in my life! I must thank Dr. Todd! I recommend him to everyone! e-mail: (manifestspellcast@gmail. com
My husband use to cheat on me with my sister. (yes, I know is hard, but I know I’m not the only one). I will be honest: I wanted revenge. And I got it. Now I’m stepping through a great year of our relationship, and we are planning our next vacations together in Paris!!!. My dearest, you saved my love life, she never interfere with our love ever since you cast your spell. Thanks again Dr. Todd, e-mail: manifest spell cast@gmail. com
My husband who departed from me 2 years ago started calling me and wanted us to get back Dr Sambo love spell made my husband to reconcile with me. When he came back he was all on me kissing and rubbing on me telling me how much he missed me and loves me, Dr Sambo is spectacular in repairing relationship! His work is wonderful, i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. Because i am now happy with my husband. I highly recommending this service for those experiencing difficulties trying to restore there relationship. he is the real deal. you can reach Dr. Sambo his contact details seen below:
divinespellhome @ gmail. com
My situation was hopeless me and my husband was on the verge of divorce. I was in a awful state and felt that I was not able to cope with life any longer. I found out about this Dr Lawrence and tried him. Well, he did return and now we are doing well again, more than ever before. Thank you so much drlawrencespelltemple@gmail. com Thanks and remain Bless
I can’t cope with the pain of my break up. Can’t eat or sleep, I feel depressed. Can’t sleep without the sleeping pills or wine. And to make things worse I think I’m getting addicted to them. How can I make myself feel better and sleep better?
I want to let the world know about Doctor atakuma the Great spell caster that brought back my husband to me when i thought all hope was lost. Doctor Atakuma used his powerful spell to put a smile on my face by bringing back my man with his spell, at first i thought i was dreaming when my husband came back to me on his knees begging me to forgive him and accept him back and even since then he loves me more than i ever expected so i made a vow to my self that i will let the World know about Doctor Atakuma because he is a God sent to solve all kinds of marital problems. Do you have problems in your relationship ? have your partner broke up with you and you still love and want him back ? Do you have problem with your fiance ? or do you need help of any kind then contact Doctor Atakuma today for i give you 100% guarantee that he will help you just as he helped me. Doctor Atakuma’s mail is dr . atakumaoracle @ outlook . com
Thank you to everyone who has commented. I found this site really just needing the support of knowing I’m not the only one going through this. I only hope everyone here has found the light at the end of the tunnel. I am not sure that light will ever come.
My husband made selfish decisions that forced me to leave him a year and a half ago. But I still loved him wholeheartedly. He begged me to take him back. I set us up with counseling, we went on dates, and a few months later he said he was ready to get us back on track. Only problem, he moved in with a. girlfriend. I was devastated. He never mentioned someone else even when the topic came up in counseling. I stopped all communication but still loved him completely.
He never stopped trying to talk to me. He said they broke up and she was moving out.
We went on dates, talked daily, him constantly stating his desire to get us back on track. Then one day I had the urge to look up his social media. They were still together, living together, and she was obviously in love.
I stopped communication. Then he invited me to his new apartment to show me that they were over. We talked and he stated he was done lying as I tested him with difficult questions. We were finally going to get back together, slowly, but it was going to happen. This was two months ago. One week later, he texted me it’s over and we should stop pretending to ourselves. No other explanation, though I’m sure he’s with her. And now he’s really gone.
I never stopped loving him. I still love him. he was my second marriage and third serious relationship where I planned my life with him. I learned lessons from the other relationships that caused me to be independent, such as my initiating the divorce, but emotionally I never expected this from him. I told him about my past and cried to him when we first dates about those relationships and he said he would never do that to me. We wanted all the same things. I never changed but in the end he said we didn’t have anything in common. I don’t think I will ever get over this betrayal and as much as I hate him, I love him. I’m fairly convinced a “good man” does not exist. At one point, he was the best man. I am plagued by the memory and dreams of that man and our live together, what it was and what it was supposed to be. I was blindsided by this. Now I have to tell myself he is dead, that is the only way to shake the pain momentarily. But I know he isn’t. And though I know I will never be able to take him back now, I’ve always just wanted to love someone and be loved in return for the rest of our lives. It doesn’t exist though, does it?
contact [email protected] to help you get your Ex lover back urgently after breakup/divorce
Urgent help to get your ex husband or lover back? contact Eghika via email ineedhelp @ solution4u. com and whatsapp +254795502824
I thought your article insightful. As the ex-husband in the comparable situation (though reversed as far as the wife being the person who left as opposed to the husband), I wonder if you can comment on any differences you perceive in the way a woman should and would react in these types of situations versus a man.
