How To Take The War Out Of Divorce

8 Reasons Smart Women Are Staying Single

28 Marriage Deal Breakers

Intimacy After Divorce: 5 Reasons It’s What You Should Be Doing!

Why Don’t Divorced Dads Turn To Each Other For Support Like Divorced Moms Do?

Online community for divorced moms and single mothers, advice on Relationships, Health, Beauty, Sex, Parenting, Finances, Divorce Blogs, Resource Articles and more
My name is Fredricka but my friends and family call me Freddie. I’m German born but, American bred. My family immigrated to America when I was 10 and we settled in Boston. At 21 I married my college sweetheart and began what I thought would be my “happily ever after.” He was in medical school and I worked full-time as a Process Engineer at a local Boston firm. After 7 years of marriage, when I was 8 months pregnant, my husband met and fell in love with a Nurse where he was doing his residency. And that is when life changed on a dime.
I survived the loss of my marriage, I’ve healed from the infidelity and I’m now in the process of carving out a new life path for myself and my daughter. I’m now attending BYU, working on my Master’s in clinical psychology. My divorce and the adversity that caused helped me find a new passion. It’s my hope to one day save marriages via clinic work with families in trouble.
My daughter is now 2-years-old and the light of my life. When I’m not at school, she takes up most of my time. Single parenting isn’t easy but, she and I have a strong bond that I don’t think would be there if not for the divorce. I guess you could say, weathering that storm together helped us stick like glue. I thought my life was over when he left. Now I know, it was just beginning.