Got dumped?
It happens to the best of us. So he did not appreciate your awesomeness. And now you are back at the relationship drawing board. At first starting over may seem disheartening. Disappointing. Annoying! But the time following a breakup is no time to wallow in sadness. Instead, take advantage of this gift of opportunity and use it to rediscover and re-evaluate what YOU are looking for in a partner. Chances are if you find yourself suddenly single, the reasons for your recent status change are legitimate. Here are seven suggestions to help move on after a split.
1. Have a threesome. With Ben and Jerry. But make it a one-night stand, not the beginning of a long-term relationship. Everyone is entitled to self-soothe, and what better way than with a pint of Chocolate Therapy or a bowl of Hazed and Confused to mirror how you feel after a split. But do not, and I repeat, DO NOT become a Chunky Monkey over some dude. He’s Just. Not. Worth. It. Recall the Pineapple Passionfruit you are and save your spice for a guy who wholeheartedly desires you and you him.
2. Throw a party. A pity-party. Call your girlfriends. Meet them for lunch. Pour your heart out Brenda Walsh style. Girlfriends are the BEST for giving you props, reminding you that guy never deserved you, and how someone better out there is waiting. Believe them – because they are right. Listen to the stories. They have been through all the same and more. Surely they can offer a word or thousands on the subject.
3. Drop your drawers. Lose the mourner’s sweatpants FAST. Dress as if today is the day you will meet the love of your life or Brad Pitt because it just may be that day! Remember, clothing, hair, and makeup is not what attract a great guy. It is the confidence and vitality you exude when feeling good. Guaranteed if you look and feel your best the world will take notice.
4. Point a finger. At your phone and start scrolling through your contacts. Reinvigorate your social calendar by reaching out to the guys you put on the back burner while otherwise engaged and start cooking with gas. Before you know your fire will be lit and your love life will be simmering once again.
5. Take a trip. An ego trip. Reach out to those who adore you. Past flings, loves, and those who hold a special place in your heart and you in theirs. Learn how to accept a compliment and know you deserve each and every one bestowed.
6. Go hunting. But be sure to break out your strongest arsenal before you go — a slinky dress, heels, and your sexiest smile. Fake it at first if you must. Online dating, a singles event, mixer, Meetup, girls night out, and any social event on the calendar is now a date with your destiny.
7. Turn the corner. Because you never know what is around the bend. Life is full of surprises. With every relationship we learn and grow. Even though we may one day come full circle, we are older and wiser from the journey. And no matter how many times we behold it, no view from a mountaintop ever looks the same.
I LOVE this advice! Yes Yes and YESSSSSS! No sweats, live fabulously, and fearlessly. Maybe you won’t feel that way at first, but if you act it and live it anyway, some day those feelings will follow your behavior. And yes, a pitty party and fattening comfort foods are A-OK. I also indulge in chick-lit fun books, a lot of Sex In The City episodes, and anything else that will help lift my spirits. I also like the idea of a “divorce” or “break-up party” with your friends. Hey, why not? Well written, fun article.
Thanks for reading, Lizzy!