As long as you are in any type of relationship with a narcissist, you can bet the only person who will benefit from that relationship is the narcissist.
I’ve been accused, in the past, of being “disloyal” to my ex-husband when I write about my experiences with him either during the marriage or since the divorce. What some fail to realize is that when you experience divorcing a narcissist, feelings of support and allegiance toward that person are hard to come by, if not impossible.
Any loyalty I owed my ex flew out the window the day he walked away from his family. I have no sense of loyalty toward a person who left me in a truly untenable position with two children to care for and no concern for how his conduct impacted his children or me, their mother. Plus, why would anyone who takes a scorched-earth attitude toward those who loved him think he has the right to claim the protection of confidentiality?
I have to admit, though that it took time for me to realize that I owed my ex-husband NOTHING and that I had more power in our situation than he did.
I spent a couple of years capitulating, attempting to negotiate and fix the problems between us, believing that if I gave respect, I would eventually receive respect. I did what a lot of women who are dealing with the aftermath of divorcing a narcissist. I rolled over and over and over, playing nice doggy, hoping that one day he would rub my belly, begin to co-parent civilly, and we could put all the conflict behind us. You know, for the sake of our children.
What Does Rolling Over Get You?
You get nothing from all the effort you put into being civil with the narcissist. As long as you are in any type of relationship with a narcissist, you can bet the only person who will benefit from that relationship is the narcissist.
A narcissist has an inflated sense of his own importance. In his mind, you are supposed to roll over and often. You rolling over or giving in only cements his belief that he is all important and his needs must be catered to. And his belief that you are to cater to him only gets you more of the same emotional abuse you suffered in the marriage.
You roll over expecting a positive return on your emotional investment in your post-divorce relationship with the narcissist. A sensible expectation to have! He has his own expectations…you do as he feels you should do. Take it from me; his expectations will be met before yours if you continue to roll over.
Things You Should Not Expect When Divorcing a Narcissist:
1. Civil discourse.
He doesn’t have it in him, let go of expecting him to converse with you as if you are an equal. To feel good about himself, he has to treat you as if you are beneath him. Don’t buy into it!
Behind his mask of superiority lies a fragile self-esteem, vulnerable to the slightest criticism. He knows it, you know it but humbling himself and admitting it would be tantamount to emotional destruction for him. Take it from me; he will attempt to destroy you emotionally to keep from having to face his own emotional frailties.
He can’t feel good about himself unless he actively tries to make you feel bad about yourself. Every email you receive, every conversation you have will be him focusing on putting you down. Your best defense against his degradation is a “whatever” attitude. If he is nasty in an email, don’t respond. If he is disrespectful face to face, shrug your shoulders and walk away.
2. Healthy Co-Parenting.
This isn’t going to happen. The narcissist can’t separate his relationship with his children from his relationship with you. In his mind, you and the children are one package. And he has no qualms about using his children to further destroy you emotionally and financially.
The narcissist views his children as objects to be used to further his own agenda. This makes it impossible for him to engage in healthy co-parenting. He is a fine father if those objects (his children) fit into his agenda or reflect positively upon him. When those objects no longer fit into his agenda…when he moves onto another relationship, remarries, and needs to focus on his step-children or suffers the wrath of his own children after mistreatment, WATCH OUT. This is when your children will begin to feel the full force of his narcissistic abuse.
This is also when you have to put your guard up. It will be your place to guard your children’s hearts against the damage a narcissistic father can do. You are the healthy parent, the parent who will teach them what unconditional love is. The parent who will teach them their value by role modeling how to respond to those who do them emotional harm. The parent who will keep them from becoming adults with fragile self-esteem and emotional vulnerabilities. You are your children’s only defense against the narcissist. On Guard!
3. Concern for Your Well-Being.
Once you stop feeding the narcissist’s ego, your needs and the needs of his children become inconsequential to him. I’ve been divorced from my ex-husband for 14 years. Our sons were 7 and 14 when we divorced. Their father has not once shown concern for whether or not they have what they need since we divorced. No phone calls or emails asking, “Can I do anything for you, son,” or, “I’m here for you if you need me, son.”
I had custody of our children, due to this, in his mind, they were an extension of me, the woman he wanted to be destroyed. They became collateral damage in the war he waged against me.