I can’t cope with the pain of my break up. Can’t eat or sleep, I feel depressed. Can’t sleep without the sleeping pills or wine. And to make things worse I think I’m getting addicted to them. How can I make myself feel better and sleep better?
Aaron, you need to see your doctor! He/she can assess you for depression and possibly refer you to someone to talk to about your feelings.
I think you should start . If you know he’s cheating your work is done. What goes around comes around. Focus on your kids. My husband left me and I’m glad he did it was going to happen anyway he has narcissist traits. He is his everything. He took care of his car instead of paying the rent. I don’t need to go further. He was all about him, and after 20 years off and on. I would love to send him a THANK YOU card. Keep Shining!
my husband said he was going for work to “Munich” but came back on the 18th of October 2019 and told me and the kids (boy 14 and 23 girl ) he went to see a woman and wanted to be with her.
After 6 weeks of torment by him, he moved out on the 4th of december.
I am relaxed but
my 14 year old son starts to call bitch and is aggressive towards me…
I am the most happiest woman on earth right now, My husband that left me few months ago just came back to me last night crying for me to take him back. dr.unity is a true and real Psychics He brought back my husband”Here’s his contant if you have any problem. Email him at: Unityspelltemple@gmail. com
Love spell to Win your Man Back from Another Woman, Do not cry anymore dr.unity is a true and real Psychics He brought back my ex husband email him at Unityspelltemple@gmail. com
My Husband Left Me For Another Woman: Can I Get Him Back? I suggest you contact dr Unity He brought back my husband with the help of Voodoo love spell . It Works.
I am the most happiest woman on earth right now, My husband that left me few months ago just came back to me last night crying for me to take him back. dr. unity is a true and real Psychics He brought back my husband”Here’s his contact if you have any problem. Email him at: Unityspelltemple@gmail. com
Thank you! Your words have gave me strength.
My husband left me for a thinner prettier woman
He didn’t leave you for a thinner prettier woman. Men don’t think that way. She offered him sex that he knew was disgusting and wouldn’t be able to get from you. Think about it. If you were going to leave him you don’t think of the other man in terms of is he thinner or better looking than my husband. Somehow the ***ch deliberately made him feel better about himself. It won’t last after all she will start making the same demands you did or even more and he will regret leaving. Don’t be hard on yourself. You have a lot to offer I am sure. Thinner and prettier is relative to the whose looking. Your attractive to someone else. You just haven’t met him yet.
Hello everyone i know there is someone somewhere reading this,My name is Dena Cruz from Leicester city,England,I want to share a great work of a spell caster called Priest Mutaba my husband and i had a fight which led to our divorce but when he left me a part of me left with him and i was to sad and cried all day and night i was searching something online when i saw people testifying about his great work and i just decided to give him a try i did everything he told me to do and he assured me that after 24 hours my husband will come back to me,the next morning to my greatest surprised a car stopped outside my house and it was my husband i’m so happy he can also help you email him at Jacobman41@outlook. com
I want the world to know a great man that is well known as Dr Mutaba, he has the perfect solution to relationship issues and marriage problems. The main reason why i went to Dr Mutaba was for solution on how i can get my husband back was because in recent times i have read some testimonies on the internet which some people has written about Dr Mutaba and i was so pleased and i decided to seek for assistance from him, which he did a perfect job by making my husband to come back to me and beg for forgiveness.I will not stop publishing his name on the net because of the good work he is doing. I will drop his contact for the usefulness of those that needs his help should contact him via email Jacobman41@outlook. com
i will be forever grateful to : Jacobman41@ outlook. com, he did a love spell and my husband came back to me
I am three weeks alone now after 53 years married. I too met my hubby when I was 14. Cried every day until 4 days ago. Something snapped and I decided that I would not waste my tears on someone who did not respect or honor our years together! I have an appointment with a lawyer and will be a strong woman who knows her worth! I hope you can see that in yourself as well. Good luck with your new freedom!
