In the immortal (or should that be Incredible) word of Edna Mode,
I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now.
Edna is one of my favorite Pixar characters. She shares this matter-of-fact tidbit with Helen Parr, during a surprise tet-a-tet with the former Elastigirl.
Sometimes encouragement comes from the strangest places….
A quick glance at my Pinterest board “Divorce Quotes” and my back straightens, my chin is up, and I can face anything.
You can if you think you can!
Ah, the power of positive thinking. Imagine success and you have a greater chance of achieving it. Don’t believe me? Ask Olympic athletes about creative visualization.
The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried.
So true. Experts aren’t born. They are crafted through many failures.
No matter how long the winter, Spring is sure to follow.
My favorite version of “This, too, shall pass.” Even in the darkest hour, I know that this (whatever “this” is) will not last forever. My little daffodils are a living reminder.
I am not needy. I am wanty.
Asking for what you want doesn’t make you a needy person. It makes you an honest person. It takes strength to put yourself out there and subject yourself to another person’s “no”. But if you don’t ask, you’ll never get.
Don’t worry about hard times, because some of the most beautiful things we have in life come from changes or mistakes.
Highs and lows are part of living. Without labor pains we wouldn’t have beautiful babies.
This quote just cracks me up… and reminds me that no one, absolutely NO ONE, makes it through childhood unscathed. We all have issues. Some of us have big, heavy, glossy pages of issues… but we ALL have issues. What does your magazine say about you?
Fireproof doesn’t mean a fire will never come, but that when it comes you’ll be able to withstand it
Do you have faith in yourself to survive the dark times? Look in the mirror. Realize that you have survived every bad day so far. What makes you think you won’t make it through this one?
The sea does not like to be restrained
There is someone inside of you aching to come out. Show her to the world!
If you keep telling the same sad small story, you will keep living the same sad small life. ~ Jean Houston
People spend too much time trying to figure out “who they are”. Rewrite your story to be who you want to become.
It’s not who you are that holds you back. It’s who you think you’re not.
After two failed marriages, I could go in with the attitude that I’m just not marriage material. And with that in the back of my brain, I would be right. But I believe in love, marriage, and connection, so I fully believe that I am worthy of love and someone else will see it that way too.
Be brave enough to start a conversation that matters. ~ Margaret Wheatley
There are doubts in my head, I’ll admit it. What if I had gone along with Husband #2’s plan to stay separated but in contact….. We’d still have monthly visits and I would continue to love him from afar. Having a hard conversation and telling him I didn’t want to be a part-time girlfriend was hard, but now I know where I stand with him. Any man I am in a relationship with will want to be full-time in my life. Now I have the vacancy for that man to apply. Without a meaningful conversation, that space wouldn’t exist.
And, lastly,
She needed a hero, so that’s what she became.
Time to suit up and save my little world.
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