The Song Remembers…Even if I Don’t Want To

Heart Disease: As a Single Mom, Are You Taking Care of Your Health?

Divorce Recovery: You Set Your Own Pace!

I Knew Divorce Was Inevitable When He Failed to “Buy my Chairs”

Online community for divorced moms and single mothers, advice on Relationships, Health, Beauty, Sex, Parenting, Finances, Divorce Blogs, Resource Articles and more
Hi! I am a 65-year old grandmother, newlywed for 17 months to my true soulmate. I had to kiss a lot of frogs, and marry a couple of them, to get here. It took 16 years after my last divorce, and some blood, sweat and many tears, to finally come to the place where I could trust, love and marry again.
There is life after divorce, but be prepared to put in the work. It is not easy, but it is necessary for you and your children to fully recover to be able to experience the abundant life God has for you.
God is good. All the time! He is the God of love and forgiveness, and second (or as many as needed!) chances. Divorce is not the unforgivable sin some would have you believe!
Divorced Moms is here to help you with that process. You have taken an important step toward a healthy recovery by clicking on this website. There are great articles on every possible subject concerning divorce recovery for you and your children.
I hope mine will offer you insight, hope, and comfort. I would appreciate your feedback.
You may not see it right now, it may take you 16 or more years to get to a good place again, but with time, work and prayer you will get there. My best advice is to be kind to yourself and gentle with your children.
A very wise woman, Abilene Clark, told it like it is, “You is kind, you is smart, you is important.” Believe it. God bless you!