The days of women believing that they have to settle for less than they need in a marriage are long gone. We live in an age of, “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.” Women cheat often and are catching up to men when it comes to statistics on cheating in marriage.
Although women remain the spouse who is more emotionally invested in the success of a marriage, meaning, they want to feel desirable, wanted and like they have redeeming qualities that their husbands admire, they are less likely to hold themselves to higher standards in modern America.
Men have been cheating since the beginning of time, it seems some women have come to believe that old adage, “if you can’t beat them, join them. When it comes to infidelity, these days, it’s tit-for-tat.
It’s quite phenomenal how far women have come in this world, from women’s lib, entering the workforce, becoming professionals, breadwinners of the family, and now getting their needs met; even if it means going outside their marriage.
You may not agree, may believe there is no excuse for cheating but, here are 8 real reasons, real women give for straying and finding sexual and emotional comfort with another man.
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