Margaret Jacobson
Creating balance in life can be tricky on the best of days. Add in the dismantling of a relationship through a separation or divorce that overlays work, family and community, possibly even an underlying health condition or infidelity/affair and the walls can feel like they are crumbling all around you. The intensity of a severing of a relationship is in a sense a forced dark night of the soul.
The logistical nightmare of divorce, legal and otherwise can be overwhelming. The demands of emotional stability that you are striving to provide for either children or your parents to secure THEIR feelings of worry about how you are doing seems more than one can bear. The subtle faces of depression begin to rear their ugly head: increased desire to sleep, over or under eating, stuffing the pain with pharmaceuticals, alcohol or cigarettes.
All of these can leave you feeling very isolated and alone, deeply sad and sometimes angry to the point of wrathful fury.

Self Pleasure & Love: 4 Steps To Enjoying Valentine’s Day as a Single Mom