Though it may seem unlikely in the midst of divorce, or in the early days after the legal proceedings are final, it is possible to create a life you love after divorce.
Here are 7 Guidelines to help you on your way:
1. See your life as having purpose and meaning; there’s more to life than just getting by.
2. Let go of the life you thought you would have or any preconceived notions of what that life should look like; this opens you to the possibilities that will unfold.
3. A spiritual foundation is necessary; don’t try to go it alone.
4. Define a Higher Power that works for you – this Power is available any time you ask, no matter what name you use for the God of your understanding.
5. See the challenges you face as a divorced mom as opportunities for growth and your highest good; solutions are present at the same time that the problems appear if you have eyes to see.
6. A shift in perspective is all that is required to start turning things around.
7. You don’t have to leave the “real world” to be spiritual; walking a spiritual path in the world, rather than escaping from it, is hard but rewarding. There is much joy in parenting, working and the many opportunities available to us today to lead full and rich lives.
I was married for 43 yrs. and I’m 67 yrs. old and facing a Hip Revision Surgery on July 2nd. 2018. I was married to a
Narcissist and have undergone several surgeries. He is not paying much Maintenance support per month and I have
a little social security check. I have no family or friends for support and during my marriage I went to many counselors
(male and female) for help. It did not help me much, he would never go with me, I was told it was me, that I had the
depression and he didn’t need help. Our marriage deteriorated more and more. I’m from another country, from a home,
where I experienced domestic violence and emotional abuse. I met my ex-husband in my hometown, trusted him and
moved to the US after 3 month. I left my Mother and Brother behind, who did not love or support me all my Life.
I left my job and apartment for a Man I trusted and loved and who betrayed me terrible.
I wanted to go back to my Homeland after 2 yrs. being married and ask my Brother and Mother for help to come back,
they refused. My ex-husbands family was never supportive towards me. I wanted to leave my marriage at age 36
(at that time my daughter was 11 yrs. old) but he screamed at me “you can get your ass out of here, but you’ll not get
your daughter). I was afraid and intimidated and did not want my daughter to go trough a divorce of her parents, as I
did, when I was 11 or 12 yrs. old. So I STAYED and lived a life of loneliness (emotional, physicial and sexuell).
What kept me going was my daughter!!!
I went to Domestic Violence Meetings for 4 yrs. and finally got out of this Hell last year