The summer has started off slowly and really, really boring.
Merlot still has a broken ankle. Actually that isn’t true. At our last ortho appointment she was cleared to weight bearing in increments, but she’s scared so she is still hobbling on crutches and hopping around on one foot. I’m starting to panic because I spent my bonus money (which wasn’t much) on plane tickets for the 4 of us to Al’s neck of the woods and we are leaving on 6/24. They were booked the day that her doctor told us the process of walking again would take 8 – 10 days. That was over 10 days ago. Little dude has to step it up so we can have a good vacation. A physical therapist, who is a friend, is coming over on Saturday to see if we can move this along.
It has been rainy for a week, so we are exerting as little energy as possible and mostly binge watching Lost. We are so confused…
On my nights out of the nest, I have worked, slept, then run back to the nest in the morning after Stanley goes to work. I go and see patients a bit then go right back and check on the kids. It has been awesome to spend all this time with them but I am realizing that I may be causing them some psychological harm with my responses to the TV. There was a flashback to a wedding where they introduced the couple as Mr and Mrs. Jack Shephard. My response, as I was chopping veggies in the kitchen
“NO. I HATE THAT. The woman loses her identity completely. That is CRAP! All of a sudden she is just his name. HIS NAME. Her name is gone. Swear you will never do that!”
The little girls are like,
Then, there are many lazy people on Lost. They play golf and lie on the beach and stuff.
One of them has an English accent. So, it might have come out of my mouth, something to the effect of, “everywhere I look there are lazy English wankers.”
There are also endless questions from the little one that I have no idea how to answer anymore.
- What does virgin mean? I have no idea.
- Do they brush their teeth on the island? I don’t know, if they don’t, then yuck.
- Does it hurt to have a baby? Yes, you think you are going to die.
- What if I can never walk again? Then I will kill myself.
- What does lesbian mean and do all of them wear orange and live in jail? NO. How did you see that show?
For real.
Even blogging has seemed a chore. Really I’ve had nothing to say. Al says that I blog best when I’m sad or mad and he, in his eternally optimist way, thinks that means I’m happy. Well, I am happy with him, but mostly I’m bored. Bored with Lost, bored with this eternal rain, bored with being away from my lovah, bored with meeting every physical and emotional need of a crippled 9 year old, even work has been boring. Although tomorrow is a full moon and Friday the 13th to boot, so it is almost guaranteed to be wild in the psych ward.
It got a little lively today with a schizophrenic screaming over and over at the top of her lungs,
“Police, Police!”
Srsly, for like 45 minutes.
She is not my patient, but finally, I bent down and asked her what was wrong.
She said,”Someone stole my car and I need the police.”
I said, in my calmest and most de-escalating voice, “No, you are safe, you are in the hospital, you don’t have your car with you.”
She said,”You don’t know what you are talking about, you STUPID BITCH.”
At least she wasn’t boring.
This weekend I am going to let Merlot have a sleepover with a little girl who is super fun and I hope that she will forget her ankle and get moving. Next week, my lovah is going to visit for a few days and then the week after that we are going to his city hopefully without a boot and crutches. So maybe the boredom is about to end. Until then, I will see if I can be the most confused Lost watcher in the history of Lost watchers. Maybe the sun will come out, too!
Well, bright side, I was invested and confused when Lost was on TV and the ending really pissed me off — so maybe it’ll make you mad and you can blog about it! Srsly, I’d love to hear your thoughts on the ending…purse brick and all.
Susan, if it doesn’t stop raining I will be there soon! It’s crazy! Thanks for reading!