Our youngest is now 21 and experiencing health problems. The other day I called my ex and left him a message…”Alan needs you, can you call?” I got no response. I expected no response, but the opportunity came up for him to do something for his child and the choice of whether to take that opportunity was his to make. He did as I expected, but by reaching out, I took away any ability he had to blame his children or me for the distance between him and his children.
My ex-husband’s refusal to respond when his child was in need is an example of the total lack of empathy that is characteristic in narcissistic personality disorder. I’m sure that if you asked, my ex-husband would tell you he has, over the years, attempted to have a relationship with his children.
My children would tell you that the total of ten years of no contact from him does not feel like an attempt by him to have a relationship with them. The narcissist doesn’t care about how someone else perceives a situation. Their perception of the situation is the only perception that is valid. They don’t care about the thoughts and feelings of others and are unable to listen to, validate, understand or support others.
My ex-husband and all narcissists are not capable of stepping outside themselves and seeing a situation from the other person’s perspective. The world revolves around them and their feelings, and due to that, others aren’t allowed to feel, unless of course, they are expressing concern for the narcissist’s feelings.
The narcissist, my ex-husband, for example, can’t view ten years of no contact with a child as abandonment or abuse because those ten years are not about his children, they are about him. And I’m certain that a narcissist would find it highly offensive that a child would not express concern for the narcissist rather than expect a show of concern from the narcissist.
Outfoxing the Narcissist:
You will never be as cunning as the narcissist. You can’t outfox him. You may be crafty, clever, and shrewd, but you also have the ability to empathize with others, and it is that pesky aspect of your personality that will keep you from ever being able to outsmart the narcissist if you engage in conflict with him.
The only way to get one over on the narcissist during divorce is to disengage, distance yourself, and don’t feed the tiger. As I said before, have no expectations of the narcissist. But the big one, the one I struggled with myself, was the need to do something, to find a solution, to fix the problems between him and me for the sake of our children.
Few things are as emotionally painful or produce as much fear and anxiety as being in a high-conflict relationship with a narcissist. It is the emotional pain, fear, and anxiety that spurs you into action, attempting to fix the situation. After all, how are you ever going to have peace of mind and heart again if the situation isn’t fixed?
No matter how much you try to fix him, outsmart him, or stay one step ahead of him, the narcissist will always trump, one-up, escalate and create more damage in response. To stop the continued emotional damage to yourself and your children, you have to exit the stage, step out of the ring and take back your power by letting go of your need to fix the problem.
When you do that, you show the narcissist who is in control of YOUR life. You show the narcissist that no one has power over how you live your life, and the narcissist is completely out of his league when faced with true power…especially YOUR power over his ability to cause you pain, fear, and anxiety.
FAQs About Divorcing A Narcissist:
Should I give in to a narcissist to save my marriage?
You will only end up reinforcing his beliefs that he is superior to you and his needs come first if you give in to a narcissist in an attempt to save your marriage. A narcissist will never stop emotionally abusing you no matter how submissive you become.
Can I have a decent conversation with a narcissist?
You can never have a decent conversation with a narcissist because he doesn’t treat you as an equal partner. He will keep on debasing you and make you feel insufficient so he can manipulate you to satisfy his narcissistic needs.
Do narcissists believe they are superior to those around them?
The very existence of a narcissist rests upon his need to feel superior to others. He cannot take slightest of criticism because it hurts his fragile self-esteem—masked under his false sense of superiority. He will gaslight you, manipulate you emotionally just to keep himself from facing his own emotional frailties.
How to deal with a narcissist when he is disrespectful?
Walk away without falling for an argument when a narcissist shows disrespect. Narcissists show disrespect deliberately to draw you in an argument you can’t win. They feed on your frustration and will not leave any stone unturned to make you feel miserable. Don’t respond to his nasty remarks either in writing or face to face.
Do narcissistic men use their children against their spouses?
Narcissists are known to use children as pawns against their spouses. They consider you and your children as one package and will not spare any opportunity to draw them in a conflict to harm you emotionally or financially.
Are narcissists healthy co-parents?
Narcissists can never become healthy co-parents because of their need to feel superior and manipulate everyone around them. A narcissist is a father as long as he can use children to his own advantage—either to feel good or make you feel bad.
Should I take steps to protect my children from their narcissistic father?
You have to protect your children from their narcissistic father, who will eventually damage their emotional health. You need to understand the challenge and teach your children the virtues of unconditional love, besides protecting them against developing a fragile self-esteem and emotional vulnerabilities.
When does a narcissist stop taking care of his family?
