Will You Regret Taking Your Husband’s Last Name?

Do You Have a Personal Divorce Support Team?

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Mandy Walker, Divorce Coach, Mediator, CDFA®
Mandy Walker is a divorce coach, mediator and Certified Divorce Financial Analyst®. She is the founder of Since My Divorce … a divorce support blog where she shares advice and insights into every aspect of ending a marriage.
As a coach, Mandy works with men and women throughout the U.S. and beyond to help guide them through the logistics and practicalities of divorce. As a mediator, Mandy works with couples in Colorado who are committed to reaching an agreement and who’d like to avoid spending their child’s college fund on legal fees.
If you are unsure about ending your marriage, Mandy has a free, 10 module program, Is Divorce The Answer that will bring you clarity.
Contact: [email protected]