Whether you’re a brand new couple or been together awhile, everyone hits a rut in their dating life. The age old question of “what do you want to do?” that gets thrown back and forth between you and your date till you both feel like you’ve exhausted all ideas on where to go and what to do.
If you’re like me, the same old ideas for date nights get more than mundane. Meeting for drinks at the local crowded pub or a movie night that you can’t talk in are just a few examples of great go-to’s. But what if you want a little something different?
With so many options available out there here are just a few examples on something a little different.
1. Park Photo Shoot
Every city has a park or green space you can head to and take some pictures. Neither of you is a model? Great! Play with the scenery that is before you. Take pictures of each other and some together. No need for an expensive camera. All smartphones take pictures and you’re not publishing them anyways. The pictures will be a great reminder that you know how to loosen up and have fun! Say Cheese.
2. Paint Night or Coloring Night
So you’re not Picasso. Many cities and towns offer a great step-by-step painting and ceramic shops where no experience is necessary. Or maybe painting is not your thing. Coloring books for adults is a huge trend right now. Head to your local bookstore for an amazing selection. Grab your pencil crayons and a spot at your local coffee shop and color away. Try switching pictures half way through and finish off each other’s picture.
4. Care Package Assembly
With so many organizations looking for help these days, it won’t be difficult to find a worthwhile cause to do this for. From local food banks to children’s organizations needing support, you and your date can create a package that you can drop off. Deciding on the cause can be as easy as a quick google search. Local hospitals are always in the need of books for extended care patients. The children’s wing can always use new toys. Just make sure you check on the rules before diving in!
5. Wander the Aisles in the Bookstore
This is a great way to get a conversation going. As you wander the aisles don’t be afraid to ask questions or make comments. If nothing is coming to mind to discuss, move to another aisle. I have actually done this myself and really learned a lot about a potential suitor. We had set aside an hour to meet and discovered that we had gone over that time and ended up spending the entire afternoon discussing common interests.
6. Cooking Classes
There are businesses that cater to busy people. You can sign up for a drop in food prep course in many locations. Together you can prepare a dinner for the two of you for a later date. Making this an excellent lead into another date.
7. Cloud Gazing
Remember as a child you would pick things out of the clouds. You still can! Clouds are still be produced nowadays. Head out to an open space and lay down the blanket. Start looking up at the sky and finding all kinds of shapes and sizes way up there. The scenery is forever changing so there is no shortage of the animals and faces you will see float by you.
8. Tourist in your own Town
Open up a map of your city on the computer. Blindfold one of you and have that person point to a spot on the map. Enlarge it and see what your adventure for the day is. With so many activities going on in some areas, you will be sure to stumble on something interesting. Even if there is nothing going on at that time, you can wander the streets looking at houses or maybe find a new favorite coffee shop or restaurant.
10. Day Time Cemetery Visit
There is some great history at the cemetery, believe it or not. Just from reading the headstones, can you guess what that person was like? See if you can find the earliest date. Take a cue from Ryan Gossling And Eva Mendes!
Date night is about connecting or reconnecting with the person you are with. If it is the first date, it is about learning what you can about the other person. It’s about having some fun. It may be to learn something about the other person if it is early in the relationship. Dating is an important part of any relationship, new or old. It is a time to unwind and laugh together. So relax, smile and let your personality shine through on something with a creative twist.
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Awesome ideas. Awesome article.