As soon as you stop feeding his narcissistic ego, a narcissist will stop caring for his family. A family is more like a business relationship for a narcissist, which ends when you put an end to manipulation.
Do narcissists ever see a situation from others perspective?
Narcissists are not brought up to see the situation from others perspective. A narcissist will cease to exist if he cares for others because his only purpose in life is to manipulate those around him.
How do I outsmart a narcissist?
Don’t try to outsmart a narcissist because you did not grow up perfecting the art of manipulation. You are brought up as a normal human being and carry emotions like empathy and love. These aspects of your personality will put you at a disadvantage if you try to outsmart a narcissist.
How to deal with a narcissistic husband during divorce?
Keep your emotional health in check and remain consistent in maintaining a policy of disengagement and distance with your narcissistic husband during divorce.
Very good article that defines so much of what I’ve beengoing through and needed some definitions for but kept resisting that one I found so often when looking for answers — narcissist — really fits though and so time to see it for what it is and try to retrieve what’s left after so much and so many attempts like the ones listed in the article, really disengagement totally agree with.
For sure no one can deny that, in every place you visit, there would and always be a certain kind of useless,ignorant… people who only look for money , like if they were raised on money, its a mist be aware of them. Yet we know that there are good people also , who can offer help and hosting without paying to them. The common ideas or stereotypes are that if someone approches you means he or she wants money, be careful cause sometimes you missunderstand and judge directly.
for any help contact me on [email protected]
see you.
I have been hunting for someone who is or has been living a nightmare regarding a ex-husband who treats his ex-wife and children as described above. My ex-husband has spent over one million dollars in an attempt to destroy me and pin me against my children. I have been divorced from this man since 1981. My husband left and I raised my two boys by myself. No contact for 26 years until after 9/11 as a NYC Fireman decides he has children and wants to walk in the door of our lives as if “Daddy’s Home”. When the boys don’t respond because they don’t know him he blames me that I poisioned them. My oldest boy has various disabilities and does not speak.
In 2007, 2013 in two NY courts my ex-husband tried to claim I was a very bad legal guradian over my son’s personal needs and attempted to destroy me to gain guardianship. Both times he did not succeed. However he did promise me he would spend every penny he owns to destroy me, my reputation and gain legal guradianship over my son who has disabilities.
Now we moved to another state and he is attempting the same to gain guardianship. My ex-husband is similar to Hitler. Yes he caputured the attention of the attorneys and JUDGE, all listened to his lies and as I have come to understatand he has paid them “LUNCH MONEY”. Now I am in the fight of my life to retain legal guardianship over my disabled son and it is costing money I don’t have in legal fees.
Why would my ex-husband want to gain legal guardianship when he has not seen his son for years, is failing in health with a pacemaker and heart attack under his belt and in up there in years? Because he is a Narcissist. He needs to be right. He needs to justify to himself and other by proving he was right to have left us early on because of me. He needs to show others he is right and I am wrong. He needs to prove to his other son he is justified in his actions and all will be right in the world.
What he can’t see is our son with the disabilities was never to live past age 5. After much research by medical doctors and my daily caretaking we were able to have him survive and live a quality of life. Now 40 years old the JUDGE listening to the ex-husband’s made up lies has banned me from my son and refuses to allow his brother to see him. The Narcissist ex-husband must have paid a high fee for this privilage of now being named as Temporary Guardian.
I have not spoken to my ex-husband for years. Have live 3,000 miles away and he is able to lie to the courts and attorneys with the most outstanding made up stories. Who knows where this will end as I have no clue.
All I can say is run, run as fast as you can from a person you suspect is a NARCISSISTIC &*%# and never look back because they need to be right and justify their actions until they depart this world. My take on this is it is a form of Domestic Violence. The continued need to control a person and set of circumstances. Especially if the person who left was able to build an empire and make lots of money. Now for sport he returns to control us.
Thank you for the article above it gave me peace of mind knowing I am not alone.
Wow! I thought my situation was bad! I’m so very sorry to hear about your special needs boy! My 2 year old is special needs and I’m considering court action against my ex husband to stop the verbal and emotional abuse. My health is starting to deteriorate because of him and I don’t want to give him that control!! I often wonder how amazing things would be if he decided not to see his son ever again, I’m kind of thinking it might be a good thing for both of us. I feel so trapped – I honestly wouldn’t want to wish this upon anyone!!
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Your point of view caught my eye and was very interesting. Thanks. I have a question for you.