Online community for divorced moms and single mothers, advice on Relationships, Health, Beauty, Sex, Parenting, Finances, Divorce Blogs, Resource Articles and more
I’m a 40-something recent divorcee who survived being married to a compulsive lying cheater. I’d do it all over again because of my amazing daughter I got out of the deal. I try to navigate my way through this game we call Life in the most positive way I can. Friends, therapy, and laughter also help. I recently started living what Brené Brown calls a life of vulnerability, and since starting to do so, I have never been more scared or happy in my life. When I’m not with my daughter, I enjoy hiking, reading, volunteering with the homeless, and spending time with my girlfriends. You can contact me via my blog or Facebook.
You can contact me at : [email protected] or through my Facebook page.