Online community for divorced moms and single mothers, advice on Relationships, Health, Beauty, Sex, Parenting, Finances, Divorce Blogs, Resource Articles and more
I’m pushing forty, from the midwest but have been living in Paris for the past six years where my three-year-old son was born.
Actually, there was about a one year period of time that I wasn’t in France. I voluntarily took a layoff package, moved everything I owed to Ireland to be with my son’s father because of promises of a happily ever after. Mr. Smug treated me as the cleaning lady, babysitter and the cook from the day I arrived but not as a partner in life and love. So I left.
I’ve recently returned to France with no job, an expired work visa (hopefully in the process of renewal), a very stressed, sad preschooler who no longer understands french and is mad at me for taking him away from his daddy.
I never married my son’s father but I was married once for a short time right after University so I am divorced and also a mom.