Hi Madeline I’m Irish married to an Australian fella for 21 years only 6 weeks ago he left me we have 2 sons 14 and 18 I am in severe panic mode but I have been proactive in moving forward trying to Increase my income getting more training esp with co vid I am a nurse looking at the value of our home as when we sell it I want to buy a nice small place of my own that’s my goal that’s the lion in me but I have been exhausted don’t sleep well can’t eat lost 8kg so far I am so scared as relied maybe too much on him but to be honest in these 6 weeks I’ve made a lot of changes moving forward but I am very sad tho and my triggers are seeing couples pregnant women happy family days it just triggers me and I breakdown I feel I worked hard for a beautiful home 2 lovely handsome sons who are believe it or not managing and moving on but this is not what I wanted fear is my biggest enemy
get your ex back spell that works,contact. [email protected]
Dr Salem I want to start first by saying a big “thank you” to you . There are a bunch of nuts out there just trying to make a fast buck, but you are genuine! I prayed before I went online that God would send me exactly where I needed to go to find help for my problems concerning my love life.. And I mean I went directly to your site and felt it was the place I needed to be. now my family is reunited and my lover is back to me with masses of love. I’m forever grateful! Dr. Salem is legitimate and his gift is for real. Of that I am certain, Thank you thank you!!! you can contact him on this email: salemmanifestloverspell @ gmail. com or salemmanifestloverspell @ outlook. com
WhatsApp +234 805 397 4975
I feel complete again having my man back in my life again, am happy and thankful to Adu Priest for his powerful love spell, I really do not know how to thank him enough for helping reconcile me and my husband. I advice everyone having relationship issues should contact PRIEST ADU to solve your problem.
Contact DR UGHULU for any types of help you’re in need of. Dr retuned my ex husband back within just 24 hours. Contact him now. WhatsApp: +1(252) 409-1841
hello everyone i am moses
All thanks to ADU priest whose magnificent spell brought back my divorced husband from his mistress within 48 hours with his reunion love spell. visit his web for more information or through his Email (solution temple. info)
Thank you so much Dr Excellent for restoring my broken marriage in 11hours after 2 months of separation.
I’m 37, married for nine years, and a mom to three kids. Two months ago, My husband left me, and it completely broke me. I was heart broken when my husband left me and moved to California to be with another woman. I felt my life was over and my kids thought they would never see their father again. I tried to be strong just for the kids but I could not control the pains that tormented my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because I was really in love with my husband. I have tried many options but he did not come back, until i met a friend that directed me to Dr. Excellent a spell caster, who helped me to bring back my husband after 11hours. Me and my husband are living happily together again, This man is powerful, Contact Dr. Excellent for any kind of spiritual problems or any kind of spell or relationship problems he is capable of making things right for you with no side effect. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to work with the best spell caster. Here his contact. Call/WhatsApp him at: +2348084273514 “Or email him at: [email protected] , His website:https://drexcellentspellcaster.godaddysites.com/
So many things happen in life that seem to be very disgusting and annoying but, we humans fail to understand that,there are forces behind them mostly “spiritual forces” . The case of Mr John Oscar who abandoned his wife and two kids for good three years to make a new home with a wicked woman who was spiritually in control of him is a very good example but,his lovely wife never gave up the fight because she understood the husband was not operating his in his normal senses but,a shadow of him self .
she consulted me and i saw the woman spiritually, using charms on the innocent man . I arrested her powers spiritually and make life very miserable for her and today , Mr John and his wife and kids are happily living together again in their matrimonial home .this is not the time to complain but,act before you loose the relationship finally . contact me now on this email address : akpevenorniwola at gmail .com
i am a spell caster in Arizona , i take care issues that has to do with both physical and spiritual like love spell , treatment for herpes , cancer and money voodoo . feel free to contact me and i will get your problems solved .this is my contact ….. [email protected]
A genuine love Spell Caster that can help you bring back your ex lover contact Dr Uwaifo WhatsApp: +1(315) 277-2762